
From PathfinderWiki

Bythos2 are a race of aeons who act as guardians of time or planar travel, intervening in places where tears between realities have developed, or correcting individuals who have abused planar travel.3

On Golarion

Tasked with the maintenance of time and planar travel, bythos can theoretically appear on any plane of the Great Beyond, including the Universe in which Golarion is located. They are still rare in the extreme, and only exist in places where time itself is twisted, such as near large deposits of the skymetal horacalcum.4 They are unique among aeons for primarily inhabiting the Astral Plane; other species of aeon disperse across the multiverse after their creation.1 However, even they sometimes appear in Axis5 and the Boneyard.6


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Robert Brookes, et al. “Chapter 3: The Great Beyond” in Planar Adventures, 149. Paizo Inc., 2018
  2. ↑ The singular and plural of bythos are the same.
  3. ↑ Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 2, 10. Paizo Inc., 2010
  4. ↑ Brandon Hodge. “The Dead Heart of Xin” in The Dead Heart of Xin, 43–44. Paizo Inc., 2013
  5. ↑ Robert Brookes, et al. “Chapter 3: The Great Beyond” in Planar Adventures, 174. Paizo Inc., 2018
  6. ↑ Robert Brookes, et al. “Chapter 3: The Great Beyond” in Planar Adventures, 180. Paizo Inc., 2018