
From PathfinderWiki

4723 AR: Small city
4711 AR:
Large town
65% humans, 15% dwarves, 10% elves, 10% other
Democratic collective1
Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 189 (1E)
The Enmity Cycle, pg(s). 58 (2E)

Pashow is the smallest of Thuvia's five allied city-states. It lies in the barren south of the country, in a location conveniently close to the Citadel of the Alchemist but lacking in natural resources. It was ruled by Emir Guldis until very recently.2 The city's inhabitants are known for their magical talents and revere Nethys as their patron deity. They use magic to help compensate for the harshness of the local environment.2

Sun orchid elixir

As one of Thuvia's five city-states, once every five years it is the city's turn to sell six vials of the prized sun orchid elixir to foreign bidders. The city has taken to using teleportation magic to transport the elixir.3 In the past, this has been avoided because the method is not completely reliable. In fact, the last two shipments have been lost due to apparent teleportation "accidents". This damaged the young Emir Guldis' standing, and led to him being replaced as ruler by Ziralia, daughter of the ambitious Prince Zinlo of Aspenthar.2 Ziralia has, however, not shown any signs of placing the city under her family's rule, instead dissolving the monarchy, pardoning Guldis, and instating a democratic rule in the city.1


The center of magical education in Pashow is the Scrollspire, a magical university built on the entrance of an ancient Tekritanin library-well. Pashow's geographical isolation makes it vulnerable to attacks by the nomadic Water Lords who dwell in the desert wilderness of southern Thuvia. During attacks on the city, its inhabitants have often sought shelter behind the Scrollspire's walls.4


Pashow's heraldic colours are pale yellow, black, and maroon.5


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Brian Duckwitz. “Thuvia Gazetteer” in The Enmity Cycle, 58. Paizo Inc., 2023
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 James Jacobs, et al. Thuvia” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 189. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. James Jacobs, et al. Thuvia” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 187. Paizo Inc., 2011
  4. Erik Mona, et al. Golden Road” in World Guide, 57. Paizo Inc., 2019
  5. Luis Loza. Ageless Ambitions, 6. Paizo Inc., 2016