Grand Convocation 4712
Pathfinder Society Special: Grand Convocation 4712
Book - Pathfinder Society scenario
Rule set
Grand Convocation 4712 is a Pathfinder Society PaizoCon 2012 exclusive written by Kyle Elliott, Chris Jarvis, Thurston Hillman, Melissa Litwin, Myron Pauls, and Scott D. Young for tier 1-12.
Adventure overview
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Location(s) |
This is the fifth Pathfinder Society scenario involving the Blakros family or their museum. Other scenarios that contain this storyline include:
- #0-05 Mists of Mwangi
- #35 Voice in the Void
- #2-11 The Penumbral Accords
- #3-07 Echoes of the Overwatched
- Grand Convocation 4712
- #4-09 The Blakros Matrimony
- #5-03 The Hellknight's Feast
- #5-14 Day of the Demon (tangential)
- #5-23 Cairn of Shadows
- #6-02 The Silver Mount Collection
- #7-09 The Blakros Connection
- #8-99 The Solstice Scar
- #9-05 Call of the Copper Gate
- #9-17 Oath of the Overwatched
- #10-18 The Daughters' Due
- #2-07 The Blakros Deception
The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below:
- Aaqir al'Hakam (The Absalom Initiation, Assault on Absalom, Bid for Alabastrine, A Bitter Bargain, The Blakros Matrimony, The Cindersworn Pact, The Fabric of Reality, The Ghol-Gan Heresy, The Goblinblood Dead, Grand Convocation 4712, The Immortal Conundrum, The Merchant's Wake, On Hostile Waters, The Paths We Choose, Port Godless, Signs in Senghor, The Stranger Within, The Sundered Path, To Delve the Dungeon Deep, The Veteran's Vault)
- Alexander Bedard (The Blakros Matrimony, Grand Convocation 4712)
- Amara Li (Clash in Kaimuko Wood, Countdown to Round Mountain, The Deepmarket Deception, Defenders of Nesting Swallow, The Disappeared, The Edge of Heaven, The Fabric of Reality, The God's Market Gamble, The Godsrain and the Dragon, Grand Convocation 4712, The Green Market, Halls of Dwarven Lore, The Haunting of Hinojai, King of the Storval Stairs, Lost on the Spirit Road, Of Kirin and Kraken, On Hostile Waters, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), Rain Falls on the Mountain of Sea and Sky, Red Harvest, The Sealed Gate, Shrine of the Sacred Tempest, Silver Bark, Golden Blades, Song of the Sea Witch, To Delve the Dungeon Deep, Ward Asunder, Way of the Kirin (scenario))
- Ambrus Valsin (Balancing the Scales, Bandits of Immenwood, Betrayal in the Bones, The Blakros Matrimony, Call of the Copper Gate, The Consortium Compact, The Daughters' Due, Day of the Demon, Debt to the Quah, The Disappeared, Fragments of Antiquity, From the Tome of Righteous Repose, The Frostfur Captives, Fury of the Final Blade, The Glass River Rescue, The Golden Guardian, The Golden Serpent, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hellknight's Feast, In Service to Lore, In the Grandmaster's Name, The Paths We Choose, Poisonous Council, Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave, The Segang Expedition, Serpents Fall, The Shores of Heaven, Siege of Serpents, The Slave Master's Mirror, Slave Ships of Absalom, Trial by Machine, Trouble in Tamran, The Waking Rune, What Prestige is Worth, You Only Die Twice)
- Amenopheus (Beacon Below, A Bitter Bargain, Grand Convocation 4712, The Immortal Conundrum, The Paths We Choose, Refugees of the Weary Sky, Salvation of the Sages, Sanctum of the Sages (scenario), The Unseen Inclusion, Web of Corruption)
- Aram Zey (Abducted in Aether, The Blakros Connection, The Bloodcove Disguise, Captive in Crystal, The Confirmation, The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb, The Elven Entanglement, The Fabric of Reality, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hao Jin Cataclysm, The Hao Jin Hierophant, The Icebound Outpost, The Jester's Fraud, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), The Pathfinder Trials, Portal of the Sacred Rune, Rescue at Azlant Ridge, The Sealed Gate, Serpent's Rise, Siege of Serpents, The Sky Key Solution, The Slave Master's Mirror, Slave Ships of Absalom, The Sundered Path, Tapestry's Toil, The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment, Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread)
