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The Godsrain and the Dragon

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-11: The Godsrain and the Dragon
Cover Image
Book - Pathfinder Society (2E) scenario
Rule set

The Godsrain and the Dragon, a Pathfinder Society scenario written by James Case for tier 7–10, was released on February 26, 2025.

The Pathfinder Society secured friendly relations with the dragon Valashinaz over a year ago, and now seek to call upon that connection. They've recovered several warshards large and small, and their powers seem varied and unpredictable. The latest warshard recovered, the largest yet, seems even stranger. The Society has brokered another agreement with Valashinaz to use her not-inconsiderable skill honed over centuries of appraising fantastic items to appraise these shards. Among the tribute required, though, is a task.

An upstart dragon set up his lair near Valashinaz's territory. He has avoided her wrath mainly because she's been preoccupied with the literal fallout from the god slaying. This is the perfect opportunity for her to get someone else to take care of him, though, and so she has tasked the Pathfinders with getting this upstart out of her territory "by any means necessary."

Content note: Some of this adventure takes place in a traditional spa and public bath, though all adventure content is limited to non-bathing common areas where attendants wear bathrobes. Before you begin, understand that player consent (including that of the Game Master) is vital to a safe and fun play experience for everyone. You should talk with your players before beginning the adventure and modify descriptions of the narrative as appropriate.

Scenario overview


This is the fifth scenario in the Godsrain metaplot arc:

  1. #6-02 Rain Falls on the Mountain of Sea and Sky
  2. #6-03 Godsrain in a Godless Land
  3. #6-07 A God Falls Where Magic Fails
  4. #6-09 The Power of Legends
  5. #6-11 The Godsrain and the Dragon
  6. #6-17 The Devil in the Details
  7. #6-18 Symposium on a Fallen God

Recurring characters, concepts, and locations

The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below:

Map support

The following map products are used in this scenario: