A manifestation is a display of divine power designed to awe and influence mortals, and are commonly created directly by demigods rather than by a deity's followers.1
Manifestations are invoked through a specific act performed at a location or on an object, such as a sacrifice of blood or wealth. A manifestation's effects can be temporary, persistent to the location, or infectious in such a way that its effects follow its victim similar to a curse.1
Neutralization and destruction
The effects of a manifestation can be temporarily neutralized though items and powers of opposing divine sources, such as holy or unholy water, or positive or negative energy. Zealous displays of faith performed by one or more faithful beings holding a religious symbol of their deity can also temporarily neutralize a manifestation.1
Each type of manifestation has a unique means of destroying it, which often involves sanctifying (or desecrating) the site of the manifestation by some means or performing an opposing sacrifice or ritual.1
A deity's followers are incapable of neutralizing or destroying their own deity's manifestations.1
Known manifestations
- Altar of Truth (Mephistopheles): Removes the tongues of those who break a pact formed on the manifestation.2
- Claws of Erebus (Mammon): Unnatural darkness that claws at those who pass through it.2
- Earworm (Baalzebul): Creates maggots that grant a telepathic bond with the manifestation's creator when consumed. Slain victims' corpses burst in a swarm of hellwasps.3
- Forge in Flesh (Moloch): After swallowing its tainted mercury and surviving, the manifestation's victim can pull a magical dagger from their throat.3
- Hell's Grip (infernal dukes): Crushes those who approach it within massive invisible hands.2
- Master in Skin (Belial): Possesses the limbs of those who approach it.2
- Molten Throne (Dispater): Burns goodly creatures who touch it, but wreaths evil creatures it accepts in an alluring flaming halo.2
- The Shepherd (Barbatos): Awakens a creature placed on the throne as a powerful servant of Barbatos.2
- Stygian Slough (Geryon): Answers up three questions in unholy text written on those submerged in it for minutes at a time.2
For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 âDiabolical Influencesâ in Hell Unleashed, 6–8. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 âDiabolical Influencesâ in Hell Unleashed, 7. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â 3.0 3.1 âDiabolical Influencesâ in Hell Unleashed, 8. Paizo Inc., 2015 .