Twisting Garden Lodge

From PathfinderWiki

Twisting Garden Lodge is a Pathfinder lodge located in Merab, Thuvia. Its proprietor and venture-captain as of 4723 AR was retired Pathfinder Diya Akan.123


The lodge is a pavilion located in a courtyard at the center of a large maze of garden hedges and sandstone walls.13 Traversing the twisting maze can take five minutes even when guided by a member of the lodge. Small structures on the maze's outer edges house residents, visitors, and the lodge's caretakers.1


Venture-Captain Akan founded the lodge with the wealth acquired from her last mission as a Pathfinder, a delve into an ancient tomb that also left Akan cursed and blinded. Despite the curse's effects, she launched the lodge to continue her work with the Pathfinder Society.1
