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Spore War

From PathfinderWiki
Spore War adventure path logo.

Spore War is the forty-second Pathfinder Adventure Path and is expected to run from January to March 2025. It is a three-part Adventure Path set in Kyonin and depicts a war between elves and Treerazer.

This Adventure Path has been announced but has not yet been released.
Product details such as release date, authors, cover art, and contents are subject to change.

The demon Treerazer has long lurked in the wretched expanse of Tanglebriar, just south of the elven nation of Kyonin. Long ago, he tried to claim the nation as his own, but the elves pushed back and contained him. Today, many believe Treerazer to be exiled, trapped, imprisoned, or simply cowardly hunkering down in the swamp, afraid to attract attention or to trigger elven wrath once more. Those who believe this are about to learn just how dangerously wrong they are.



Pathfinder Adventure Path
Whispers in the Dirt.jpg
Whispers in the Dirt Written by Jason Bulmahn Released January 8, 2025
For level 11. War is coming to the elven nation of Kyonin! From within Tanglebriar, a blighted land that spreads like a sickness along Kyonin's southern border, the demon Treerazer is prepared to launch his first major attack on his enemies in centuries. Can a new group of heroes stand against the demon armies?
The Secret of Deathstalk Tower.jpg
The Secret of Deathstalk Tower Written by James Jacobs Released February 5, 2025
For level 14. The demon army of Tanglebriar is on the march, bringing death and terror to the elven nation of Kyonin. Can a group of heroes complete a desperate mission deep behind enemy lines to stop sinister forces from completing a secret weapon before the demon Treerazer can use it to win the war?
A Voice in the Blight.jpg
A Voice in the Blight Written by Rigby Bendele Expected March 5, 2025
For level 18. Treerazer's plots for a swift win against the elven nation of Kyonin have been thwarted by the heroics of a band of adventurers. As they seek critical secrets from a mysterious voice calling from an otherplanar realm, though, will a desperate acceleration of the demon lord's plans spell doom for the elves? Can the heroes stop him in time?

Related publications

Player's Guide
Spore War Player's Guide.png
Spore War Player's Guide Written by James Jacobs and Michelle Y. Kim Released December 18, 2024
In the Spore War Adventure Path, your characters begin as new heroes of the nation of Kyonin and are called upon by Queen Telandia Edasseril to represent Kyonin's interests in an upcoming diplomatic summit with the nations that border Lake Encarthan. The Whispering Tyrant's growing threat cannot be ignored, but as the meeting between diplomats gets underway, it isn't long before everyone realizes there is a much more imminent danger to the elven way of life. Treerazer is poised to strike Kyonin's heart, and the heroes who find themselves standing against him must be stronger than ever before!

Inside the Spore War Player's Guide, you'll find player-friendly, spoiler-free information and tips to help you make an exciting new 11th-level character perfect for the Spore War Adventure Path. While this campaign is exceptionally well suited to a party that consists entirely of elven characters, Kyonin is welcoming of all ancestries.

External links