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Meta:Chapel of the Argent Shield
Unincorporated sources
- Heaven Unleashed major article with map 34–37; Rokas Melliand,
former shrine of Aroden after battles vs. Deskari's avatar 4433 AR, ley line convergence, Azuolas Sedelius sacrifice and haunt, First Mendevian Crusade and Iomedaean reconsecration as a fortification, bandits, sabotage, Fifth Sword Urumwi Glabrant as high priestess as of 4716 AR, Order of Heralds, cleric Sixth Sword Illiena Beringiol, Chaplin Viorn Olavsson, warpriests, paladins 35; threats from bandits, witch hunters, dire boars, leucrottas, owlbears, demon cultists 35; structure 35–36; stone and timber walls, iron portcullis, altar of Iomedae 35; map 36; shrines to Erastil, Sarenrae, Torag 36; Arodenite library, librarian Suweta Predie, ley line conjunction 36; crypt, old altar of Aroden, last Arodenite worshipper Jessiman Chakoth 36; Azuolas Sedelius haunt 36–37; Hall of the Faithful 37; 35-foot watchtower 37; stable 37; orchard house, Dhena Sernas and Marit Sernas 37; western holding, Jessiman Chathok, Istran, cultists in Estrovian Forest 37; jurisdiction, training, spellcasting services, required stop and interrogation of travelers, surveillance magic, solicitation of donations, market escorts, patrols 37 -Oznogon (talk) 18:45, 5 March 2025 (UTC)
Rival Academies gazetteer entry 15, proximity to Te Taspeh Valley 16 -Oznogon (talk) 18:45, 5 March 2025 (UTC)