
From PathfinderWiki
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
Subpages of this template:

{{Deity}} is for use in any article about a deity in the Pathfinder campaign setting, regardless of mechanical edition or revision. This infobox template is similarly used for pantheons, covenants, and philosophies. Some parameters are optional and can be left blank; if undefined, these optional parameters will not appear as part of the template.

This template is based upon the Book Template and the Deity Template located at the Forgotten Realms Wiki.


| image                  = 
| name                   = 
| titles                 = 
| adjective              = 
| home                   = 
| alignment              = 
| portfolio              = 
| worshipers             = 
| edicts                 = 
| anathema               = 
| follower alignments    = 
| domains                = 
| subdomains             = 
| 2e-follower alignments = 
| 2e-sanctification      = 
| 2e-domains             = 
| weapon                 = 
| symbol                 = 
| sacred animal          = 
| sacred colors          = 
| aon1e                  = 
| aon2e                  = 
| imagesof               = 

source and page to cite either First or Second Edition only, but not both:

| source                 = 
| page                   = 

1e- and 2e-source and page to cite both First and Second Edition simultaneously:

| 1e-source              = 
| 1e-page                = 
| 2e-source              = 
| 2e-page                = 
ibtype (optional)
Changes the text of the infobox type designation, such as (Deity), (Pantheon), (Covenant), or (Philosophy),. This parameter's default value is Deity.
image (optional)
An image of the deity's religious symbol. Should be given without [[]] or any settings.
The deity's name.
titles (optional)
Titles and alternative names that represent the deity.
adjective (optional)
The word used to describe entities of or pertaining or related to the deity.
home (optional)
Location the deity calls home. Pathfinder Second Edition prefers the term 'Realm' and this is what will appear in the infobox produced.
The deity's alignment, as a link (ie. [[Lawful good]]).
portfolio (optional)
Areas of concern, portfolios, or spheres of influence, possessed by the deity. 'Portfolio' is a 3.5 term; Paizo prefers 'Areas of Concern' and this is what will appear in the infobox produced. Each area of concern should have its first word capitalized and be separated by a <br> to ensure each is on a separate line.
worshipers (optional)
Typical worshippers of the deity.
edicts (optional)
Summarise the edicts of the deity. Try to keep this text as short as possible taking any longer discussion of edicts into the main body text of the article.
anathema (optional)
Summarise the anathemas of the deity. Try to keep this text as short as possible taking any longer discussion of anathemas into the main body text of the article.
follower alignments, or cleric alignments (optional)
Use {{Alignment grid}} to indicate acceptable alignments of followers associated with the deity for the First Edition of the game.
domains (optional)
Domains associated with the deity for the First Edition of the game.
subdomains (optional)
Subdomains associated with the deity (if any) for the First Edition of the game.
2e-follower alignments, or 2e-clr alignments (optional)
Use {{Alignment grid}} to indicate acceptable alignments of followers associated with the deity for the Second Edition of the game.
2e-sanctification (optional)
Provide text for the possible divine sanctifications offered by this deity in the Second Edition of game, such as "Can choose holy or unholy" or "Must choose holy".
2e-domains (optional)
Domains, using sentence case, associated with the deity for the Second Edition of the game. Add "Alternate:", in italics, before them to make clear the status of alternate domains.
weapon (optional)
The deity's favored weapon.
symbol (optional)
The deity's religious symbol.
sacred animal (optional)
Animal treated with special reverence by a deity's faithful.
sacred colors (optional)
Colors associated with a deity (often found in church decorations and clergy attire).
aon1e, aon2e (optional)
The final part of a URL to an Archives of Nethys page about the creature, monster family, or race/ancestry, starting after the first slash (e.g. Deities.aspx?ID=2 from https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=2, or DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Asmodeus from https://aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Asmodeus).
imagesof (optional)
The name of the category that contains images of this deity or its related symbols and worshipers, which appears in the infobox as a link to the category page. For instance, an imagesof value of Aroden creates a link to Category:Images of Aroden with the link text "Images of Aroden". This parameter is case-sensitive. If omitted or left blank, the infobox uses the article name and appears only if the category exists but we prefer it to be used to keep the template complete.
source & page (optional)
The source wherein the deity was first mentioned, or from which the most information is available. Link the title, and include page number if possible. Use this only if you have a source and page for either 1E or 2E, but not both.
1e-source, 1e-page, 2e-source, & 2e-page (optional)
The source wherein the deity was first mentioned, or from which the most information is available, in both 1E and 2E. Link the title, and include page number if possible. Use this only if you have a source and page for both editions.
footnote (optional)
Footnotes specific to the infobox, if required, such as to note legacy details or cite sources with additional context.



