Mother Vulture

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Mother Vulture
Mother Vulture

The Flesheater
Areas of Concern
Recycle rot and waste into useful creations, eat the flesh of your own people, kill without mercy if it benefits your community, help to raise children
Poison insects or scavengers, waste food or good materials, allow rot to poison an area, create undead
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Animal, Destruction, Healing, Repose
Follower Alignments (2E)
Sanctification (2E)
Domains (2E)
Change, death, decay, nature
Alternate: Nothingness
Favored Weapon
Two crossed diagonal lines with an empty circle above and a filled circle below
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Gray, yellow
Source: Concordance of Rivals, pg(s). 12 (1E)
Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 214, 316–317 (2E)
Alignment details are sourced from Concordance of Rivals 12 and Gods & Magic 88 and 130–131. The religious symbol, sacred animal, and sacred color for this deity are listed exclusively in the Divine Mysteries Web Supplement.

Mother Vulture is a psychopomp usher who reflects the duality of new life arising from the decay of others. She feasts on the enemies of psychopomps to fertilise soil and give birth to more psychopomps, and judges souls seeking redemption.12


A reclusive individual, Mother Vulture lives in the Rasputitase, with only her closest servants for company.1


Mother Vulture's true form is a barely humanoid, hunched, ugly creature. Her two necks are distended, each ending in a masked head with a cavernous mouth. Four black feathered wings conceal her body, except when she eats. Mother Vulture usually takes the form of a young, blind mother.1



Unusually for the entire pantheon of monitor demigods, Mother Vulture counts significant numbers of druids within her following. These druids relate to the Flesheater's portfolio of consumption and decay, renewal, and transformation, which reflects the natural order.3


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 John Compton, et al. “Auditors of the Absolute” in Concordance of Rivals, 12. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. ↑ Jim Groves, et al. Inner Sea Bestiary, 38. Paizo Inc., 2012
  3. ↑ John Compton, et al. “Monitor Worship” in Concordance of Rivals, 39. Paizo Inc., 2019