User:Fleanetha/Sandbox (Player Companion)
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To document notes on-line from reading Paizo Pathfinder Player Companion books showing articles that need creating or modifying due to material found in the sourcebook. Articles requiring major updates should get an {{U}} template applied. The listing of data here should in no way imply that fleanetha is going to do this work! Any help creating / amending these articles would be most appreciated by all.
'[A 1]' => artwork for that subject is found on p. 1 of the book.
Pathfinder Player Companion
Advanced Class Origins
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: otyugh [A cover]; Red Mantis assassin [A 3]; goblin [A 4]; some magic items [A 28f.]
- Special Abilities: corsair, crusading, skewering
- Spells: acid maw, arcane disruption, blood salvation, defensive grace, energy hack, imbue hex, phantom hunt, spirit call [A 30], wrathful weapon
- lichblood, Masha the Seven-Limbed, Bureau of Criers, Fifthstones Hill, Life Falls, Bloodwatch, Blood Circus, Sardan Six Steps, Mainmast District -> Mainmast
Adventurer's Armory 2
Artwork for existing pages: weapon [A 2]; armour [A 2]; potion [A 4; A 17]; scroll [A 4; A 17]; holy water [A 4 and this artwork is on the wiki]; javelin [A 5]; butchering axe [A 8]; flying talon [A 8]; frog [A 17]; silver holy symbol [A 17]; fungus [A 18]; poison [A 18]; moose [A 22]; poppet [A 30 x 2; A 31 and two of these images are on wiki]
???shield [A 19]
- Peculiar Emporium; thunderstone [A 26]; ladder [A 14]; bullseye lantern / hooded lantern / lantern [A 15]; lamp oil / lamp / oil; mirror [A 15]; pole / balancing pole / ten-foot pole / folding pole; smokestick [A 26]; tanglefoot bag; tangleburn bag
- Armour: Alkenstar fortress plate / fortress plate [A 6]; chain coat; Erutaki coat [A 6] / armoured coat / armored coat; reinforced tunic / leine; steel snarlshield / wooden snarlshield / snarlshield; spider-silk bodysuit [A 6]; Varisian dancing scarves / Varisian dancing scarf; dwarven war-shield [A 6]
- armour modification: burnished / burnished armour / burnished armor; deflecting / deflecting armour / deflecting armor; double-plated / double-plated armour / double-plated armor; jarring / jarring armour / jarring armor; nimble / nimble armour / nimble armor; razored / razored armour / razored armor; slumbering / slumbering armour / slumbering armor; vitalguard / vitalguard armour / vitalguard armor
- Weapons: gnome battle ladder; boarding gaff or gaff hook; chain-hammer; cutlass; dwarven dorn-dergar [A 8] / dorn-dergar; duelling dagger / dueling dagger; fauchard; flask thrower; orc hornbow; lantern staff [A 8]; gnome piston maul / piston maul / maul; drow razor; gnome ripsaw glaive / ripsaw glaive / glaive; sanpkhang; sickle-sword; spiral rapier [A 8]; stormshaft javelin; switchscythe / scythe; waveblade or scorpion's tail [A 8]
- weapon modification: brutally weighted / brutally weighted weapon; dual-balanced / dual-balanced weapon; jagged hooks / jagged hooks weapon; razor-sharp / razor-sharp weapon; serrated edge / serrated edge weapon; tactically adapted / tactically adapted weapon; versatile design / versatile design weapon
- Poisons: grinding joint paste; halo mushroom toxin [A 18]; Leng's tears; night's-eye dust / night's-eye moth; rainbow scarab shell [A 18]; skinsap extract; sweetdream