- Aspis Consortium (Abducted in Aether, Ageless Ambitions, All the Gods Beyond, Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible, Assault on the Wound, Bid for Alabastrine, The Blakros Connection, Blood Under Absalom, The Bloodcove Blockade, The Bloodcove Disguise, The Bronze House Reprisal, By Way of Bloodcove, The Consortium Compact, Day of the Demon, Dead Man's Debt, The Deepmarket Deception, The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb, Encounter at the Drowning Stones, The Fabric of Reality, Fingerprints of the Fiend, First Taste of Eternity, Fury of the Fiend, The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet, The Ghol-Gan Heresy, The Golden Guardian, The Golemworks Incident, Grand Convocation 4712, The Green Market, The Greengold Dilemma, The Icebound Outpost, The Infernal Inheritance, Kaava Quarry, King of the Storval Stairs, Lost Colony of Taldor, On Sharrowsmith's Trail, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), Portal of the Sacred Rune, Race for the Runecarved Key, Race to Seeker's Folly, Rescue at Azlant Ridge, Rivalry's End, The Rules of the Swift, Sanctum of the Sages (scenario), Serpent's Rise, Serpents Fall, Serpents' Ire, Severing Ties, Shipyard Rats, Siege of Serpents, Signs in Senghor... further results)
- Blakros family (The Blakros Deception, The Blakros Matrimony, Cairn of Shadows, Call of the Copper Gate, The Daughters' Due, Day of the Demon, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hellknight's Feast, Mists of Mwangi, The Penumbral Accords, The Silver Mount Collection, Voice in the Void)
- Colson Maldris (Black Waters, Captives of Toil, A Case of Missing Persons, Fury of the Final Blade, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hellknight's Feast, The Paths We Choose, School of Spirits, The Stolen Heir, To Delve the Dungeon Deep)
- Damian Blakros (The Blakros Matrimony, Day of the Demon, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hellknight's Feast)
- Drandle Dreng (Among the Dead, Balancing the Scales, Black Waters, The Broken Scales, The Daughters' Due, Delirium's Tangle (scenario), Echoes of the Overwatched, Excising Ruination, The Fanciful March of Urwal, Flooded King's Court, Fury of the Fiend, The Goblinblood Dead, Grand Convocation 4712, The Infernal Vault, Parting Clouds, The Paths We Choose, The Penumbral Accords, School of Spirits, Sewer Dragons of Absalom, The Shadow Gambit, Shadows Fall on Absalom, The Silver Mount Collection, Stay of Execution, True Dragons of Absalom, The Twofold Demise, A Vision of Betrayal, The Wounded Wisp, Written in Blood)
- Frostfur tribe (Exiles of Winter, The Frostfur Captives, Grand Convocation 4712)
- Gloriana Morilla (The Absalom Initiation, Ageless Ambitions, Assault on Absalom, Assault on the Wound, Birthright Betrayed, The Blakros Matrimony, Escape from Oppara, Grand Convocation 4712, A Gilded Test, The Hellknight's Feast, Honor's Echo, The Horn of Aroden, The Immortal Conundrum, The Jarlsblood Witch Saga, Library of the Lion, The Lion's Justice, No Time for Treason, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), The Paths We Choose, Slave Ships of Absalom, The Sun Orchid Scheme, The Sundered Path, A Vision of Betrayal, Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (scenario))
- Grand Convocation (The Blakros Matrimony, The Bronze House Reprisal, Cairn of Shadows, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hellknight's Feast, The Overflow Archives, Serpent's Rise, Siege of Serpents)
- Grand Lodge (The Absalom Initiation, Assault on Absalom, Blood Under Absalom, Eye of the Crocodile King, First Taste of Eternity, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hao Jin Cataclysm, Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained, The Overflow Archives, The Pathfinder Trials, The Paths We Choose, Serpent's Rise, Shadows Fall on Absalom, Siege of Serpents, Who Speaks for the Ten, The Winter Queen's Dollhouse, The Wounded Wisp, Year of the Shadow Lodge (scenario))
- Grandmaster Torch (Assault on Absalom, Betrayal in the Bones, A Bitter Bargain, Delirium's Tangle (scenario), The Eternal Obelisk, Exiles of Winter, The Frostfur Captives, The God's Market Gamble, The Golemworks Incident, Grand Convocation 4712, Halls of Dwarven Lore, In the Grandmaster's Name, The Mantis's Prey, The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch, Race to Seeker's Folly, The Refuge of Time, Rivalry's End, Salvation of the Sages, Sanctum of the Sages (scenario), Silent Tide (scenario), Snakes in the Fold, The Sundered Path, The Unseen Inclusion, Valley of Veiled Flame, A Vision of Betrayal, Way of the Kirin (scenario), Who Speaks for the Ten, Who Wears the Mask, Words of the Ancients)
