Camilia Drannoch

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Camilia Drannoch

Source: Legends, pg(s). 38

As of 4723 AR,1 Camilia Drannoch is the incumbent Chairwoman of the Revolutionary Council in Galt.2 Determined to restore Galt's potential, she seeks to purge what remains of the Gray Gardeners and destroy the final blades.345


Camilia always wears a polished steel choker and a red scarf to remind herself of Galt's troubles and the trouble paid by her family.2


Camilia grew up in Iadara where her mother Apalma served as Galt's ambassador to Kyonin. When the family returned home, Apalma was arrested by the Gray Gardeners as soon as they crossed the border, then dragged through the streets of Isarn and executed by the final blade Silence.2


Camilia's web of assets extend throughout and beyond Galt. Her allies are rewarded with prestige and power, while her foes tend to find themselves assassinated or lynched. Believing that outdated ideologies across Golarion will soon be discredited, Camilia openly supported and dispatched agents to aid rebels in the former Chelaxian colony now known as Vidrian, and to the former Chelaxian archduchy and now breakaway nation of Ravounel.2

Camilia's care for the souls imprisoned in the final blades has led her to seek Geb as an ally. She has offered intelligence on Nex and the Spire of Nex in exchange for aid and lobbying to allow any freed undead to continue existing in Geb or to help their souls pass on to the afterlife. Geb has begun to consider Camilia's offer due to his lack of living spies to infiltrate Nex.3

Camilia also entered into a clandestine alliance with Supreme Elect Andira Marusek, who was elected leader of Andoran in 4716 AR and also wishes to get rid of the final blades. Knowing that Marusek would balk at some of the unsavoury things she had to do, Camilia limits the flow of information to what she wants Marusek to hear.3

Grand Princess Eutropia Stavian, Stavian III's successor following the War for the Crown, has offered friendship to the Revolutionary Council, while Camilia believes that Eutropia is holding back and seeks to radicalise her so Eutropia can realise Taldor's true potential.3

Citizen Drannoch holds little love for her birth nation of Kyonin, and its Queen Telandia Edasseril is reluctant to align her nation with any cause, including Galt's. Some of her detractors have begun to refer to her and the female leaders of neighbouring countries as the "Four Queens".3

Cells of the Firebrands, who helped Camilia bring an end to the Gray Gardeners in 4721 AR,6 also provide material support to her administration, though she struggles to coordinate their efforts.1


During her childhood in Kyonin, Camilia proved to have an unusually sharp mind. After her mother's death, which introduced her to Galt, Camilia entered politics, and quickly gained a following with her passionate words and radicalism. After making a speech questioning the Gray Gardeners next to Silence, Camilia was kidnapped under the full moon, a black bag covering her head; the kidnappers promised to reunite her with her mother.2

Fifteen years later, with her old foes all dead, Camilia reappeared in Isarn. She became a household name and earned a seat on the Revolutionary Council by exposing the Eye of Law as a hag coven. She has since survived multiple coups, and became Chairwoman when her predecessor Citizen Goss was torn apart by an angry mob. She enacted several popular reforms to bring back some stability, notably putting an end to xenophobic policies and improving foreign relations.7


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 James Beck, et al. “Chapter 4: Firebrand Efforts” in Firebrands, 117. Paizo Inc., 2023
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Amirali Attar Olyaee, et al. Camilia Drannoch” in Legends, 38. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Amirali Attar Olyaee, et al. Camilia Drannoch” in Legends, 39. Paizo Inc., 2020
  4. James Beck, et al. “Chapter 4: Firebrand Efforts” in Firebrands, 116–117. Paizo Inc., 2023
  5. Ron Lundeen. “Chapter 1: Secrets of Litran” in Night of the Gray Death, 4–5. Paizo Inc., 2021
  6. This refers to the events of Night of the Gray Death, of which a successful outcome involving the Firebrands was made canon in Firebrands 116–117.
  7. Amirali Attar Olyaee, et al. Camilia Drannoch” in Legends, 38–39. Paizo Inc., 2020