Mirian Raas

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Mirian Raas
Mirian Raas

Mirian in action under water versus a sea drake.

Mirian Raas is one of a long familial line of treasure scavengers who plumb the depths of the sea near Vidrian.23 As of 4719 AR, she had joined the Pathfinder Society.45


Mirian's deceased father Leovan Raas, married a young Odonya Raas6 as his second wife. Mirian has a half-sister from her father's first marriage who married Lord Goleman.7 Mirian also has a full brother named Kellic.

She adopted the lizardfolk Jekka after they adventured together.8


Mirian Raas explored the Fortress of Fangs in central Sargava alongside Finze Bellaugh, the venture-captain of the Pathfinder Society's Eleder Lodge.9

In 4719 AR, Raas assembled a Pathfinder Society expedition to re-establish trade with the iruxi city of Ekkeshikaar. The group included her adopted iruxi brother Jekka.10


Mirian Raas is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
Beyond the Pool of Stars6 October 2015
Through the Gate in the Sea21 February 2017
Signs in Senghor20 December 2017
Star-Crossed Voyages27 November 2019
Star-Crossed Court24 June 2020