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Hellbreakers (adventure path)

From PathfinderWiki
For other meanings of "Hellbreakers", please see Hellbreakers (disambiguation).

Hellbreakers is the forty-sixth Pathfinder Adventure Path expected to begin in 2026. It is an Adventure Path about the Inner Sea War between Andoran and Cheliax. The Adventure Path supports the release of the Battlecry! Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rulebook and is accompanied by the novel Operation Hellmouth, which depicts events from the war.1

This Adventure Path has been announced but has not yet been released.
Product details such as release date, authors, cover art, and contents are subject to change.

Related publications

Pathfinder Adventure Path
Battlecry! Expected July 2025
When diplomacy between nations fails and neither side backs down, war is the inevitable result. From border skirmishes to large-scale invasions, conflict comes in many forms—the perfect chance for heroes to win glory! And war has come to the world Golarion, embroiling the nations of the Inner Sea in a conflict that will forever change the Pathfinder setting!
Operation Hellmouth Expected November 2025
