Godsrain (event)
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- For other meanings of "Godsrain", please see Godsrain (disambiguation).
Godsrain was an event in the Universe that followed the death of Gorum in 4724 AR. On Golarion, the divine essence of Gorum fell as heavy magical rains across the planet, and warshards of Gorum's armor crashed into several locations. Affected areas became infused with an impulse toward conflict, and the rain also empowered creatures and interfered with ley lines.12
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The Godsrain fell in droplets of red and silver. Where the red Godsrain fell, natural tendencies toward conflict and war strengthened. Silver droplets of Godsrain carried divine potential that permeated places and their inhabitants with mythical power. Few know of this distinction, and even fewer understand the potency of their effects. Pools of Godsrain, where the falling rain collected and persisted, became nexus points of such effects, and many drew those seeking its powers or were driven to conflict by their proximity.
The rain also carried shards of Gorum's living armor, known as warshards, that varied in size from imperceptibly tiny to physical objects with varying properties. Like the rain, some warshards inspired conflict while others carried varying degrees of power. Other warshards were otherwise inert ore, but of metals never before encountered on Golarion.2
On magic
The Godsrain caused magic to become unstable, with effects varying by location. In some magic became unreliable, while in others lost forms of magic were revived or ambient magical effects grew in power.2
Magic items
The legendary hammer Bindbane, a prominent item in the tales of Old-Mage Jatembe and the Ten Magic Warriors' defense of the city of Kin, has long been lost beyond the tales of its use to free the city's Empress of Star. However, the Godsrain granted intelligence to several animals who each gained detailed knowledge of different parts of Jatembe's journey. Scholars could, in theory, piece together the location of Bindbane from these Godsrain-gifted guides.3
On people
Exposure to the Godsrain can transform mortals into more powerful beings, whether through literal physical changes or by imbuing them with mythical powers. In less common cases, mortals spontaneously become nephilim planar scions.2
On Golarion
The Godsrain led to global tumult, the renewal and impetus of numerous wars and conflicts, and uncountable pursuits to understand and wield the powers it wrought on Golarion. Different regions experienced different effects, with some uniquely affecting individual places or people.4
In the Inner Sea region
The Godsrain strained the already tumultuous and conflict-riddled lands of the Inner Sea region.
Absalom and the Isle of Kortos

The Starstone reacted to the Godsrain with apparent pain. The Starstone Cathedral reportedly changed frequently, but temporarily, in minor ways. The Cathedral also spawned monsters of unknown nature or origin that attempted to abduct targeted Absalomians and return them to the Cathedral, though as of the months following Gorum's death, none were known to have succeeded. These events led the Starwatch to declare a state of emergency around the Cathedral and request aid from a chapter of the Knights of Lastwall known as the Knights of Starwatch.2
Minotaur clans on the Isle of Kortos reported individual members from each clan being exposed to the Godsrain and transforming into larger and more bestial-natured warspawn. One warspawn claimed to be the reincarnation of legendary warlord Voradni Voon, who wanted to reunite the isle's minotaur clans and reattempt the famed First Siege of Absalom.5
Godsrain bolstered the flagging re-election campaign of Supreme Elect Andira Marusek, resulting in her winning a third term. She has since ordered the consolidation of the Godsrain's power toward Andoran's defense in response to Cheliax doing the same. However, she also seeks to temper the hawkish elements within her government, some of whom have mobilized forces without her authorization.6
Aspodell Mountains
A family of griffons were empowered after exposure to a torrent of silver Godsrain, and the militaries of Andoran and Isger dispatched squadrons to capture and tame the elusive and dangerous clutch to tame and train them as mounts.7
The death of Gorum inspired upheaval in the orc pantheon, with several mortals ousting and replacing deities. Among them were Mahja Firehair and Uirch, whose sworn protection of the Hold of Belkzen bolstered the nation's confidence in its battle against the forces of Tar-Baphon. Many in Belkzen considered the Godsrain itself to be a sign that the nation should preemptively strike the Whispering Tyrant.8
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Four earthquakes and related tsunamis struck the Lake of Mists and Veils in the wake of Gorum's death, raising unrest in Brevoy and led a faction called the Children of Choral to suggest that these were signs of the imminent return of Choral the Conqueror. Another faction, the Brevic Truthseekers, claimed the disasters were signs from deities proving that King-Regent Noleski Surtova was unfit to rule.9
The Black Tears, a thieves' guild, also took advantage of this new conflict to consolidate their power, but they had not yet chosen a side in the growing conflict.8
Queen Abrogail II of Cheliax issued a decree claiming all warshards in Chelaxian lands were the property of her diabolical government, dispatched servants of House Thrune to collect all that had been observed while falling, and issued bounties for the recovery of any additional shards. All recovered shards were deposited in the imperial palace of Egorian.
