
From PathfinderWiki

Source: Field of Maidens, pg(s). 81

Gulovals are agathions that resemble humanoid wolverines and serve as fiercely aggressive guardians of the defenseless.1


A guloval resembles an anthropomorphic wolverine with sharp claws and fur colored gray and black with a white stripe down their snout.12


Gulovals are intelligent, sapient beings capable of speaking Common tongues as well as Empyrean, Draconic, and Diabolic languages. They can also speak with animals.

Gulovals bind themselves through a divinely magical connection to up to four wards and can shield them through this enchanted connection. They are also prone to throwing themselves in the path of assaults that would harm their ward, selflessly taking the hit.

Befitting their wolverine resemblance, they attack with an intimidating ferocity and can burrow through the ground. Their most damaging attacks cause evil creatures—especially those who have harmed one of the guloval's wards—to cower in fear. However, they all have strict internal codes of conduct that prohibit them from doing harm to an innocent being.1


Gulovals seek out defenseless wards, particularly children and the elderly. However, they are also known for their impatience, short tempers, and poor manners. When not actively defending wards, gulovals live solitary lives of hermitage.1

On Golarion

Some clans of Holomog include gulovals who have permanently moved from Nirvana to the Universe in order to fight alongside them.1


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Sasha Laranoa Harving, et al. “Adventure Toolbox” in Field of Maidens, 81. Paizo Inc., 2022
  2. ↑ The brown-red coloration of the guloval depicted in artwork on Field of Maidens 81 conflicts with its description in the text.