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Source: Dark Archive, pg(s). 176

Tomalán is a nation found south of Xopatl. In the Lands of Second Souls, a phenomena occurs were dead souls get one rebirth before being taken by the River of Souls like normal, similarly described as a more limited version of a samsaran's ability to reincarnate. In center of Tomalán, the flowers of the Tree of Rebirth drips blood which is collected in vats. Babies are dipped in them and raised by local families and orphanage until they old enough to recall their first life, returning them to their previous family or go elsewhere upon request. Other types of rebirth a person could experience are: as a ghost that is lucid for a few decades1 with Grappling spirits being common2, instant resurrection with a increase to life span of up to centuries or millenniums, or return later spontaneously with a new body. So far psychopomps are frequent the area but don't interfere with this second rebirth phenomena, showing Pharasma's attention and acceptance of this land.1

After Godsrains, giant creatures called iva vahndyr across Arcadia except noticeably in the Land of Second Souls.3



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 James Case, et al. Curses and Pacts” in Dark Archive, 176. Paizo Inc., 2022
  2. Jason Bulmahn, et al. “3: The Grim Crypt” in Book of the Dead, 107. Paizo Inc., 2022
  3. James Case, et al. “Mythic Gazetteer” in War of Immortals, 96. Paizo Inc., 2024