Gourd leshy

From PathfinderWiki
Gourd leshy
A gourd leshy.

Gourd leshies are superstitious leshies who protect crops like cereals and vegetables,1 and which can be found in more settled rural environments.2


A gourd leshy has tangles of leafy vines for limbs and a carved gourd for a head. The exact nature and appearance of a gourd leshy's features can vary wildly between individuals.1


Gourd leshies are deeply superstitious, doing their best to exactly reproduce every trivial activity, changing seemingly random details when retrying something they failed and collecting random items as good luck charms. Gourd leshies are credulous and never doubt anything from the mouths of those they trust, but have a long memory and rarely forget betrayals.1[citation needed] Villages are often protected by gourd leshies without the knowledge of their inhabitants.2

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In battle, gourd leshies often hide in their gourd forms to suddenly strike when the unsuspecting enemy comes within close range. The seeds and slam attack of a gourd leshy entangle the target in vines.1[citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Paizo Inc., et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 3, 178. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. 2.0 2.1 Logan Bonner, et al. “Monsters A-Z” in Bestiary, 218. Paizo Inc., 2019