- Alchemical Remedies: anaesthetic wine / anesthetic wine [A 29] / Sarenite sacred wine; curative myrrh / myrrh; liquid breeze [A 29]; surgical jelly; troll styptic [A 24]
- Alchemical tools: beast-scent; ghost ink [A 24]; gloomstick [A 24]; Minkaian ceremonial tea [A 28]; Nalinivati's kiss (NB: this is mentioned on IBC but does not appear in the book otherwise); spirit-vision ink [A 28]
- Alchemical Weapons: bolt / crossbow bolt [A 24]; acid bolt; acid; alchemical fire bolt; alchemist's fire; liquid ice bolt [A 24] / liquid ice; poison bolt; darkflare; Kitumu's ire; tress tincture [A 25]
- concoction[A 26; A 27]: crystal-sweet concoction [A 26]; darting-eye concoction; fear-killer concoction; quick-step concoction [A 27]; slow-heart concoction; snake-tongue concoction; sphere-song concoction; wild-blood concoction [A 27]
- Clothing: burglar's outfit [A 20]; chausses; corset [A 20]; courtesan's outfit; dancer's garb [A 29]; executioner's outfit [A 20]; gambeson / arming doublet; headscarf [A 20]; shinobi shozoku; silk kimono / kimono [A 28]; sparring gear [A 20]; squire's outfit; stiletto boots [A 20]
- tool: bear trap [A 16] / offset bear trap / sawtooth bear trap [A 16]; boline; dissipating fan [A 16] / fan [A 16]; linguist's codex; portable terrarium [A 17]; shears
- equipment packages: arcane adept package [A 4]; daring bravo package; holy warrior package [A 4 and this artwork is on the wiki]; lore seeker package; mystic guide package; questing knight package [A 5]; shadowy stalker package; wilderness wanderer package [A 5]
- Other equipment: adventurer's sash; cane; hollow cane [A 12]; charcoal; climber's plank; conversation tube; crutch [A 12]; drowner's helm [A 14]; dusk lantern [A 12]; false teeth; gauntlet magnet; hanging board; imperial conquest; mirror ball; nautical chart; pantograph [A 13]; practice straitjacket / straitjacket; rope recaller; spring loaded scroll case; thief trainer [A 14]; treasure chest; wheelchair; wing sheaths [A 13]
- Magic items: gloves of improvised might [A 23]; quickmetal bracers [A 23]; ring of balanced grip; scrap collector's strap
- Special materials: singing steel; sunsilver
- Spells: allied cloak; billowing skirt; grappling scarf; restful cloak; sculpted cape; surefoot boots
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: light crossbow; backpack [A 4 and this artwork is on the wiki & A 5]; bedroll [A 5]; belt pouch; candle; chalk; flint and steel; ink [A 4]; ink pen / inkpen [A 4]; journal [A 4]; magnifying glass; mess kit; scroll box; silk rope / rope; spell component pouch; trail rations; waterskin [A 5]; masterwork; chain shirt; alchemist's kindness; sunrod; courtier's outfit; flask [A 4 and this artwork is on the wiki & A 5]; grooming kit; perfume; sack; whetstone; heavy steel shield [A 4 and this artwork is on the wiki] / light steel shield / steel shield [A 4 and this artwork is on the wiki]; morningstar; heavy crossbow; crowbar; antitoxin; compass; everburning torch; grappling hook; mapmaker's kit; signal whistle; light wooden shield / heavy wooden shield / light wooden quickdraw shield / wooden shield; bullet / sling bullet; shovel; smelling salts; soap; lance [A 5]; half-plate; banner; bit / bridle; military saddle / saddle; saddlebags; caltrops; disguise kit; glass cutter; masterwork backpack; holly; mistletoe; composite longbow [A 5]; climber's kit; cold-weather outfit; fishhook [A 5]; gauntlets / gauntlet / locked gauntlet; spiked chain; shield spikes; armour spikes / armor spikes; greatclub; paper; parchment; bronze; lock; wooden