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Silver Bark, Golden Blades

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-05: Silver Bark, Golden Blades
Book - Pathfinder Society (2E) scenario
Rule set
October 30, 2024

Silver Bark, Golden Blades, a Pathfinder Society scenario written by Hilary Moon Murphy for tier 1–4, is expected to be released on October 30, 2024.

This scenario has been announced but has not yet been released.
Product details such as release date, authors, cover art, and contents are subject to change.

Silvertree Village is a small settlement within the Forest of Spirits, not far off the Spirit Road, the trade route tracing the southern coast of the forest. It's a smaller river crossing, but often used when the larger Ohira's inns are full, and some travelers even prefer using it. Or they did, until the found access to it cut off by a mysterious fog. Word has reached the Pathfinder Society of this strange phenomenon, and they have resolved to investigate and resolve the issue, as the Society has also had cause to use Silvertree when transporting relics between Hongal and Minkai. The PCs are tasked with finding out the cause, and before they'll done they'll face challenges put for by a kami themselves, and must learn what has upset this being, and in so doing uncover something much more dangerous.

Scenario overview


Recurring characters, concepts, and locations

The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below: