Kara (human ethnicity)

From PathfinderWiki

The Kara are a nomadic human people found across the Windswept Wastes and Grass Sea of Casmaron. The Kara live their lives roving across the steppes with the migrating herds. The Kara are the main inhabitant of the nation of Karazh; the kingdom, in fact, derives its name from the Kara.1


While not all Kara live within Karazh, their history is closely interlinked. Karazh was first united over four thousand years ago when the Padishah Empire of Kelesh invaded the Grass Sea in 417 AR, looking to expand their empire. In response, the legendary first hakan of the Kara, Sogys Taramai, united the Kara horse tribes, driving the Keleshite army from the Grass Sea and creating Karazh in the process.2


See also: Kara horse tribes

The word Kara literally translates to "horse tribes" and the Kara live their lives in the saddle.2 The horse riding nomadism is such an integral part of Kara culture that they refer to the Kara who have settled in cities like Ular Kel as "the dead tribes" as, to the Kara, only the dead settle in one place.3 In Karazh, the Kara are split into 13 great tribes and numerous smaller, less prominent tribes. Each tribe is ruled over by a han, who in turn answer to the hakan, who as of 4715 AR was Ulzhan of the Kaskyrbai tribe.

Kara life is nomadic, with most dwelling in easily collapsible felt gers, a portable type of yurt or tent. Most Kara follow the migrations of the herd animals, leaving their horses to roam free and even guard their encampments. To outsiders, the Kara seem to posses a near-psychic bond with their horses but the Kara are quick to point out that this bond is as much a result of training the rider to understand their horse as it is training the horse itself.1

Many of the Kara believe that one day a reincarnation of Sogys Taramai will return to lead the Kara to the "Land of No Winter", a place believed to be either somewhere in Kelesh or Heaven.2 Despite this, the Kara are widely respected by the Keleshites, as they are seen as preserving the traditional Althameri lifestyle from which both cultures are historically descended.4


  1. 1.0 1.1 John Compton, et al. Ular Kel” in Distant Shores, 61. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 John Compton, et al. Ular Kel” in Distant Shores, 63. Paizo Inc., 2015
  3. John Compton, et al. Ular Kel” in Distant Shores, 58. Paizo Inc., 2015
  4. Jessica Price. “People of Qadira” in Qadira, Jewel of the East, 27. Paizo Inc., 2017