chest; leather; chalk; pencil; ebony; ivory; healer's kit; manacles; gravelly tonic; celestial censer; weapon blanche; incense; bandolier [A 17]; holy weapon balm; soul stimulant; twitch tonic; piton; alkali flask; bladeguard; arrow; blue book; heritage book; occult reference materials; forger's kit; spyglass; telescope; ear trumpet; camouflage clothing [A 19]; footprint book; mapmaker's kit; dowsing rod; boots [A 20]; cloak; cape; anvil (tool); sledgehammer; pitchfork; glove / gloves [A 23]; bracer / bracers [A 23]; fire beetle; fuse grenade; copper; hide armour / hide armor; jewellery / jewelry
cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds; detect magic; comprehend languages; detect secret doors; glitterdust; identify; mount (spell); mage armour / mage armor; ioun torch; bless weapon; protection from evil; erase; traveller's any-tool / traveler's any-tool; bead of blessing / lesser strand of prayer beads / bead of healing; sleeves of many garments; keen senses; light fortification; planar adaptation; plane shift; elixir of truth; detect thoughts; speak with dead; dust of appearance; oil of align weapon / align weapon; silversheen; magic circle against evil; banishment; hide from undead; lesser restoration; amulet of mighty fists; greater magic weapon; major creation; masterwork transformation; mending; remove disease; remove blindness/deafness; good hope; silence; rusting grasp; make whole; minor creation; false life; expeditious retreat; longstrider; ant haul; bull's strength; cat's grace; resist energy; fly (spell); water breathing
Agents of Evil
- Artwork: lillend, cultist of Razmir, Red Mantis assassin, cultist of Baphomet [A cover]; ? [A 3]; ?gnoll [A 4]; ? [A 7]; ? [A 8]; Urgathoa [A 15]; ?Hellknight [A 16]; ? [A 19]; antipaladin [A 20; art is on wiki]; poison [A 23]; ? [A 27]
- also see Category:Artwork from Agents of Evil
- Weapons: bloodthirsty, deceiving, malevolent, weeping, injecting, miserable, toxic (weapon special ability), closing offer, fiend's relief, grave marker arrow, snakebite, withershot
- Magic items: Anaphexis robe, ebony bolero, feller's belt, imperious headband, ioun spite bracers, life-reading eyes, mantis embrace, meduseion [A 28], mockingskull
- Spells: detect fiendish presence, devil snare; punishing armor, unholy ward; blood tentacles [A 31], caustic safeguard, coward's cowl, dream dalliance, enticing adulation, furious fire barrage, golden guise, shadow endurance
- Mother's Blessed Midwives, Nightmare Delvers, Fulgheist Sanitarium, The Gloved, Gray Watchers, The Enders, The Pallid Palate, Scions of Dou-Bral
Alchemy Manual
- Artwork: alchemist [A cover; ?A 3; A 4, A 6, A 22, A 24, A 26, A 28]; Homunculus [A cover, A 14]; ?naga [A 4]; orc [A 6]; Daggermark poisoner [A 8]; Dwarven magic ales [A 12], dwarf (probably drunken rager) [A 12]; elf [A 20]; Pei Zin herbalism [A 24]; ?Artokus Kirran [A 26]; sun orchid [A 26]; gnome [A 28]
- Reagents: Provide all symbols for infobox; brimstone; dew of lunary; Ginger extract; Mugwort extract; myrrh; Phosphorous; Realgar; Saltpeter; Spirit of wine; Urea
- Types of alchemy: Belkzen war alchemy [A 6]; Daggermark poisons [A 8], Ambras Imre; Derro fungus alchemy [A 10], derro magister, fungal graft [A 10]; Homunculi of Lepidstadt [A 14]; Katapeshi drug crafting [A 18]; Kyonin alchemical archery [A 20]; Oenopion ooze alchemy [A 22]; Spontaneous alchemy [A 4]; Thuvian wish alchemy [A 26]; Varisian fireworks [A 28], sparkling tindertwig, smokestick
