Sweet hag

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Sweet hag

Source: Monster Core, pg(s). 189–190
See also: Green hag

Sweet hags are hags who tempt youths and youthful folk with colors and sweets to draw them in before devouring them as prey.1


Sweet hags can assume any feminine humanoid form. Their true forms are fleshy masses that often resemble melting taffy with a pair of gumdrop eyes.2


Sweet hags have several innate magical abilities, such as invisibility, creation of sweets, shrinking, and magical forms manipulation.2

Sweet hags can imbue their innate magic into food, which they most often use on candies or other sweet treats. These corrupted morsels become even more effective when consumed. They have magical claws that resemble piercing candy canes, and wounds from these claws weaken their victims. Especially grievous injuries, or the mere touch of a sweet hag if the victim is not aware of the sweet hag's hostile intentions, can render the victim unconscious to dream of eating sweets.3


Sweet hags particularly enjoy consuming poor youths, who are more susceptible to their offerings of food and kindness. They also magically charm thralls with their corrupted sweets and force these thralls to perform menial tasks.2


  1. Logan Bonner, et al. Hag” in Monster Core, 189–190. Paizo Inc., 2024
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Logan Bonner, et al. Hag” in Monster Core, 189. Paizo Inc., 2024
  3. Logan Bonner, et al. Hag” in Monster Core, 190. Paizo Inc., 2024