Fire scamp

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Fire scamp
Fire mephit

Fire scamps, also known as fire mephits,1 are creatures native to the Plane of Fire where they live in a complex, theocratic society ruled by the powerful Ninefold Matriarch of Holy Sublimation.2


Like other scamps, fire scamps are small bat-like creatures. They are friendly pranksters but often fail to understand that fire in harmful to other beings.13 Fire scamps are red in colour and glow with flames.43


Like other natives of the Plane of Fire, fire scamps are invulnerable to heat and flame, an ability without which they would be unable to survive. Because it is so foreign to their nature, however, they are overly susceptible to cold. As long as they are in active contact with flame, they can also heal their wounds at a tremendous rate.

When threatened by outsiders, they can expel a breath of super-heated flame. This ability is nearly useless on their native plane, but serves them well when summoned to the Universe. Scamps can also draw on their naturally magical natures to create rays of scorching flame, and heat nearby metal to a white-hot glow.3


Unlike other kinds of scamps, fire scamps have a highly developed society.5 On their native Plane of Fire, fire scamps live in a strict matriarchal society ruled by the decadent Matriarch of Holy Sublimation Dirimalia VI. Although they are less hostile and more easily approachable than the xenophobic ifrits,6 their complex taboos and social mores can be tricky for outsiders to navigate. The scamps are also known for being advanced experimental alchemists.7

Fire scamps conquered Emberkeep, a stronghold of the native dwarf-like beings known as the azer in ancient times, and are still served by them.57 Scamps have a long-standing dispute over territory with ifrits, which often escalates into all-out warfare. To bolster their cause, the scamps have a semi-secret alliance with one of their enemy's worst opponents, the jabalis8 of the Plane of Earth.2

Fire scamps have an infamously strong rivalry with water scamps and avoid working with them if possible.4


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Paizo referred to elemental scamps as mephits until the publication of the Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, and began solely referring to them as scamps in Rage of Elements. See Bestiary pg. 150, Rage of Elements pg. 3, and Pathfinder Core Preview pgs. 2, 13. Their appearance also changed from small humanoids to small bat-like creatures. Other aspects of fire scamp culture and personality were further changed in Monster Core 147.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Erik Mona, et al. “Chapter 3: Religion” in Campaign Setting, 179. Paizo Inc., 2008
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Logan Bonner, et al. Elemental scamp” in Monster Core, 147. Paizo Inc., 2024
  4. 4.0 4.1 Logan Bonner, et al. “Monsters A-Z” in Bestiary, 151. Paizo Inc., 2019
  5. 5.0 5.1 John Compton, et al. Plane of Fire” in Planes of Power, 33. Paizo Inc., 2016
  6. Paizo referred to ifrits as efreet and naaris as ifrits until the publication of Highhelm. See also Rage of Elements pg. 3 and Pathfinder Core Preview pgs. 2, 13, 18.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Amber Stewart. “The Inner Sphere” in The Great Beyond, A Guide to the Multiverse, 20. Paizo Inc., 2009
  8. Paizo referred to jabalis as shaitan until the publication of Rage of Elements. See Rage of Elements pg. 3 and Pathfinder Core Preview pg. 2.