God of Walls and Ditches
The Gold-Fisted
Judge of the Gods
Master of the First Vault
God of the First Vault
Wealthy Father
Two-Headed Eagle
Azlanti period: The Scales and Streets
Abadaran, Abadarian
Areas of Concern
Architects, aristocrats, bankers, judges, lawmakers, lawyers, merchants
Civilize frontiers, earn wealth through work and trade, obey laws
Steal, undermine a law-abiding court
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel
Subdomains (1E)
Defense, Fortifications, Inevitable, Leadership, Legislation, Martyr, Metal, Trade
Follower Alignments (2E)
Sanctification (2E)
Can choose holy or unholy
Domains (2E)
Cities, earth, travel, wealth
Alternate: Creation, duty, metal, toil
Favored Weapon
Golden key
Sacred Animal
Varies by planet (usually monkey)
Sacred Colors
Gold, silver
Source: Inner Sea Gods, pg(s). 12–19 (1E)
Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 34 (2E)
Alignment details are sourced from Inner Sea Gods and Lost Omens Gods & Magic 12–13. In Pathfinder First Edition sources, Abadar's favored weapon is the light crossbow. Details about Abadar's sacred animal are sourced from The Reaper's Right Hand 66.
| image                  = File:Abadar religious symbol.webp
| name                   = Abadar
| titles                 = God of Walls and Ditches<br>The Gold-Fisted<br>Judge of the Gods<br>Master of the First Vault<br>God of the First Vault<br>Wealthy Father<br>Two-Headed Eagle<br>'''''Azlanti period''': The Scales and Streets''
| adjective              = Abadaran, Abadarian
| home                   = [[First Vault]], [[Aktun]], [[Axis]]
| alignment              = [[Lawful neutral]]
| portfolio              = Cities<br>Law<br>Merchants<br>Wealth
| worshipers             = Architects, aristocrats, bankers, judges, lawmakers, lawyers, merchants
| edicts                 = Civilize frontiers, earn wealth through work and trade, obey laws
| anathema               = Steal, undermine a law-abiding court
| follower alignments    = {{Alignment grid/ClericLN}}
| domains                = Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel
| subdomains             = Defense, Fortifications, Inevitable, Leadership, Legislation, Martyr, Metal, Trade
| 2e-follower alignments = {{Alignment grid/L}}
| 2e-sanctification      = Can choose [[holy]] or [[unholy]]
| 2e-domains             = Cities, earth, travel, wealth<br>''Alternate:'' Creation, duty, metal, toil
| weapon                 = [[Crossbow]]
| symbol                 = Golden key
| sacred animal          = Varies by [[planet]] (usually [[monkey]])
| sacred colors          = Gold, silver
| aon1e                  = DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Abadar
| aon2e                  = Deities.aspx?ID=277
| imagesof               = Abadar
| 1e-source              = [[Inner Sea Gods]]
| 1e-page                = 12–19
| 2e-source              = [[Divine Mysteries]]
| 2e-page                = 34
| footnote               = Alignment details are sourced from ''Inner Sea Gods'' and ''[[Gods & Magic (Second Edition)|Lost Omens Gods & Magic]]'' 12–13. In [[Pathfinder First Edition]] sources, Abadar's favored weapon is the [[light crossbow]]. Details about Abadar's sacred animal are sourced from ''[[The Reaper's Right Hand]]'' 66.