In the process, agents of House Thrune gained new powers to invade the lives of Chelaxians and disrupt attempts to reform or rebel against its diabolic order. However, these acts also served to further increase unrest.10
Prophets of Kalistrade in Druma viewed the warshards as potential sources of wealth, but the Godsrain also roused enlightened Kalistocrats from their posthumous personal afterlives to become intelligent undead constructs called Broken Prophets. These disaffected Kalistocrats mingled with the living but sought only to return to their personal promised lands.11
Fever Sea
The perpetual hurricane of the Eye of Abendego grew even stronger in the wake of the death of Gorum. To the north, warshards empowered the underwater alghollthu city of Gholinom's attempts to open the Passage Outward, a portal to an unknown realm called the Final Sea.12
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Five Kings Mountains
The underground cities of the Five Kings Mountains were largely insulated from the Godsrain, with few interruptions to the Torag's Shield project planned for completion in 4725 AR. However, the rain reinvigorated the elder cinder dragon Daralathyxl into reappearing for the first time after decades of slumber, and he subsequently mobilized his children and following into a force powerful enough to become a regional threat.11
Shattered final blades in Galt reacted to the red Godsrain and warshards that fell onto the long-chaotic nation by becoming animated beings held together by the gray death they once contained. Since named gray blades, these living blades roamed Galt attempting to execute any survivors of any person which that final blade had killed while intact. The nation's fragile government also faced the anarchists of the Broken Ghosts, who garnered public support for leading Galt into becoming a stateless nation with no leaders.13
The Godsrain caused a disease known as the Living Plague to transform hundreds of undead inhabitants of Geb back into living beings. Affected people were dubbed the Reborn, and their role in a nation of undead had yet to be determined.14
The Godsrain revived many fallen Knights of Lastwall as undead foes loyal to Tar-Baphon, causing the Knights of Lastwall to lose many of their gains in the Gravelands from recent years of hard-fought conflict. These fallen knights became known as the Lost Knights and took command of the Gravelands' undead legions, presenting a more formidable opponent wise to all of the Knights of Lastwall's tactics.8
Several artifacts from Mengkare, the deposed former leader of Hermea, reacted to the Godsrain and spread draconic features across hundreds of its people. The importance of these changes are still being debated, though some considered these to be gifts that signaled an opportunity to expand Hermea beyond the edges of its home island of Promise.12
An incredibly tall tree that seemingly reaches beyond the Universe into other planes suddenly appeared in the Irriseni province of Bleakmarch after the Godsrain. A village of humanoids and fey, all lacking any memories prior to the tree's appearance, also lived in harmony at the tree's base. Queen Anastasia dispatched a diplomatic envoy but has prioritized development of a rumored Stasian technology device beneath her palace in Whitethrone.6
Isgeri leaders worked to fulfill Queen Abrogail II's edict to recover warshards for the Chelaxian government, but the nation's inadequate oversight led to several of them being lost to other powers, such as Lady Kaltessa Iyis, the child of Urgathoa Illcayna Alonnor, or the Hellbreaker's League of rebels who seek to overthrow Isger's ruler Hedvend VI.15
An octet of faceless humanoids made of gold appeared in Jalmeray during the Godsrain with promises to teach secrets of power and enlightenment. They became known as the Sacred Teachers, and as adherents of their teachings gained powers of their own, Jalmeris flocked to become one of their 108 seemingly randomly or capriciously selected students.14
A warshard fell with the Godsrain into the caldera of Pale Mountain and stirred the exposed remains of Xotani, a Spawn of Rovagug. This has caused dangerous Xotanispawn to emerge from the mountain, and in response the jaathoom Nefeshti of the Templars of the Reborn Winds redoubled efforts and recruited powerful allies to permanently destroy Xotani.16
After the Godsrain, dormant aiudara across Kyonin spontaneously reactivated to lead to destinations unknown. While the peoples of Kyonin managed to deactivate many of these portals before they disgorged any threats, the elf gates continued to function erratically, and managing them drained the nation's resources in full view of the demonic threat of Treerazer in the Tanglebriar.11
Lands of the Linnorm Kings
