Lenyenko Dark

From PathfinderWiki

The cavernous failed mine in the Icerime Peaks of Brevoy known as the Lenyenko Dark leads to a pre-Earthfall complex that dates to Koloran, the ancient cyclopean empire of Casmaron. After a series of unfortunate events, the complex was sealed by the Brevic government around 4639 AR.1


Little is known about the purpose of the ceremonial vault, which is lined with golden statues bearing gemstones. It was discovered by the merchant Vladlena Lenyenko of Restov, who stumbled upon its chambers during a mining expedition in pursuit of silver. Lenyenko and her workers disturbed the statuettes, which triggered incorporeal spirits that killed several members of the party and left others insane.

Lenyenko and two of her workers were the only survivors, and they emerged with only a few items they looted from the vault. She later hired nine parties of explorers to investigate the vault further, but only two returned, and both with significant casualties. Lenyenko also died of mysterious circumstances, with many crediting a curse likely placed on her for disturbing the vault.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 Judy Bauer, et al. “Hunting for Treasure” in Lost Treasures, 8. Paizo Inc., 2014