
From PathfinderWiki

(augmented, kyton, native)
Source: Horror Adventures, pg(s). 240-241

Apostles are velstracs who originated from mortals who do not perish under velstrac torture but still come to adhere to their teachings.1[citation needed]


An apostle velstrac can orate a prayer so profane that it causes any non-velstrac listening to erupt in bleeding wounds. Those that succumb to its unnerving gaze becomes fascinated by the apostle.

Apostle velstracs have a unique perspective due to their transition into a velstrac, and can speak of the pleasures and wonders they experienced during their transformation. Those that hear this seductive oration might begin to question the definitions of morality, physicality and life, eventually culminating in a transformation into a broken soul or another apostle velstrac.1[citation needed]


Apostle velstracs were originally creatures that somehow survived being tortured by velstracs that were transfigured into hybrids of their past selves and velstrac malevolence. Apostles vary from degenerate, submissive, mewling slaves to their velstrac torturers, to abhorrent creatures that delight in their transformation and rise high within velstrac hierarchy. Creatures that lose themselves completely to the shadowbound corruption also sometimes become apostles.

Apostles often collude together with ostiariuses in cabals, while others assist interlocutors in their ministrations, or aid eremites in their search for perfect parts.1[citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Chapter 8: Bestiary” in Horror Adventures, 240–241. Paizo Inc., 2016