A unique three-tailed warshard dubbed the Trinity Star fell in a region of the Kodar Mountains disputed between New Thassilon and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, which raised tensions between the two nations, each of which accused the other of improperly claiming it. Opir Eightfingers, a former Linnorm King living in exile among the Kodars, also claimed the Trinity Star and sought to form the kingdom of New Opir around it.17
Mana Wastes
The Godsrain exacerbated the chaotic nature of magic in the Mana Wastes, opening large planar portals and transforming swathes of land into impassibly deadly terrain. Three massive, glowing crystals since dubbed the Unmaking Steles appeared after the Godsrain, and touching any magic item to them not only deactivated its powers but also destroyed its last wielder.14
The Godsrain raised nine spires, now known as the Godsfall towers,18 each topped with a hollow gateway that radiated planar energies from a different Outer Sphere plane.19
Molthune and Nirmathas
Under the Godsrain, the long-warring nations of Molthune and Nirmathas revived hostilities that had cooled following the Ironfang Invasion. This conflict was secretly exacerbated by the personal workings of the Apocalypse Rider of War Szuriel, who blessed several apocalypse riders in Molthune to lead assaults on Nirmathas. Opposing them was Courage Heart, herald of Milani, though the simultaneous strengthening of undead forces in the Gravelands threatened their ability to hold.8
Mordant Spire
A warshard struck the Mordant Spire during the Godsrain and became embedded in the tower's base, the powers from which caused the tower to grow by as much as dozens of feet at once and also raised smaller towers bearing islands of land pulled into the sky. The Spire's elves were divided on how to address these phenomena, with some considering renewed research and others seeking to break their isolation and pursue outside aid.12
Mwangi Expanse
The Godsrain caused animals in the Mwangi Expanse to grow to massive sizes, gain magical or elemental powers, or become more intelligent.14
Walkena, the deathless child-god ruler of Mzali, used the Godsrain to empower his army and initiated plans to cleanse the Mwangi Expanse from the corruption of outsiders, particularly Vidrian.14
Maagambyan researchers in Nantambu immediately set out to study the Godsrain and aid those negatively affected by it, though such attempts faced challenges in the dangerous natures of warshards and pools of Godsrain—as well as the threats that these sites attracted.14
New Thassilon
Disputes over borders between Edasseril and Eurythnia escalated as warshards and new resources exacerbated existing disagreements. A unique three-tailed warshard dubbed the Trinity Star fell in a region of the Kodar Mountains disputed between New Thassilon and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, which raised tensions between the two nations, each of which accused the other of improperly claiming it. Opir Eightfingers, a former Linnorm King living in exile among the Kodars, also claimed the Trinity Star and sought to form the kingdom of New Opir around it.17
The Godsrain disrupted magic across Nex. Fleshforges produced bizarre new creatures or malfunctioned and fleshwarped their operators. Chaotic pockets of magic resembling the Mana Wastes stoked fears that the phenomena of that region were spreading into Nex. The nation's Council of Three and Nine attempted to recall Nexians living or traveling abroad, particularly the Arclords of Nex, to help address these vulnerabilities, though not all are open to returning.12
The touch of Zon-Kuthon transformed some of the falling warshards into black shards designated by Kuthites as Midnight Stars. The few Kuthites who witnessed this event organized as the Midnight Apostles and dedicated themselves to collecting these blessed shards for use in forging or spellcasting.15
The land of Numeria referred to the Godsrain as the Second Rain of Stars, which reactivated some long-dormant Androffan technology within the Silver Mount and across the nation. An influx of reactivated androids strained Hajoth Hakados's capacity to accommodate them, and reactivated robots marched in precise but mindless patterns across Numeria, reacting only when attacked.19
The Godsrain caused a secret dwarven failsafe in the Onyx Key to malfunction and cut off access to the Stone Roads and Onyx Vault, leaving many Opraki citizens stranded and limiting the hobgoblin nation's mobility. Its leader General Azaersi was also forced to reckon with the knowledge that the dwarves of Kraggodan had tampered with the Key.8
The Godsrain unearthed several libraries created by a then-mortal Nethys that had been forgotten beneath Osirion's deserts. Explorers quickly unearthed valuable knowledge but also reported the presence of sealed and seemingly impenetrable vaults at each library's center, each marked with a glowing Hand of Nethys.
