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The Mother of Witches
Lord of Deception
Demon Lord of Hags and Deception
Areas of Concern
Annis hags, banshees, green hags, sea hags, spurned lovers, vengeful widows, witches
Enact disproportionate vengeance, manipulate others to enact your plans, tear down your rivals through both subtlety and violence
Declare your schemes openly, harm an allied witch or hag
Follower Alignments (1E)
Domains (1E)
Chaos, Charm, Evil, Trickery
Subdomains (1E)
Deception, Demon, Lust, Thievery
Sanctification (2E)
Must choose unholy
Domains (2E)
Magic, nightmares, pain, trickery
Alternate: Passion, secrecy
Favored Weapon
Eye on three sharp stones
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Black, red
Source: Inner Sea Gods, pg(s). 320–321 (1E)
Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 312–313 (2E)
Also detailed in Lords of Chaos 20. In Inner Sea Gods and Lords of Chaos, Mestama's favored weapon is the punching dagger.

The demon lord Mestama (pronounced me-STA-mah)1 was the patroness of witches, hags, and vengeful widows.2 Her religious symbol was a human eye carefully balanced on three sharp stones.3


According to Amenopheus, after the death of Gorum in 4724 AR, Nethys and Thoth battled over a source of power in the Inner Sea north of Sothis. Nethys emerged as the victor and cast Thoth away from Golarion. A whirlpool appeared at the site of the battle, and a coven of the hag goddesses Gyronna, Mestama, and Alazhra entered it to begin performing a ritual of unknown purpose. This spurred the Osirian deities Ra, Horus, Anubis, Osiris, Maat, and Isis to rise in opposition of them, but the old gods of Osirion were unable to disrupt the ritual. However, Gyronna briefly stuttered while reciting the ritual, an error that offered enough of a chance for the Osirian deities to intervene. All nine deities vanished in a flash, their fates unknown, and prayers to Osirion's have since gone unanswered.4


Mestama's Abyssal realm was known as the Barren Wood, an aptly named, dying, coniferous forest. Distant parts of certain woodlands—particularly in Nidal, Taldor, and Galt—were said to contain direct connections to the Barren Wood.35 The fate of the Barren Wood since Mestama's disappearance is unknown.


Mestama appeared as a withered, ancient crone with sunken and sometimes monstrous features. Mestama boasted flesh-shearing talons instead off fingers, a pair of jet black, raven-like wings, and a donkey's tail, making sure none would mistake her for just another aged hag.32

Cult and worshipers

Mestama served as the patroness of various types of hags, witches, and hateful widows, and as such her cult was a particularly vile one. Her worshipers were either eunuchs or women who specialized in inflicting horrible cruelties via deception, and she also attracted antipaladins to her cause.36 Her most powerful cults, often led by actual hags, often claimed entire villages where cruelty is rampant, and horrible fates befell those unlucky enough to spend the night in one of these cursed villages. One of Mestama's favourite cruel tricks was murdering a young woman the night before her wedding, then taking her form, marrying the groom, and sleeping with him. Then after the deed was done, the trickster assumed her true and normally terrifying form before castrating the man and disappearing into the night. The final part of this heinous trick arrived years later, when the deformed, bastard offspring of this unlucky union returned to murder their father.32


Worshipers of the demon lord met most frequently in abandoned buildings, especially churches and schools, and on islands in the middle of swamps.3

Relations with other religions

Mestama's cultists are jealous as well as hateful, and treated those of any competing faiths, such as Gyronna's, with burning anger.3


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