Ayin Lun

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Ayin Lun

Source: Rival Academies, pg(s). 14

Ayin Lun is a long-lost ruined city in northern Mendev that had been overridden by undead in generations past. Survivors of the city erased all records of the city after its destruction, and its suspected site was revealed only after the death of Gorum in 4724 AR.

Possibly during the Godsrain that ensued, nine stony spires erupted across Mendev, each containing a gap at several hundred feet of elevation that purportedly lead to strange lands of hostile beings. These towers became known among Mendevians as Godsfall towers.

As of 4725 AR, the towers' purpose and origins are unknown, and Mendevian Chancellor Irahai had officially prohibited climbing the towers and posted guards at each. The towers nonetheless remained scaled by young native Mendevians who consider them to be rites of passage, and many have successfully returned from their attempts.1


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  1. Joshua Birdsong, et al. Mendev Gazetteer” in Rival Academies, 13–14. Paizo Inc., 2025