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(extraplanar, inevitable, lawful)
Any urban
Source: The Reaper's Right Hand, pg(s). 86–87

Impariuts are a type of inevitable that sustains responsible governance.1


An impariut resembles a humanoid made of metal and wood with a piercing gaze and dressed in noble regalia associated with the kingdom it once ruled as a mortal. An impariut stands precisely seven feet tall and weighs exactly 350 pounds.[citation needed]


Impariuts are formed from shades who were rulers in their mortal lives. Unlike other shades, their memories are not fully erased: impariuts remember their accomplishments and failings as mortals in order to better recognise such deeds in others. Upon their transformation, all impariuts are infused with an encyclopedic expertise on mortal history, law, methods of civic administration, and social welfare.1

Like other inevitables, impariuts are crafted in the Adamantine Crucible of Axis.21


Interactions with mortal rulers

Impariuts intervene against rulers that abuse their power and harm their people, or who otherwise represent a threat to law and a means by which chaotic uprisings can take hold. Each impariut is a stern counselor who guides rulers toward sustainable policies that maintain order.1

They are more flexible than other inevitables, as they know that iron-fisted rule and negligence can equally trigger revolutions. As a result, impariuts are capable diplomats and teachers who are equally proficient with offering incentives and meting punishments.1

Impariuts often infiltrate royal courts for weeks while investigating suspect rulers, then privately reveal their identity to them and offer advice. If the ruler is judged to be irredeemable, the impariut is endowed with the power to execute them and shepherd their successor. If the legal heir is also deemed incompetent, the impariut balances public sentiment with legal entitlement to identify the best candidate.1

If a ruler needs to be deposed immediately, the impariut might publicly denounce them and take away their crown. If corruption is widespread, it might gather a council of lesser leaders to peacefully establish a new government.1

Impariuts are forbidden from intervening in the nations they once ruled as a mortal and are allowed to only answer a descendant's question if contacted directly.1

Rogue impariuts

Rare impariuts exposed to irresponsible governance for too long at a time risk eroding their judgement and going rogue, each by its own way. Other lawful outsiders usually neutralise these rogue impariuts quickly. Because of this, impariuts are encouraged to return to Axis and mentally prepare themselves between assignments in an environment of perfect order. Impariuts between assignments share information freely.1


Mortal spellcasters can petition an impariut to advise a careless king, or tutor an adolescent heir, and the inevitable is willing to work for a low wage if the student is willing. Conjurers can placate impariuts by offering rare history volumes and noteworthy biographies, but impariuts also judge whether a spellcaster might ultimately undermine the rule of law and have to be destroyed later.1

Known impariuts

See also: Category:Impariut/Inhabitants
The First Emperor of Taldor gained admittance to the Adamantine Crucible more than 1,000 years after his death and became an impariut.1


  1. ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 John Compton, et al. “Bestiary” in The Reaper's Right Hand, 86–87. Paizo Inc., 2018
  2. ↑ Robert Brookes, et al. “Chapter 3: The Great Beyond” in Planar Adventures, 175. Paizo Inc., 2018