Sheila Heidmarch

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Sheila Heidmarch
Sheila Heidmarch

Source: Magnimar, City of Monuments, pg(s). 9

One of the two venture-captains who founded the Pathfinder lodge in Magnimar, Sheila Heidmarch is a seasoned but now retired adventurer. Sheila and her husband (and lifelong adventuring partner) Canayven Heidmarch acquired their private estate in Magnimar's Naos district after retiring from a life of adventuring. Seeing value in their homeland, Sheila and Canayven have established the first Pathfinder Society lodge in Varisia, granting the Society access to the relatively unexplored wilderness region rich with ancient Thassilonian artifacts ripe for the plunder.12


Sheila was born of a Thuvian merchant and Chelaxian aristocrat in the Varisian city-state of Korvosa. She met her future husband at a distant relative's ball in Cheliax and was immediately enamoured and intrigued by the older and more experienced Pathfinder. Disappointed that the Pathfinder Society had no presence in her native homeland, she connived to have her father send her to Absalom, where she became an initiate at the Grand Lodge.2

Even though she longed to return to Varisia and explore its many ruins, the Society was primarily focused on central Avistan and Garund at the time. She bided her time and took on other expeditions, travelling to her father's homeland of Thuvia, where she investigated the ruins of Jah in the Barrier Wall mountains. During these travels, she found an awakened mountain gorilla who became her guardian, and re-encountered Canayven, whom she married shortly thereafter.2

Both the Heidmarches longed to return to Varisia, but the Society considered it a vast wilderness of little interest filled with nothing but goblins and giants. Taking matters into her own hands, Sheila petitioned the Decemvirate to open a new Pathfinder lodge in Magnimar and was soon accorded the honor. She has since spent her time reacquainting herself with her homeland and uncovering its countless secrets, becoming an expert in Thassilonian lore in the process.2


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Sheila Heidmarch is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
Murder on the Throaty MermaidJanuary 2011
The Cyphermage DilemmaFebruary 2012
King of the Storval StairsAugust 2012
Race for the Runecarved KeyAugust 2012
Rise of the Goblin GuildAugust 2012
In Wrath's ShadowAugust 2012
The Golemworks IncidentAugust 2012
The Sanos AbductionSeptember 2012
The Cultist's KissOctober 2012
Severing TiesOctober 2012
Feast of Sigils (scenario)November 2012
The Refuge of TimeDecember 2012
My Enemy's EnemyFebruary 2013
Tower of the Ironwood WatchMarch 2013
The Night March of KalkamedesApril 2013
Words of the AncientsApril 2013
Halls of Dwarven LoreMay 2013
The Waking RuneJuly 2013
City of Secrets 1May 2014
City of Secrets 6October 2014
Pathfinder Origins 118 February 2015
Pathfinder Origins 2March 2015
Pathfinder Origins 3April 2015
Pathfinder Origins 413 May 2015
Pathfinder Origins 5June 2015
Pathfinder Origins 6July 2015
The Bronze House Reprisal30 July 2015
Orders from the Gate29 June 2016
Portent's Peril4 August 2016
Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen28 June 2017
Beyond the Halflight Path29 November 2017
Testament of SoulsSeptember 2018
The Howling Dance31 October 2018
The Burden of Envy29 January 2020
Iolite Squad Alpha29 April 2020
Snakes in the GrassFebruary 2021
Heidmarch Heist27 September 2023
A Lie Told to Strangers29 May 2024