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Alton Devers

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Alton Devers

First Mate
Source: Serpent's Skull Player's Guide, pg(s). 11

Alton Devers was the first mate of the Sargavan merchantman, Jenivere, which plied the Arcadian Ocean between Eleder and the Varisian city of Magnimar. He was killed by ochre eurypterids in 4710 AR after the ship foundered off the shore of the island of Smuggler's Shiv. He was known to have been a friendly man who sometimes chafed under the strict hand of Jenivere's captain, Alizandru Kovack.12


  1. Mark Moreland, et al. Serpent's Skull Player's Guide, 11. Paizo Inc., 2010
  2. James Jacobs. “Souls for Smuggler's Shiv” in Souls for Smuggler's Shiv, 7–8. Paizo Inc., 2010