Talk:Menhemes family

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Connection to House Menhemes in Absalom

Absalom, City of Lost Omens (pp 62, 225, 350, perhaps other pages I missed in my physical copy) describes House Menhemes as an influential Osirian noble family who arrived in Absalom with the Cult of the Hawk (which arrived in 1997 AR, well before Aesephna Menhemes's time). The noble family has its own Absalom-based Menhemes Manor in Westgate which also has a 2000+ year history museum (p 350). This is presumably the same family as the Menhemes family, but it appears unclear how much connection the Menhemes in Absalom has to the Menhemes in Otari. The only named member of House Menhemes I could find in the book, Scion Lord Rogren Sphairo (currently feuding with Dhauken Tor), lacks the Menhemes surname. Are there any other sources that establish a connection between these Menhemes families? -Ravenstone (talk) 18:24, 23 March 2025 (UTC)

The Menhemes family residing in Otari are the descendants of Aesephna Menhemes, who founded the town alongside two other Roseguards. All members of this adventuring group came from one of the hunting lodges of Absalom, therefore it is highly likely to be the same noble family. Although there doesn't appear to be any explicitly canon modern-day connection or contact between the Menhemes in Otari and their relatives outside the logging town. The only other mentions of the Menhemes family I'm aware of are within the three Abomination Vaults adventure path books. --Rexert (talk) 06:20, 24 March 2025 (UTC)
Oseph Menhemes also appears in the 2E Beginner Box adventure, and the Otari sample settlement statblock in GM Core/2E Gamemastery Guide; no further insight there over Abomination Vaults. Rogren Sphairo appears in Guide to Absalom with no additional info over Absalom, CIty of Lost Omens. None of these sources clarify anything about a potential connection between the Otari Menhemes and the Absalom noble house. -Oznogon (talk) 19:47, 24 March 2025 (UTC)