- Guaril Karela (A Bitter Bargain, The Bloodcove Blockade, The Burden of Envy, The Cindersworn Pact, Cleansed with Fire, The Goblinblood Dead, The Golden Serpent, The Golemworks Incident, Grand Convocation 4712, Halls of Dwarven Lore, In Service to Lore, King of the Storval Stairs, Pagoda of the Rat (scenario), The Paths We Choose, Rivalry's End, Severing Ties, Storming the Diamond Gate, The Stranger Within, Trouble in Tamran, The Wardstone Patrol, Way of the Kirin (scenario), You Have What You Hold)
- Hellknight (The Blakros Matrimony, The Burning of Greensteeples, Day of the Demon, The Devil-Wrought Disappearance, The Disappeared, Fallen Family, Broken Name, Fate of the Fiend, Fortress of the Nail, Fury of the Fiend, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hellknight's Feast, The Infernal Inheritance, Let Bygones Be, Lost Colony of Taldor, Orders from the Gate, Race for the Runecarved Key, The Veteran's Vault, What Prestige is Worth)
- Kreighton Shaine (Abducted in Aether, The Absalom Initiation, The Blakros Connection, Captive in Crystal, Cavern of the Sundered Song, The Confirmation, The God's Market Gamble, Grand Convocation 4712, The Immortal Conundrum, Legacy of the Stonelords, Origin of the Open Road, The Overflow Archives, The Pathfinder Trials, Ruins of Bonekeep Level 2: Maze of the Mind Slave, Ruins of Bonekeep Level 3: The Wakening Tomb, The Second Confirmation, Serpent's Rise, Siege of Serpents, Siege of the Diamond City, The Sky Key Solution, Student Exchange, The Technic Siege, What The Helms Hide)
- Michellia Blakros (The Blakros Matrimony, Day of the Demon, Grand Convocation 4712, The Hellknight's Feast, The Penumbral Accords)
- Nigel Aldain (Balancing the Scales, The Blakros Connection, The Blakros Deception, The Blakros Matrimony, Call of the Copper Gate, The Daughters' Due, Echoes of the Overwatched, Grand Convocation 4712, Mists of Mwangi, Oath of the Overwatched, The Silver Mount Collection, The Solstice Scar, Voice in the Void, Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (scenario))
- Olaf Kvaran (The Blakros Matrimony, Grand Convocation 4712)
- Ollysta Zadrian (Assault on Absalom, Assault on the Wound, Grand Convocation 4712, In Service to Lore, The Paths We Choose, Reaver's Roar, The Refuge of Time, The Shores of Heaven, Siege of Gallowspire, Song of the Sea Witch, Thralls of the Shattered God, Way of the Kirin (scenario), Weapon in the Rift)
- Onyx Alliance (The Blakros Deception, The Blakros Matrimony, Cairn of Shadows, The Daughters' Due, Dreams of a Dustbound Isle, Grand Convocation 4712, Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom, A Most Wondrous Exchange!, The Penumbral Accords, Struck by Shadows, The Tomb Between Worlds, True Dragons of Absalom, Year of Boundless Wonder (scenario), Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (scenario))
- Shadow Absalom (The Daughters' Due, Dreams of a Dustbound Isle, From the Tome of Righteous Repose, Grand Convocation 4712, Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom, The Penumbral Accords, Struck by Shadows, True Dragons of Absalom, Year of Boundless Wonder (scenario), Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (scenario))
- Theodric Alverteen (Grand Convocation 4712, Way of the Kirin (scenario))
- Zarta Dralneen (The Absalom Initiation, Assault on Absalom, Bandits of Immenwood, The Blakros Matrimony, Call of the Copper Gate, Captive in Crystal, The Disappeared, Escorting a Mirage, Fate of the Fiend, Fortress of the Nail, Grand Convocation 4712, The Immortal Conundrum, The Infernal Inheritance, Orders from the Gate, The Overflow Archives, The Overthrow of Ambition, The Paths We Choose, What Prestige is Worth, Year of Boundless Wonder (scenario))
Map support
The following Pathfinder Flip-Mat or Pathfinder Map Pack products are used in this scenario:
- Real-world articles
- Works by Thurston Hillman
- Works by Kyle Elliott
- Works by Scott D. Young
- Works by Myron Pauls
- Works by Chris Jarvis
- Works by Melissa Litwin
- Artwork by Corey Macourek
- Artwork by Jason Engle
- 2012 adventures
- Adventures
- PFRPG adventures
- Pathfinder Society scenarios
- 1st level adventures
- 2nd level adventures
- 3rd level adventures
- 4th level adventures
- 5th level adventures
- 6th level adventures
- 7th level adventures
- 8th level adventures
- 9th level adventures
- 10th level adventures
- 11th level adventures
- 12th level adventures
- Tier 1-12 scenarios
- Adventures in Absalom
- Pathfinder Society scenarios set in Absalom
- Adventures in Grand Lodge
- Pathfinder Society scenarios set in Grand Lodge