Goats are hardy, nimble four-legged herd animals. They can be domesticated for milk, cheese, meat, fur, and hide, and can serve as pack animals or mounts for smaller races as well as familiars for spellcasters2 and as animal companions.3 They have a reputation for being temperamental and stubborn.4
Goats can have a wide variety of appearances, but all have fur, horizontal slit-shaped pupils, cloven hooves, and four-chambered stomachs that allow them to eat and digest a vast variety of food. Many have at least two horns of varying shapes, as well as beards on their chins.5
Height and weight vary by breed; they can range in height from 16 inches to several feet and weigh from 45 to 300 pounds.5
Goats are nimble enough to scale nearly sheer walls in pursuit of food.5
On Golarion
Varying adaptations in many goat breeds allow them to inhabit almost any environment. In the wild, herds of goats prefer edible grasses and roots in fields and plains. However, some goat breeds are especially well-adapted to mountains and cliffs, scaling steep inclines for sparse fibers and minerals.5 Wild goats are known to roam the Wyvern Mountains6 and Menador Mountains,7 and live year-round in even the High Ice near Golarion's North Pole.8
They are raised as agricultural mainstays across Golarion, from the Zenj of the Mwangi Expanse9 to Carpenden in Andoran,10 the Gronzi Forest of Brevoy11 to the Nesmian Plains of Nirmathas,12 and even Erutaki villages like Iqaliat in the frigid Crown of the World.13
They are also prey animals for mountainous kuchrimas.14
Specific breeds
- Mindspin mountain goat
- Found in the Mindspin Mountains after which it is named, this breed of goat is famous for its ability to climb effortlessly in its native mountainous terrain, even able to ascend vertical inclines. This capability is a boon to any that adopt a Mindspin mountain goat as a mount.15
In religion
Goats are sacred or favored animals of many deities, with a particular bent toward diabolic and demonic deities. Asmodeus favors goats, and goat heads are part of the religious symbol of Shub-Niggurath (also called the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young).16 Goats are the sacred animals of Belial,17 Orcus,18 Slandrais,19 and Zepar.20
In the Vudran pantheon, goats are the sacred animal of the goddess Ashukharma.21
In magic
One kind of figurine of wondrous power is the trio of ivory goats, which can create magical goat mounts for travel, travail, or terror.22
In society
Goats are common and widespread animals, and many places and groups on Golarion are named for goats. For instance:
- The town of Goatshead in the Shackles takes both its name and its flag—a white goat's head on a black field—from the animal.23
- The Goatherds gang of Egorian in Cheliax operates out of a group of buildings known as the Goat Pen.24
- Goat Hill is a district of the city of Jol in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.25
- Chimera Cove in Andoran includes three islands for its namesake's three heads, one of which is the Goat.26
The Shoanti language has a word for children kicked in the head by a goat: skentok.27
Goats can be such important herd animals in some small towns, such as Dustpawn, that they comprise most of the town's economy.28
Creatures with goat-like features
- The div species aghash has the legs of a goat.29
- Aberrations known as capramaces are goat-headed creatures with rear hooves that were mutated by the Mana Wastes.30
- One of a chimera's three heads is typically that of a goat.31
- A dreamthief hag has goat-like horns.32
- Krampus resembles a monstrous humanoid goat.33
- A satyr resembles a goat from the waist down, including its cloven hooves.34
- A schir is a goat-headed demon.35
For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.
- ↑ Other adjectives for goats include: hircine, goatish, goatlike, goatly, goaty.
- ↑ “Chapter 2: Gear” in Ultimate Equipment, 80. Paizo Inc., 2012 .
- ↑ “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 2, 154. Paizo Inc., 2010 .
- ↑ “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 3, 112. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Goat, Wikipedia.
- ↑ “A History of Ashes” in A History of Ashes, 44. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ Trailblazer's Bounty, 10. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- ↑ “Crown of the World” in The Hungry Storm, 73. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Pathfinder's Journal: Plague of Light 1 of 6” in Souls for Smuggler's Shiv, 70–75. Paizo Inc., 2010 .
- ↑ “Gazetteer” in Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, 15. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- ↑ Stolen Land, 64. Paizo Inc., 2010 .
- ↑ “The Nesmian Plains” in Trail of the Hunted, 70. Paizo Inc., 2017 .
- ↑ “The Hungry Storm” in The Hungry Storm, 29. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Bestiary” in Spires of Xin-Shalast, 80–81. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ “Wild Companions” in Wilderness Origins, 23. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- ↑ “Cults of the Dark Tapestry” in Wake of the Watcher, 66. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Other Gods” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 231. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Lords of the Abyss” in Lords of Chaos, Book of the Damned Volume 2, 22. Paizo Inc., 2010 .
- ↑ Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Book of the Damned Volume 3, inside rear cover. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned Volume 1, inside rear cover. Paizo Inc., 2009 .
- ↑ “Radripal” in Distant Shores, 42. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- ↑ “Magic Items” in Core Rulebook, 513. Paizo Inc., 2009 .
- ↑ “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 21. Paizo Inc., 2012 .
- ↑ “Pathfinder's Journal: Hell's Pawns 3 of 6” in What Lies in Dust, 70–71. Paizo Inc., 2009 .
- ↑ “The Linnorm Kingdoms” in Lands of the Linnorm Kings, 28. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ Treasure of Chimera Cove, 3–5. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- ↑ Lord of Runes, 183. Tor Books, 2015 .
- ↑ “Isger” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 84. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 3, 83. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ “Appendix 2: New Monsters” in Wardens of the Reborn Forge, 61. Paizo Inc., 2013 .
- ↑ “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary, 44. Paizo Inc., 2009 .
- ↑ Occult Bestiary, 22. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- ↑ “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 6, 178–179. Paizo Inc., 2017 .
- ↑ “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary, 241. Paizo Inc., 2009 .
- ↑ “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 3, 74. Paizo Inc., 2011 .