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Temperate hills (Triaxus)
Source: The Frozen Stars, pg(s). 90

Wollipeds are large, mammalian animals native to the planet Triaxus. While many still live wild, they have also been extensively domesticated by the Triaxian people.1


Wollipeds have eight legs, each ending in a large hoof. Their bodies are covered in a coat of thick white fleece, and their skin is gray. Wolliped heads have two pairs of eyes, one set above the other, and a pair of long tusks. A wolliped typically stands five to six feet at the shoulder, and weighs 1,000 pounds.1


Wollipeds are social animals, and wild specimens often live in large herds. This habit provides wollipeds with mutual protection, and wolliped herds respond to danger by clustering into defensive circles, with the herd's younger members retreating to the center of the group for protection. Wollipeds often compete for dominance with other members of their herds, resolving these competitions by fighting one another with their long tusks. Wollipeds can also spit wads of regurgitated food to drive off predators.1

Like many other species from their homeworld, wollipeds cycle between distinct summer and winter variants as their planet's centuries-long seasons alternate. Rather than individual animals changing, newborn wollipeds born at the onset of a new season will display the traits adapted to that part of the seasonal cycle rather than the ones borne by their parents. Summerborn wollipeds have shorter, thinner coats and relatively small tusks, while winterborn wollipeds have thicker coats to insulate themselves against the cold and tusks thrice as long as their summerborn counterparts' with which to dig through ice and snow to reach tubers, moss, and fungus on which they feed. The seasonal change between variants usually begins with the wollipeds living in eastern Aylok, although the reason for this is not known.1


Wollipeds are believed to be native to the Parapet Mountains, but have spread all over Triaxus since their domestication. They are thought to have first been domesticated for their fleece, and to have been secondarily bred as working and riding animals.1

In Triaxus

Wollipeds are among the most important domesticated animals on Triaxus, and are raised by the Triaxians for their wool, their meat, and their tusks, in addition to being used as mounts, and as beasts of burden. Wolliped fleeces serve as the Triaxians' primary source of textiles during Triaxus' winters, while their tusks serve as an important source of ivory. Wolliped meat is also an important source of food, but typically comes from specimens that have become too old to provide high-quality fleeces or to serve as mounts or pack animals.1

As mounts, wollipeds are used both for casual riding and as wartime mounts. Combat wollipeds are often trained to spit on command. The Unbound Tribes breed what are considered to be the best, strongest, and most aggressive battle wollipeds. Wollipeds of this breed, also known as alurals, are also the only known carnivorous variant of the species. Alural milk is fermented into an alcoholic beverage used by the Unbound Tribes during ceremonial occasions.1

The island-nation of Ning is home to the smallest wolliped breed in Triaxus. Ningese wollipeds are particularly quick and nimble, and are raised chiefly for wool and meat. They grow to larger sizes during the summer, but remain smaller than their northerly cousins even then.1

Triaxus' dragons also raise wollipeds but, as they have little need of mounts or clothing, do so exclusively as a source of meat. More than half of Triaxus' domestic wollipeds end up becoming food for the dragons.1


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Jason Nelson & Sean K Reynolds. “Bestiary” in The Frozen Stars, 90–91. Paizo Inc., 2013