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Raccoon agathion

Procyals, or raccoon agathions, are mischievous raccoon-like agathions who act outside the boundaries of mortal societies.1


Most procyals resemble reddish humanoid raccoons with short fur and gray muzzles.1 As they grow older, their fur gradually grays in flecks, with elders and leaders holding the full-gray coloration of their mundane counterparts and are treated with exceptional respect.2 Their teeth and small claws are sharp enough to be used as weapons, but procyals disdain unarmed combat and rarely use them even when necessary. Procyals typically stand between five and six feet tall and weigh 180 pounds.1

Procyals are able to take humanoid forms, but not one of their own invention: only one resembling those whom they have met at least once.1


Unlike other agathions, procyals are born from those who understand the balance of society and the individual. They never have to eat or drink, but greatly enjoy those pleasures. They enjoy dressing in luxuries, believing that they are an indication society is working as long as they do not come at someone else's expense; because of this, they avoid flaunting their wealth and always try to ensure that food and drink are always abundant and others are able to satisfy their own needs.1

Procyals are capable of perfectly forging signatures and legal documents even if they have never seen them before.1


Procyals build cities on Nirvana, ensure that they are suitably beautiful, and establish order through hundreds of maxims which are used as behavioral guides and written in large, publicly available tomes.1

Procyals view society and individuals as entities in a symbiotic relationship: individuals can be truly happy or free only in a society with access to luxury, commerce, and choice; and society is centred on the freedom of the individuals within, and not anything greater than themselves.1

Procyals are gregarious and always eager to meet new people. They frequently travel between communities, rarely spending significant time at each, experiencing them, humbling the prideful, praising the meek, abolishing unfair laws, and building the structures that keep society in order. Procyals never forget communities that they have visited and often return when needed. They see their work as never truly complete, since healthy societies are constantly growing and changing, and they ensure this change is always positive.1

When facing evil, procyals are willing to enact long and complex plans to undermine it, believing that evil should not be faced head on but rather weakened gradually so good can take its place. To them, democracies are fundamentally better than monarchies and dictatorships, which have to be replaced, and they actively encourage or assist revolutionaries against a tyrannical government.1

Procyals never fight fairly. They dislike direct combat and prefer to goad foes into attacking another stronger opponent to weaken both, and take any advantage they can if they have to fight directly.1

When impersonating a humanoid, procyals do not try to mimic their normal behaviour, and prefer to do things geared toward the individual's or community's ultimate good. When all is well, procyals sometimes take on particular individuals' appearances just to play good-natured pranks on them. Due to their disdain of strength, procyals are considered untrustworthy by talented creatures, but the poor and downtrodden welcome them with open arms.1


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Michael McCarthy, et al. “Bestiary” in Dance of the Damned, 84–85. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. Paizo Inc., et al. “Monsters A-Z” in Bestiary 3, 11. Paizo Inc., 2021