This article contains spoilers for the following products: plot events and encounters in Doomsday Dawn, particularly "When the Stars Go Dark"

Doomsday Dawn (event)

From PathfinderWiki
For other meanings of "Doomsday Dawn", please see Doomsday Dawn (disambiguation).

The most recent astrological conjunction of the planets Golarion and Aucturn with each other and their sun was identified as occurring on the 11th minute after sunrise on the 5th day of the 6th month (5 Sarenith) in 4718 AR, and was dubbed the Doomsday Dawn.1 For most of Golarion's population, however, this day passed with few or no documented events related to the mysteries of the Aucturn Enigma.2


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In truth, the date was the culmination of a millennia-long plot by the Dominion of the Black2 to awaken Aucturn as a Great Old One by opening a massive portal and merging it with Golarion,1 facilitated largely by the mind quake-afflicted wizard-turned-aberration Ramlock and his Veinstone Pyramid in Osirion.2

Agents of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye thwarted the plot in secret3 through the actions of several groups that spanned the years 4707–4718 AR and included decoding the precise time of the countdown clocks' end; recovering the White Axiom and The Last Theorem; locating the Moonmere and Ramlock's Tower in the River Kingdoms; infiltrating the demiplane of Ramlock's Hollow; and desynchronizing the Veinstone Pendulum that powered the Dominion's planned planetary convergence and awakening.4 The Order was opposed by the Dominion-affiliated cult of the Night Heralds in many of these events, and the precarious and potentially apocalyptic nature of these events drew an appearance of the Ashen Man.5


The Dominion increased its scouting of Golarion in response to the Order's defense of the planet, but with most of Golarion's scholars unaware of the events of the Doomsday Dawn, the reason for this increased attention remains unknown but to a few people.2 The surviving Night Heralds refocused their attention on destroying the Order.6


Paizo published Doomsday Dawn, a collection of adventures for the Pathfinder Playtest that depicts this event and the decade of events that precede it.

For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 James Jacobs. “7. "When the Stars Go Dark"” in Doomsday Dawn, 85. Paizo Inc., 2018
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Logan Bonner, et al. Dominion of the Black” in Monster Core, 106. Paizo Inc., 2024
  3. Robert Adducci, et al. Philosophies and Spirituality” in Gods & Magic, 94. Paizo Inc., 2020
  4. This refers to the events of Doomsday Dawn.
  5. James Jacobs. “7. "When the Stars Go Dark"” in Doomsday Dawn, 89–91. Paizo Inc., 2018
  6. Presumed by a successful outcome made canon in Bestiary 2, Monster Core, Gods & Magic, etc. James Jacobs. “7. "When the Stars Go Dark"” in Doomsday Dawn, 95. Paizo Inc., 2018