An explorer was destroyed while exploring one of these archives near the mouth of the Junira River, but returned weeks afterward as a being of black and white light calling themself the Voice of Nethys. This being claimed to know how to open these archives' vaults but refused to share the information with those that they considered to be unworthy.20
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- See also: #In Casmaron
The Siege, a massive elemental amalgam composed of all six elements, was drawn to Qadira's elemental-binding magic in the Godsrain's wake and roamed its wilderness in apparent distress. Along with the chaos of the Godsrain itself, these crises disrupted efforts to end enslavement through genie binding within the nation.12
The faithless people of Rahadoum witnessed some among them gain divine powers from the Godsrain, a paradox in their strict laws against being beholden to divine powers. This left Rahadoumis torn between prosecuting these "rain-blessed" citizens as criminals or treating them as if diseased. The nation's Council of Elders were unable to quickly agree on changes to the First Law of the Laws of Mortality that would accommodate for involuntarily gifted citizens, leaving the rain-blessed in a state of vulnerable confusion.8
While the capital city of Kintargo was largely unscathed by the Godsrain, entire villages disappeared on the outskirts of Ravounel. Affected settlements and their inhabitants simply ceased to exist, down to the foundations of buildings, and left only signs to indicate that a settlement had ever been there at all. These vanishings stoked fears in Ravounel's populace that their settlement might be the next to disappear.15
At the same time, rumors in Vyre suggested an upheaval in its mysterious leadership—whether a coup or a disaster—had upended the independent city of excess located on an island northwest of Kintargo.1521
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Some people of the land of Razmiran gained powers from the Godsrain, titled themselves demigods, and challenged Razmir over his self-claimed divine right of rulership. Razmir did not respond, and his citizens remained divided as to whether he ignored these threats as beneath him or attempted to find a way to defeat them.8
Realm of the Mammoth Lords
The Reclaimer, a warlord of megafauna and animals rather than warriors, arose in the Godsrain's wake and began a campaign of indiscriminate slaughter against non-animals while marching his army across the realm. This growing threat sought to exterminate all humanoid life in the region and return the realm to the rule of nature, and his successes inspired alliances not only between the realm's often rival followings but also their enemies—including giants.6
River Kingdoms
Storms of the Godsrain caused tremendous resource growth as they swept through the River Kingdoms, leaving in their wake gifts such as fully grown forests, mineral deposits, and harvestable crops. New kingdoms, such as the Iron Hold and the Kingdom of Forestvane, quickly rallied to claim these "wellspring" sites, while others were dominated by existing powers such as Tymon and Liberthane. The race to claim these resources fostered new conflicts throughout the region.8
Sarkoris Scar
The Godsrain deposited a warshard on the Sarkoris Scar that threatened to reopen the Worldwound. Urlan of Neverhome witnessed the Sarkorian god Sturovenen fly to the shard, lift it from the ground, and pull it into the sky before it exploded, destroying it and killing the deity in an act of sacrifice.22 The Godsrain also empowered several surviving demons into becoming nascent demon lords, while several forgotten Sarkorian gods were also revived by the Godsrain and served alongside the god-calling clans of Sarkoris to counter these new threats.19
Sodden Lands
Growth in the Eye of Abendego since the Godsrain resulted in further erosion of the Sodden Lands and displacement of its residents, and the Godsrain itself caused plants to grow and become animated with a seemingly ill intent.14
Grand Princess Eutropia Stavian of Taldor immediately issued bounties and funded grants toward researching and applying Godsrain pools and warshards toward the improvement of Taldans' "lives and legacies". However, bureaucratic missteps allowed some corrupt noble houses of Taldor to acquire funds and samples of Godsrain to instead further their power-mongering ends.6
A large warshard destroyed a tower of the House of Oblivion in Thuvia's deserts, and the stone fragments from the impact—since called Oblivion Stones—each drew the attention of a creature being called the Blasphemy Herald. This humanoid-resembling figure pursued each stone to burn it in its censer, which summoned hostile divs, before disappearing. The creature's purpose and motives were unknown, though some theorized that it was attempting to open a portal for Ahriman, Lord of the Divs.
