Citadel of the Alchemist

From PathfinderWiki

Artokus Kirran discovered the secret of making the sun orchid elixir in 1140 AR. The five city-states of Thuvia banded together to protect the elixir, and together they built a fortress in the Thuvian desert to protect the alchemist and his laboratories.

This fortress is known as the Citadel of the Alchemist, and is carved out of the base of a mountain in the Barrier Wall known as the Bent Razor. Above ground it appears as a modest stone structure. However, below ground there are vast tunnels housing alchemical traps and guardians. Hidden somewhere in this network are some of the best alchemical laboratories in the Inner Sea region.

The citadel houses a powerful alchemist. He has not left the citadel in living memory, but most believe him to be Artokus Kirran himself.

Every year a blind, mute servant comes forth from the citadel with six vials of the elixir, to be auctioned off in one of Thuvia's five cities.1

The citadel serves as an alchemy school, although it is unknown how its students are chosen. Artokus Kirran teaches his alchemical lessons via Tukalo, his meerkat familiar. Recently two hobgoblins sent by General Azaersi were accepted into it by Artokus, though he is keeping any motives for his decision close to his chest.2

Thuvian wish alchemy

Today, the Citadel of the Alchemist is also the headquarters of Thuvian wish alchemy, another, less well known, discovery of Kirran.3


  1. โ†‘ James Jacobs, et al. โ€œThuviaโ€ in The Inner Sea World Guide, 187โ€“8. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. โ†‘ Hilary Moon Murphy. โ€œArtokus Kirranโ€ in Legends, 20โ€“28. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. โ†‘ Jason Nelson, et al. โ€œPei Zin Herbalismโ€ in Alchemy Manual, 26โ€“27. Paizo Inc., 2014