Sultana's Palace

From PathfinderWiki

The Sultana's Palace towers above the other buildings of the Noble Quarter in the ifrit capital of Medina Mudii'a and is the home of Grand Sultana Ayasellah Mihelar Khalidlah II, Lady of Flame and Khan of Magma. The Sultana's Palace is truly vast and houses not only the sultana and her enormous court, but also thousands of additional advisors, ambassadors, clerks, and messengers who keep the wheels of government turning.

There is a constant stream of courtiers back and forth between the Sultana's Palace and the Vizier's Palace, home of Grand Vizier Abdul-Qawi. While this is nominally to coordinate their co-rule of Medina Mudii'a, in actuality it is as much about fueling the endlessly scheming, back-biting, and political rivalry between the two rulers.1
