Pleroma (aeon)

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This article covers the type of aeon. For the Abyssal realm of the demon lord Abraxas, see Pleroma.

Pleromas are among the most powerful of the aeons, who bear the charge of the duality between creation and destruction.23


A pleroma is a vaguely humanoid figure clad in a shadowy cloak. Swirling colours and spheres constantly shift within the folds of the cloak, as if it encompassed all of the night sky. One who gazes upon a pleroma could spend days studying the changes of its form, which most resemble the shifting of celestial bodies sped up to a pace to form a strange dance. Hovering above its hands are two spheres: a white sphere of creation on its left hand and a black sphere of oblivion on its right hand. When thrown as weapons, the former leaves behind new matter and the latter an empty void, and both can absorb and destroy matter that come into contact with them.23


Pleromas view the creation and oblivion as two parts of a cycle that everything in existence must explore, as part of the Monad's design. Pleromas guide this progression to ensure that everything remains balanced: whatever is created can be destroyed, and nothing becomes so static that these processes slow to a halt. Pleromas understand that eternity is cyclical and infinity repeats itself. Therefore, these two states can be changed, if only slightly. Pleromas maintain that such changes are necessary to keep the cosmos from becoming static and unbalanced;they believe that the current Convergence supports this balance and act accordingly.23


  1. Robert Brookes, et al. “Chapter 3: The Great Beyond” in Planar Adventures, 149. Paizo Inc., 2018
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Logan Bonner, et al. “Monsters A-Z” in Bestiary, 10–11. Paizo Inc., 2019
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Logan Bonner, et al. Aeon” in Monster Core, 10–11. Paizo Inc., 2024