Utukkus are a race of shapechanging qlippoth that build cults to remove sinful souls from the cycle of mortal life.1[citation needed]
In its true form, an utukku resembles a seven-foot-tall, 200-pound-heavy scaled humanoid with a single eye surrounded by wriggling tendrils where a face should be. Its arms are sucker-tipped tentacles.1[citation needed]
When an utukku attacks a humanoid, it siphons away some of the victim's humanity, leaving it warped and deformed. It can falsely replicate the granted powers of two domains as if it were a cleric.1[citation needed]
An utukku teaches its followers that they will be rewarded not via transformation into an outsider, but by assimilation into the Great Beyond itself. After death and Pharasma's judgement, the souls of an utukku's cultists are converted into quintessence that then merges with and bolsters the Outer Rifts instead of becoming shades, denying the demons a soul that they can use to create more of their kind.1[citation needed]
Some utukkus are employed by thulgants to collect preserved victims from the Universe or other Abyssal realms.2
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 âMonsters A to Zâ in Bestiary 6, 230. Paizo Inc., 2017 .
- â âChapter 2: Fiendish Realmsâ in Book of the Damned, 157. Paizo Inc., 2017 .