Character Guide
Character Guide, a Pathfinder Lost Omens sourcebook by John Compton, Sasha Laranoa Harving, Amanda Hamon, Mike Kimmel, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Matt Morris, Patchen Mortimer, Andrew Mullen, Mikhail Rekun, Michael Sayre, Owen K.C. Stephens, Isabelle Thorne, and Linda Zayas-Palmer, was released on October 16, 2019. A special edition was released on August 31, 2022.
βAn adventurer's life can be difficult, but long journeys and heavy burdens are easier when you have company. This guide to the world of Pathfinder presents the people and organizations that can help—or hinder—heroes like you!
The Lost Omens Character Guide features new heritages and feats for existing ancestries, as well as three brand-new ancestries for unusual heroes forging a place for themselves in an uncertain age. Join five of Golarion's most influential organizations, fight alongside the rank-and-file members provided in these pages, or clash against them in pursuit of your own passions and goals!
This must-have 136-page guidebook for characters of all types introduces three new ancestries to the Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game—the regimented and warlike hobgoblin, the plant-like leshy, and the inquisitive lizardfolk—provides 10 new heritages for the game's core ancestries, offers nearly 100 new ancestry feats, and presents 10 new archetypes to allow characters of any class to participate in the world's most notable organizations, from the adventurous Pathfinder Society to the rabble-rousing Firebrands to the magical masters of the Magaambya!
Recurring characters
The following characters can be found in this work, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below:
- Eando Kline (The Absalom Initiation, The Arclord Who Never Was, Arclord's Abode, Campaign Setting, Catastrophe's Spark, Character Guide, The Compass Stone, Flooded King's Court, A Lie Told to Strangers, Lord of Runes, Pathfinder Society Guide, Port Godless, The Power of Legends, The Price of Friendship, Sanctum of the Serpent God, The Thousand Fangs Below, To Seek the Heart of Calamity, Vaults of Madness, The Veteran's Vault, The Winter Queen's Dollhouse)
- Fola Barun (The Absalom Initiation, The Arclord Who Never Was, Arclord's Abode, Beyond Azlant Ridge, The Bloodcove Blockade, Character Guide, Citadel of Corruption, Dead Man's Debt, Fury's Toll, The Ghol-Gan Heresy, In Burning Dawn, Killer in the Golden Mask, King in Thorns, Lodge of the Living God, Mean Streets of Shadow Absalom, Mountain of Sea and Sky, Pathfinder Society Guide, Signs in Senghor, United in Purpose, Year of Unfettered Exploration (scenario))
- Gorm Greathammer (The Absalom Initiation, All the Gods Beyond, Bandits of Immenwood, Cavern of the Sundered Song, Character Guide, Citadel of Corruption, First Taste of Eternity, Forge of the Giant God, Grim Symphony, Lands of Conflict, Linnorm's Legacy, Lost in Flames, Pathfinder Society Guide, Poisonous Council, Reaver's Roar, Serpents Fall, Siege of Stone, United in Purpose)
- Real-world articles
- Products with errata
- Works by Paizo Inc.
- Works by Owen K.C. Stephens
- Works by Amanda Hamon
- Works by John Compton
- Works by Ron Lundeen
- Works by Linda Zayas-Palmer
- Works by Mike Kimmel
- Works by Luis Loza
- Works by Mikhail Rekun
- Works by Patchen Mortimer
- Works by Matt Morris
- Works by Isabelle Thorne
- Works by Sasha Laranoa Harving
- Works by Michael Sayre
- Works by Andrew Mullen
- Artwork by Sergio Cosmai
- Artwork by Ekaterina Burmak
- Artwork by Rogier van de Beek
- Artwork by Katerina Kirillova
- Artwork by Roberto Pitturru
- Artwork by Tomasz Chistowski
- Artwork by Igor Grechanyi
- Artwork by Jose Parodi
- Artwork by Will O'Brien
- Artwork by Bryan Sola
- Artwork by Yanis Cardin
- Artwork by Maichol Quinto
- Artwork by Klaher Baklaher
- Artwork by Mikhail Palamarchuk
- Artwork by Michele Esposito
- Artwork by Emile Denis
- Artwork by Mary Jane Pajaron
- 2019 sourcebooks
- PFRPG 2E sourcebooks
- Sourcebooks