Amara Li

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Amara Li
Amara Li

Bard 10
Source: Pathfinder Society Field Guide, pg(s). 17

Among the newest venture-captains of the Pathfinder Society, Amara Li originates from the bustling city of Goka. Respected for her gracefulness, poise, and cleanliness, Amara Li is also known for her perfectly executed tea ceremonies.

Rumours circulate of personal financial problems that trouble Amara, although she considers discussing such matters to be "improper" and refuses to discuss them. Gossip also suggests that her money problems have prompted her decision to increase cooperation between the Inner Sea region and Tian Xia.1

She migrated to Absalom in 4711 AR to run the Lantern Lodge in the Petal District, where she advised and dispatched Pathfinders to Tian Xia. She spent much of her time in her meticulously tended garden on the property.2

With the dissolution of the Absalom Lantern Lodge in 4713 AR, Amara returned to Goka to operate its expanded Lantern Lodge.3


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

Amara Li is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
To Delve the Dungeon DeepJuly 2011
Song of the Sea WitchSeptember 2011
The Edge of HeavenNovember 2011
On Hostile WatersDecember 2011
Defenders of Nesting SwallowJanuary 2012
The Haunting of HinojaiFebruary 2012
Red HarvestMarch 2012
The God's Market GambleMarch 2012
Pagoda of the Rat (scenario)May 2012
Grand Convocation 47128 July 2012
King of the Storval StairsAugust 2012
The Green MarketSeptember 2012
The DisappearedDecember 2012
The Fabric of RealityFebruary 2013
Halls of Dwarven LoreMay 2013
Way of the Kirin (scenario)May 2013
The Sealed GateMay 2014
Of Kirin and Kraken28 January 2015
The Deepmarket Deception27 January 2016
Ward Asunder4 August 2016
Shrine of the Sacred TempestJanuary 2018
Clash in Kaimuko WoodApril 2018
Countdown to Round Mountain29 May 2019
Lost on the Spirit Road30 October 2019
Rain Falls on the Mountain of Sea and Sky28 August 2024
Silver Bark, Golden Blades30 October 2024
The Godsrain and the Dragon26 February 2025