Hellknight signifer

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Hellknight signifer
(Prestige class)

Armored spellcasters
10 levels
Source: Adventurer's Guide, pg(s). 92–93
Hellknight signifer

For other meanings of "Hellknight", please see Hellknight (disambiguation).

A Hellknight signifer is a masked, magic-wielding member of a Hellknight order who holds the rank of signifer.12 As an alternative to full Hellknight plate, Hellknight half plate is the armor of choice for Hellknight signifers.3 Signifers also train in the use of medium-weight armor,4 such as Hellknight breastplate.3

Signifers include dirge-singing bards, as well as inquisitors who have innovated brand curse spells that etch a harming symbol on an exposed portion of the target, typically on the head or forearm.5

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The Hellknight signifer archetype was published in Paths of Prestige and Adventurer's Guide.

  1. Benjamin Bruck, et al. Paths of Prestige, 28. Paizo Inc., 2012
  2. Paizo Inc., et al. Hellknights” in Adventurer's Guide, 92. Paizo Inc., 2017
  3. 3.0 3.1 Michael Sayre, et al. “Armor and Armaments” in Treasure Vault, 10. Paizo Inc., 2023
  4. Paizo Inc., et al. Hellknights” in Character Guide, 85. Paizo Inc., 2019
  5. Paizo Inc., et al. Hellknights” in Adventurer's Guide, 97–98. Paizo Inc., 2017 — See also the infernal challenger and shackle spells for other spellcasting classes.