As a result, many people in the region took up the task of recovering the Oblivion Stones and repairing the House of Oblivion before the Blasphemy Herald could complete its inscrutable goal.20
The Usaran wizard Shosenbe gained great power from the Godsrain and destroyed the Altar of Angazhan, absorbing some of its power in the process. He then assumed rulership over Usaro's population—including its charau-ka—and took on the mantle of Shosenbe the Demon Breaker, in defiance of Angazhan.14
In Ustalav, the Godsrain resulted in a phenomenon since called the Five Curses of Ustalav, in which a minority of its people transformed into amphibious creatures, amalgamations of stitched flesh, living spirits, vampires, or werecreatures. These cursed folk were subjected to prejudiced acts among uncursed communities, with some striking out to form their own settlements of cursed folk.20
Chorak's Tomb was struck by a warshard and awakened Chorak, a gigas, whose tomb's wards fell despite the efforts of its stone giant guardians.15
Vidrian faced the renewed power and focus of Mzali's armies as well as the vengeance of the Free Captains of the Shackles, some of whom were empowered by warshards of the Godsrain. The nation's leadership was impeded by disagreements on the correct course of action, which led to a slow response to Vidrian's quickly mounting threats.14
In Arcadia
The Godsrain disrupted the thin planar boundaries between Arcadia and the First World, also known as the Bound, by collapsing part of the First World near it and opening a sealed region of that plane. This released primal deific energies, deposits of rare materials such as adamantine and orichalcum, and unknown materials into the First World, with some seeping through the Bound into Arcadia.
Among these materials were leftover components of creatures that gained a life of their own from their proximity to the stored primeval divine energies. These beings called themselves yenzirs and have since quietly roamed the Bound and worshiped their own pantheon of five demigods, none of whom have explained their existence.11
An earthquake struck the entirety of Arcadia and caused eleven massive creatures called iva vahndyrs to surface and roam the lands, each inhabiting a different region save for the Land of Second Souls. The creatures are named after legendary stories of vahndyrs, massive creatures said to have once roamed a forgotten land in tales from ancient Razatlani and Mahwek folklore.23 Reports also suggested that the legendary beast Cuetzmonquali and the Spear of Destroyer's Flame returned to central Arcadia in the wake of the Godsrain, marking their third appearance since 4495 AR.24
The rain also triggered explosive detonations of skymetals across the Three Craters of northern Arcadia that destroyed vast stocks of the metals, decimated the region's infrastructure, and reduced city districts to ruins. The Smog Lords of the Deadshot Lands then went to war over the remaining stocks, as well as over the Shattered Hand, a large fragment of Gorum's gauntlet filled with monsters that is ripe for mining and landed in the region's center.25
In Casmaron
The Godsrain fell on the day before the centenary of Padishah Emperor Kalish XXII and was initially considered a blessing of Sarenrae on his continued rule. Silver rain fell on much of the nation, and those empowered by it became known as the "war-blessed". However, the Godsrain soon proved to be a cataclysm across Casmaron that caused nearly unprecedented disruption in Kelesh and awakened long-forgotten ancient powers. The hilt of Gorum's Sundered Sword, which landed in Karazh, led to one of the empire's most dramatic losses in recent history.26
Soon after the Godsrain, Kelesh faced its first unrest in the western province of Mishyria, located between Qadira to its west and the rest of the Keleshite heartland to its east.
