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Glorious Reclamation

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Glorious Reclamation
Glorious Reclamation

Knightly order
Reclaiming Cheliax from House Thrune and restoring the worship of Iomedae
Regional (Isger, southeast Cheliax)
Followers of Iomedae
Source: Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, pg(s). 8
Oppian Nevilindor, a knight of the Glorious Reclamation, bears a shield and armor with the order's symbol: a sword in front of a shining light.

The Glorious Reclamation was an order of zealous Iomedaean knights in Cheliax who were responsible for recovering an Iomedaean artifact, the Heart's Edge, from the Hellknight Order of the Godclaw in 4715 AR.31 The order soon fostered a rebellion against the empire in southeastern Cheliax,4 seizing Citadel Dinyar from the Hellknight Order of the Godclaw and eventually targeting Westcrown for liberation.5


The Glorious Reclamation was founded and led by the paladin Lord Marshal Alexeara Cansellarion. The order was structured as a military force comprised of Iomedaean followers.1


See also: Category:Glorious Reclamation/Members

Demise and aftermath

House Thrune and the church of Asmodeus defeated the Glorious Reclamation in 4716 AR and publicly executed its leaders.7 House Thrune's efforts were greatly aided by the work of Archcountess Levisvia Vasvion of Egorian, who rooted out traitors and marshaled forces against the Glorious Reclamation.8

However, Cheliax's focus on the Reclamation contributed to the success of the simultaneous Kintargan Rebellion that ended with the secession of the Archduchy of Ravounel into the independent nation of Ravounel that same year.981011 Cheliax engaged in aggressive redaction and propaganda efforts after the Glorious Reclamation that suppressed or destroyed many sources of information about these events, and by 4722 AR details about the Glorious Reclamation had become sparse, particularly within Old Cheliax.12

Despite being led by Iomedeans, Cheliax did not outlaw the worship of Iomedae after destroying the rebellion. However, agents of House Thrune increased their surveillance of Iomedean orders within Cheliax.8 Queen Abrogail Thrune II ordered the deaths of the Iomedean church in Egorian for sedition after entrapping them in a legal dispute over her deceptive gift of the Heart's Edge to them, killing some of them herself with the sword and executing Iomedean protestors of her actions. As of 4720 AR, she kept the Heart's Edge at her throne still coated with its victims' blood.13

As of 4720 AR, a church to Iomedae in Westcrown destroyed by fire during the Glorious Reclamation had become a safe house of the Bellflower Network.14

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In 4721 AR, minor Thrune noble Aydrian Thrune enacted a plan to detain Pathfinder Society Venture-Captain Varian Jeggare and Glorious Reclamation survivor Sabina Malatesta, who was a trustworthy contact of Jeggare.6 The Society was successful in rescuing Malatesta,15 then recovered Jeggare, thwarting Aydrian Thrune's plans.16


Paizo published a major article about the Glorious Reclamation in The Hellfire Compact.

Rob McCreary discusses the real-world historical influences on the Glorious Reclamation in the foreword of Scourge of the Godclaw.

For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Adam Daigle & Robert G. McCreary. “Character Tips” in Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide, 10. Paizo Inc., 2016
  2. James Jacobs. “Character Tips” in Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, 4. Paizo Inc., 2015
  3. James Jacobs. “Coming Together” in Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, 3. Paizo Inc., 2015
  4. James Jacobs. “Reasons to Protest” in Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, 9. Paizo Inc., 2015
  5. Amber E. Scott. “Breaking the Bones of Hell” in Breaking the Bones of Hell, 6. Paizo Inc., 2016
  6. 6.0 6.1 Joseph Blomquist. The Devil-Wrought Disappearance, 3. Paizo Inc., 2021
  7. Erik Mona, et al. Old Cheliax” in World Guide, 99. Paizo Inc., 2019
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Erik Mona, et al. Old Cheliax” in World Guide, 100. Paizo Inc., 2019
  9. Logan Bonner, et al. “Age of Lost Omens” in GM Core, 153. Paizo Inc., 2023
  10. Ron Lundeen. Abrogail Thrune II” in Legends, 8. Paizo Inc., 2020
  11. This refers to the events of the Hell's Vengeance Pathfinder Adventure Path, an outcome of which was later canonized by World Guide 99–100.
  12. Rigby Bendele, et al. “What People Know” in Travel Guide, 73. Paizo Inc., 2022
  13. Ron Lundeen. Abrogail Thrune II” in Legends, 9. Paizo Inc., 2020
  14. Nicolas Hornyak. Magdelena and Martum Fallows” in Legends, 86. Paizo Inc., 2020
  15. This refers to the events of The Devil-Wrought Disappearance, which were canonized in The Locked Lodge 3.
  16. This refers to the events of The Locked Lodge, which are canonized in The Burning of Greensteeples.