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Lucian Thrune

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Lucian Thrune

Animal Companion
Source: Dance of the Damned, pg(s). 34–35

Captain Lucian Thrune is a Chelaxian noble and member of the ruling House Thrune. He is known for being haughty even for a Thrune, for his attractive appearance and incessant self-promotion, and for his risk-avoidant nature.1


Lucian is a tall human man with pale skin, black hair, and a handsome demeanor.2


Lucian had an aunt, and was especially fond of her when he was a child.3


Lucian has a jann servant named Zorumar who was ritually bound to Lucian by a Katapeshi family friend. Zorumar cannot knowingly travel more than a mile from Lucia, use magic except to create food and water, or act in way against Lucian or to escape his servitude.4

During his service against the Glorious Reclamation, Lucian was also assigned the erinyes Elulae as a scout5 and the host devil Azmagort as a servant whose contract was set to expire at the end of 4716 AR.3


Lucian served as commander of Chelaxian forces at Menador Keep during the Glorious Reclamation's insurgency in 4716 AR. As a commander, he was known more for his grandstanding than his tactics. His decision to enter military service and actions during the conflict were motivated more by his desire to improve his political reputation than any sense of duty.1


Lucian owns a bejeweled magical dagger passed down to him as a family heirloom, though he does not consider it to be sufficiently useful to carry it with him.5

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Although he is a horseback-trained cavalier, he prefers wyverns and personally trained the wyvern Zailosorn from a hatchling to serve as his battle mount. When engaged in combat while riding Zailosorn, he often attacks foes of Asmodeus or non-humans. He especially despises free halflings, an ancestry he believed must all be enslaved.

He had enough wealth to carry several fashionable outfits, expensive items, and expensive brandy into a war zone, but his most emotionally valued object is a carved wooden figurine of a wyvern inscribed "To Luci, with love," which was a gift from his aunt.6


  1. 1.0 1.1 Richard Pett. “Dance of the Damned” in Dance of the Damned, 34–35. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. Richard Pett. “Dance of the Damned” in Dance of the Damned, 34. Paizo Inc., 2015
  3. 3.0 3.1 Richard Pett. “Dance of the Damned” in Dance of the Damned, 35. Paizo Inc., 2015
  4. Richard Pett. “Dance of the Damned” in Dance of the Damned, 32. Paizo Inc., 2015
  5. 5.0 5.1 Richard Pett. “Dance of the Damned” in Dance of the Damned, 33. Paizo Inc., 2015
  6. Richard Pett. “Dance of the Damned” in Dance of the Damned, 35–36. Paizo Inc., 2015