A seven-day storm of Godsrain that struck the Daszij Damworks in Mishyria overflowed and destroyed the dam to flood the Plain of Anvar, ending 5,900 years of the dam's control over the Kezeret River and washing entire settlements into the Kardaji Bay and seas beyond. The drained reservoir also exposed the well-preserved ruins of a previously unknown city of the Aishmayar civilization predating Earthfall, from which emerged countless serpentine harbingers of Etaris, Bride of Ydersius. Long thought dead, the Godsrain revived Etaris, who quickly drew the downtrodden people of Mishyria to her following.26
Etaris found an ally in Falayna, who appeared in person to kneel before Etaris in a ceremony witnessed by her adherents, and had since ministered to Mishyria's people and raised tensions with local Sarenites.26
Conflicts between the nomadic peoples of Karazh reopened and turned violent in the wake of the Godsrain, with oases put to the torch and raids causing refugees to flee into Ayyarad, Kaskkari, and Zelshabbar. But the most significant impact of the Godsrain was literal: the hilt of the Sundered Sword of Gorum landing at the feet of the Conqueror's Stand, a monument to Voradni Voon.
The hilt rallied hordes of monstrous and inhuman beings—including three tremendous great cyclopes—into an army hungry for war and expansion, which in turn drove tens of thousands of kara refugees into Ular Kel and threatened to cut trade routes between Kelesh and the eastern lands of Kaladay, Yalais, and Galdeskar.27
In northern Kelesh, the Godsrain turned the Lamentations of the Windswept Wastes, a supernatural phenomenon of wailing spirits in the lands that were once Ninshabur, into an unpredictable hazard. The Cult of Namzaruum and Knights of the Aeon Star also allied with the regional caliph Zecharius of coastal Ezida, who believes that the reborn hero Namzaruum's return was imminent and that he would come bearing the Azlanti Diamond once wielded by Aroden. These alignments have made the cult the region's most powerful and capable army, though Zecharius has little cause to aid with Kelesh's unrest knowing that the empire had slain many prospective reincarnations of Namzaruum.27
Imperial Kelesh
With Kelesh facing so many threats and the Padishah Emperor too old and feeble to act, much of the empire's leadership comes from his unbeloved Qadiran-born consort Queen Shubat. Hoping to elevate her niece Layilah al-Parishat over her feckless son Yaril in succession. However, the monstrous army proved too powerful; it destroyed the Cavalry and broke the horse tribes, and Layilah went missing.27
Shubat then altered the Imperial Census, which was already in progress, to re-task its Countless agents to also count all of the empire's emergent war-blessed. However, the power-hungry Yaril was originally tasked with the census in part out of Shubat's desire to bore him out of the line of succession, and the introduction of the war-blessed inspired him to instead pursue his task with zeal and personally evaluate and train selected war-blessed in his own palace in Isfahel. Yaril's actions raised fears among Kelesh's people that the emperor's son planned to eliminate his father, betray his mother, and seize control behind a personal army of superpowered agents.28
In Southern Garund
The Godsrain transformed a tidal pool on the coast of the southern Garundi nation of Dehrukani into a body of perpetually gleaming water that granted fragments of Gorum's memories to those who drank from it, and the memories of those felled by Gorum to those who bathed in it. Pilgrims and curiousity seekers flocked to the pools to experience pieces of Gorum's life or glean information from his memories.
