Oprak foreign relations

As of the 4720s AR, the new nation of Oprak was focused on consolidating power and creating stability. As a result, the general strategy of Oprak's foreign relations has been to establish alliances and treaties with its neighbours, with a strong focus on trade.1 The looming threat of the Whispering Tyrant in 4719 AR proved a useful opportunity toward this end.2
Ardax of the Hold of Belkzen has sent emissaries to Oprak in the hope of forging an alliance, both to establish their legitimacy and create a united front against the Whispering Tyrant. Despite this, negotiations have been slow and drawn out.3
For her part, Azaersi remains cautious as she tries to feel out whether the orc overlord has enough control over his fractious holds to be worth her time, although she acknowledges that supporting 'monster nations' does fit with her overarching goals. No formal commitments have been made, although she has sent a few military advisors to help the orcs organize their forces and gain intel on the nation.2
There are currently no formal alliances with Cheliax at this time. Azaersi is well aware of the nation's reputation for treachery but is also impressed by Queen Abrogail's ruthlessness. She remains open-minded to the possibility of a future alliance.4
The Kalistocracy of Druma has potential as a trade partner. Azaersi hopes that new markets could open up through the use of the Stone Road and that this will garner Druma's interest in the future, though she is loathe to offer such a resource to human nations.4
The nation once known as Lastwall has sent diplomats and knights to Oprak to seek support for their cause. Azaersi sees this as a great opportunity, since desperate neighbours make for grateful allies in the future. She entertains their presence but has made no formal arrangements.4
Despite the vast distance between both nations, Kaoling and Oprak enjoy good relations due to the use of the Stone Road. Azaersi perceived Kaoling as a good example of a stable goblinoid nation and both parties have benefited greatly from trade. Some cultural and political tensions remain however, but the relationship has generally only improved over time.4
There is a general unease between Oprak and Molthune. Lingering resentment from previous wars have stymied efforts to forge any kind of alliance.5
Nidal was the first nation to officially recognise Oprak as an independent nation. The two nations agreed to a three-year non-aggression pact.6
A great deal of tension remains between Nirmathas and Oprak due to fact that the Oprak was formerly Nirmathi territory. Regardless of the recent conflicts, however, both sides are war-wearied and willing to make peace, especially in light of the looming threat of the Whispering Tyrant. Perhaps prompted by Nidal's peace accord, Nirmathas officially recognised Oprak as an independent nation and a four-year non-aggression pact was agreed upon.6
Qadira has potential as a trade partner. Azaersi hopes that new markets could open up through the use of the Stone Road and that this will garner Qadira's interest in the future, though she is loathe to offer such a resource to human nations.4
- ↑ “Chapter 1: Expanded Ancestries and Heritages” in Ancestry Guide, 33. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 “Azaersi” in Legends, 27. Paizo Inc., 2020 .
- ↑ “Ardax the White-Hair” in Legends, 17. Paizo Inc., 2020 .
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 “Azaersi” in Legends, 28. Paizo Inc., 2020 .
- ↑ “Eye of Dread” in World Guide, 43. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 “Eye of Dread” in World Guide, 44. Paizo Inc., 2019 .