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From PathfinderWiki

Witchfires are undead creatures formed when hags or witches die in pain or anger.1


A witchfire takes the incorporeal form of its source's own idealized self-image, unrelated to their appearance at their death. The form is engulfed in green fire.1


A witchfire can inflict its witchflame onto other creatures with a touch or from a distance with bolts of witchflame. The flames do no harm unless the witchfire chooses to intensify the flames' heat, but they also prevents the victim from concealing itself.1

Witchfires can also summon will-o'-wisps and resist many types of harm, especially non-magical forms.1

Ecology and habitat

Witchfires blacken and degrade the bogs and swamps where they typically live, which also become the habitat for will-o'-wisps that are summoned by or naturally flock to the witchfire and feed form its fearful aura of flames. When they encroach on populated areas, they lure victims away from a distance but attack them close enough for the screams to be heard by others.1

While incapable of creating their own covens, witchfires can join the covens of living hags and witches and work with them.1


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Paizo Inc., et al. “Monsters A-Z” in Bestiary 2, 293. Paizo Inc., 2020