
From PathfinderWiki

The Brightness is a philosophy of transcendent reincarnation followed among elves, particularly Vourinoi. Those who believe in the Brightness consider death to be a transition to a new being, with each life to be spent wandering in pursuit of a moment of ecstatic enlightenment—the eponymous Brightness—that delivers them to a greater destiny.1

Many elves who pursue the Brightness devote themselves to an act or mental state, unique to each elf, that would lead them to a transcendental perception of reality. For some, this path consists simply and solely of meditation; for others, the Brightness is pursued through art, menial labor, tasks of grand ambition,2 or religion, such as the Green Faith.3

Brightness seekers

Those who devote themselves to personal pursuit of their own Brightness are known as Brightness seekers and have a heightened insight into the natural order that manifests as an exceptional talent in augury,1 and even a limited mastery over death and their own reincarnation.4


  1. 1.0 1.1 Paizo Inc., et al. Elves” in Character Guide, 25. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 156. Paizo Inc., 2012
  3. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 256. Paizo Inc., 2012
  4. Hal Maclean & Jeff Quick. “Social: Brightness Seeker” in Elves of Golarion, 28–29. Paizo Inc., 2008