The most famous of these visitors was the pirate Naylor Gloom, who claimed to have seen the location of an ancient treasure once owned by a forgotten demigod of piracy. Gloom then recruited adventurers from across the world to travel the planes aboard his ship, The Dread Gale, and returned to the memory tides of Dehrukani twice to recruit more crew members.29
The Godsrain fell on a battle engaged by Rysa Drove, an Eihlonan mercenary who was struck by what should have been a mortal blow to cleave her skull at the same time that her body was infused with Gorum's divinity. Her body continued fighting and rapidly healing despite the wound, and she ripped her foes apart despite the massive head wound that refused to heal. Her soul and body were similarly cleaved, and she continued to wander Garund seeking battle wherever she travelled as the rarely vocal being now known as the duality of the physical Lady Bone and spectral Lady Spirit. Some who know of Lady Bone and Spirit believe she will eventually ascend to replace Gorum as a deity of bloodshed.29
Five storms of Godrain, each bearing powerful winds and a unique trial of a different type of strength wracked a lagoon of eastern Holomog, with few passing these tests to emerge. Among them was Asim the Living Dawn, a sorcerer-thief of Juttar province hired by a Nexian noble who became the first and only person confirmed to have reached the lagoon past the storms. After passing the five trials of the Sun Lagoon, Asim drank from its waters and was transformed into a being with gold hair, eyes, and blood who bore the powers of the sun.30
In Tian Xia
Despite relatively little worship of Gorum in Tian Xia, the Godsrain fell on its lands nonetheless.31
The Godsrain imbued the already legendary Hongali archer Altan the Fleet with supernatural grace, speed, acuity, and strength. Among his feats in service to his tribe, Altan found and battled a demonic slug that was draining the land's fertility. After six nights of combat, Altan defeated it, wrung the stolen rain from it, and had its husk distilled into a potion that granted him dominion over air and weather but also cursed him with an unquenchable thirst.32
In times past, an enchantress named Mistress Peony ruled Yeonji Island, a land built atop massive lotuses of her own creation, off the eastern coast of Hwanggot. Jealous of the sorcerer Hao Jin, Mistress Peony attempted and failed to entrap the Ruby Phoenix on the island, and Hao Jin instead abducted her along with her island into the Hao Jin Tapestry. The Godsrain released Mistress Peony and Yeonji Island back onto Golarion, and the Mistress then led a growing movement to bring Hao Jin to justice for her crimes against Tian Xia. Such claims also included suggestions that Hao Jin was at least partially responsible for the Godsrain and the murder of a god.
Hao Jin occupied herself with pursuits of warshards and Godsrain pools, but the people of Tian Xia accused her of instead attempting to selfishly claim their power for her own, leading to increased local resistance spurred in part by the Godsrain's incitement of conflict in those it affected.33
Elsewhere, the Godsrain transformed a hilly countryside of colorful flowers into the dusk gardens, a land where flowers turn black during the day but glow with colorful light at dusk. Each color of flower also bears powerful magical effects that vary based on their colors. A tale about a murdered newlywed husband being resurrected after being buried in the dusk gardens led to authorities forbidding the burial of the dead in the gardens.31
Silent Woods
A small forest on the border of Shenmen and Tianjing became devoid of animal life after the Godsrain, and no clouds would form over its borders after the event. Now known as the Silent Woods, it remained verdant despite the lack of rain or animal life within. Local youths would attempt to retrieve a leaf from the woods as a rite of passage, but those who returned were left temporarily unable to speak and lost all memories of the forest once they regained their voices. Only written records by adventurers confirmed these effects, which complicated attempts to identify whether the forest still grew new life or contained occupants of a supernatural nature.33
Paizo published several works related to this event, primarily War of Immortals and Godsrain. The event is also the focus of several other works, including The Godsrain Prophecies, Prey for Death, and Bring the House Down. Scenarios tagged with Godsrain in the Pathfinder Society Year of Immortal Influence also feature the event: see Category:Godsrain scenarios.
For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.
- ↑ Rain Falls on the Mountain of Sea and Sky, 6–7. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 86. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 98–99. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 86–101. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 86–87. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 93. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Monster Templates” in War of Immortals, 173. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 88. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 87–88. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 91–92. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 94. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 90. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 93–94. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 91. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 92. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 89–90. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 92–93. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mendev Gazetteer” in Rival Academies, 13–14. Paizo Inc., 2025 .
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 87. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 89. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ This refers to events in Bring the House Down.
- ↑ “Myths and Legends” in War of Immortals, 69. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 95–96. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 94–95. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 95. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 96–97. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 97. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 98. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 99. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 99–100. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 100–101. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 101. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 100. Paizo Inc., 2024 .