Ironbound Archipelago

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Ironbound Archipelago

Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 180

The Ironbound Archipelago is a network of islands in the Steaming Sea off the north-western coast of Avistan. It consists of a chain of islands over 300 miles long. There are often considered to be thirteen major islands (if Mordant Spire is included), and countless minor ones. While many of the islands are uninhabited, some support sizeable communities.

The northernmost islands are generally claimed by various Linnorm Kings, though the number varies over history since islands often regain independence when a Linnorm King dies. The Linnorm Kingdom of the Ironbound Islands consists of five of the main islands and numerous smaller ones.12 The awakened Runelord Belimarius, one of the leaders of the recently formed nation of New Thassilon, has claimed some of the other islands,3 including Chakikoth Isle, site of the former capital of Belimarius's Thassilonian realm of Edasseril.4

The inhabitants of the rest are dour and independently-minded people who want only to be left alone. They survive mainly because their barren islands are not worth the trouble of conquering. If raiders approach, they either defend the steep cliffs or hide in the mountains.2


From north to south, the main islands are:

Ironbound Islands

Isles claimed by New Thassilon or remaining independent

Other isles


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