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Heraldry is the profession, study, or art of creating, granting, and blazoning arms and ruling on questions of rank or protocol.12 It might involve discussion of crests or coats of arms. Heraldry is employed on Golarion to distinguish amongst other things nations and regions; noble houses and royalty; military and other organizations; and chivalric orders.32 It also serves a practical function of identifying allies and foes on the battlefield.2

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See the Meta page for additional sources.

National heraldry

Cheliax, Taldor

Flag of Cheliax.

The chimera was often used in Taldor by the nobility as an heraldic device; in later times these same families became Chelaxian.4


Flag of Molthune.

The national coat of arms of Molthune—also displayed on the national flag—consists of a crossed sword and hammer.5

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Regional and city heraldry

Isarn, Galt

The heraldic crest of the Galtan capital city of Isarn is the iris, known as the flower of Isarn.6

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Royal and noble heraldry


The seal of House Khavortorov of Brevoy is a white dragon emblazoned on a shield, in front of a white dragon that has a metal helm embedded in its chest.7


In Galt, "the arms of the late Duke of Dabril were properly termed vert, a cockatrice in his majesty displayed and inverted tergant regardant or issuant a fountain and transfixed by a unicorn incensant argent. Or, more prosaically: a green field with a crowned golden cockatrice flying out of a pool, only to get stabbed in the back by an angry white unicorn."8

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The seal of House Tilernos of the defunct nation of Lastwall is a fist surrounded by sword blades at the center of a purple shield.7

River Kingdoms

Lord Suvarian's gerfalcon rampant motif on a tabard.

In the River Kingdoms, "nobles" come and go. Some use heraldry to gain an air of superiority or credibility. One such is Lord Suvarian; his men wear tabards, shields or armour emblazoned with a silver gerfalcon rampant on a blue background.910


The seal of House Germande of Taldor is a field divided vertically in half, with a red wyvern charge on a field of orange in the left half and interlaced red bendlets on a field of gold in the right half.11

The seal of House Darahan of Taldor is a medusa head emblazoned on a red shield and flanked by a hammer and mattock.7


The seal of House Graydon of Ustalav is the sun silhouetting a howling wolf.7

Military heraldry

Imperial Army

A captain of the Imperial Army presenting the arms of Molthune on his armour.

Soldiers of the Molthuni Imperial Army display the heraldry of the army: a small, red dragon holding a larger, purple-coloured sword.5

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See also: Category:Images of heraldry


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. Heraldry, Wikipedia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Gareth Hanrahan, et al. “Anatomy of the Knight” in Knights of the Inner Sea, 16–17. Paizo Inc., 2012
  3. James Jacobs, et al. “Equipment” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 293. Paizo Inc., 2011
  4. Jason Nelson. Chimera” in Mythical Monsters Revisited, 8. Paizo Inc., 2012
  5. 5.0 5.1 Lissa Guillet & Amber E. Scott. Lands of Conflict. Paizo Inc., 2017
  6. Kevin Andrew Murphy. The Perfumer's Apprentice, 2. Paizo Inc., 2012
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Gareth Hanrahan, et al. Knights of the Inner Sea, inside front cover. Paizo Inc., 2012
  8. Kevin Andrew Murphy. The Secret of the Rose and Glove, 1. Paizo Inc., 2011
  9. Robert E. Vardeman. Plow and Sword, 2. Paizo Inc., 2012
  10. Robert E. Vardeman. Plow and Sword, 4. Paizo Inc., 2012
  11. Gareth Hanrahan, et al. “Anatomy of the Knight” in Knights of the Inner Sea, 17. Paizo Inc., 2012 ; described as a field divided per pale, dexter bears a wyvern as a charge, sinister decorated with a modified fret lengthwise

External links

  • Heraldry (real-world concept) on Wikipedia