
From PathfinderWiki

The keketar (pronounced KEH-keh-tahr)1 are the ruling and religious caste of the protean race, guiding it in its mission to return all creation to the chaos of the Maelstrom.2


Individual keketars range from seven to forty feet long, although they constantly shift and change like the unformed reality of the Maelstrom itself, altering color and serpentine banding patterns, shrinking or elongating, and undergoing even more radical physical changes. However, each keketar possesses two static features: first, whatever configuration its body takes, its eyes are always a piercing shade of violet or amber; and second, a whirling ring of ever-changing symbols floats above and around its head like a shapeshifting crown. The cloud's symbols coil, snarl, and intermingle with one another, gradually merging and mutating without apparent pattern. Each keketar is marked by unique stylistic elements within the symbols and the general orientation and appearance of the crown, which is useful for distinguishing between different individuals. They can hide or manifest this crown at will, but they usually leave it visible.3

Habitat and ecology

Despite being the highest caste of protean, keketars do not sit back and rest on their laurels, they are self-sufficient crusades of chaos and can not only be found in the heart of the Maelstrom but in its tumultuous border regions and, sometimes, even further beyond its borders. Keketar proteans are not born, but are elevated from the lower castes of protean.4 Keketars are able to reshape reality itself, creating a semi-malleable form that they can twist and change as they see fit.2


Keketars operate within numerous sects or cabals, each numbering between one and a dozen individuals, called "choruses", each of which has its own philosophy and vision of how to carry out the will of the Maelstrom. One of the most infamous of these choruses is the Chorus of the Ravenous Moon and Open Grave. These cabals also tend to attract followers from the lesser castes.4


  1. ↑ Erik Mona, et al. “Appendices” in Campaign Setting, 247. Paizo Inc., 2008
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 2, 215. Paizo Inc., 2010
  3. ↑ David Eitelbach & Hank Woon. Snagged from the Vault: The Great Beyond, A Guide to the Multiverse. Paizo blog, 2009
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 Amber Stewart. “Keepers of Chaos” in The End of Eternity, 59. Paizo Inc., 2009