- alchemical process: Calcination; Ceration; Congelation; Digestion; Distillation; Earth; Exposure; Fermentation; Filtration; Sublimation
- Items: Acid neutralizer, Amp, Alchemist's fire, Alchemist's lab & portable version, Alchemical arrow: bleeding, durable, dye, lodestone, pheromone, raining, slow burn, splintercloud, tangleshot, trip; Artokus's fire, Blanch bomb, Bloating solution, Blood-boiling pill, Blood-chilling pill, Bloodgorge, Brewer's kit, Bunk, Chameleon ointment, Congealer spray, Crucible, Desiccating lubricant, Essence of independence, Eye drops of the unseen master, Filter, Firework (classed as alchemical weapon) [A 28]: dancing peonies, firecracker, spirit firecracker, jumping jenny, skydragon, sparking pinwheel; Frightful war paint, Fungal eyes, Homunculus clay, Hookah and variants [A 18], Imposing war paint, Incense of divinity, Insight leaves, Instant fertilizer, Loyalty transfusion, Lyddric essence, Mimic fibers, Oozing vat, Pain wheel, Poison belcher [A 6], Poison diffuser, Purity test, Reaching vines [A 10], Retort, Semblance transfusion, Shaman's paint, Shriek bomb, Silence dust, Slime grenade, Smokestick, Spirit of glass, Stormstone, Suffocating powder, Sunrod, Surge syrup, Tanglefoot bag, Tea of transference, Thunderstone, Tindertwig, Tunnel creeper, Vapors of easy breath, Vector ink, Vivifying moxibustion needles
- Magic items [A 16f.]: Focusing flask, Retort of control, Vial of efficacious medicine, Winged bottle
- Drugs: Angel's trumpet, black pesh, golden pesh
- General: alchemical power component; bioalchemy; goldbelly stinkbug
Animal Archive
- Artwork
- Evergreen Pact, Coulthar Au; Bleed for your master, Die for your master, Familiar figment, Hunter's friend, Scamper, Sea stallion, Sea steed, Share shape, Shield companion, Sky steed
- Circlet of speaking, Collar of obedience, Horseshoes of sacred silver, Pull-ring of scent, Saddle of the sky-river
- Familiar metamagic rod, Figurine of wondrous power (Glass Walrus), Instant muzzle, Rod of animal training, Tamer's whip
- Llama, Moose; Armadillo, Squirrel
Antihero's Handbook
Artwork for existing pages: medallions/coins showing symbols of six organisations [A IFC]; young Merisiel [A 4]; rogue [A 4]; Yoon screaming / angry? [A 7 and artwork is on wiki]; kineticist [A 7 and artwork is on wiki]; gunslinger [A 8 and artwork is on wiki]; dog [A 11]; bow [A 11]; Red Raven [A 17]; vigilante [A 17]; phantom [A 18]; Damiel Morgethai [A 20]; alchemist [A 20]; Red Mantis / Red Mantis assassin [A 23]; sawtooth sabre [A 23]; ?sleepless detective / discretion specialist [A 24] (an elf on the Wasp Queen page, but clearly male, so very unlikely, therefore most probably an elven sleepless detective? or could represent a free agent working for Wasp Queens?); halfling [A 27 and artwork is on wiki]; investigator [A 27 and artwork is on wiki]
Uncategorised artwork: venue? NPC? [A 2]
- mantis mask; Erinyes Company; atonement; emotional focus; corruption / amoral corruption [A 20]; Emerald Branch; Dragonshadow / Dragonshadow clan; Blood Mistress; Arala Insifaal
- Archetypes: blatherskite [A 8 and artwork is on wiki]; channeller of the unknown / channeler of the unknown [A 12]; colluding scoundrel [A 11]; discretion specialist [A 24 maybe (see above)]; planar extremist; ruthless agent [A 27 and artwork is on wiki]; sin monk [A 15]; splintersoul [A 17]; vindictive bastard
- Poisons: concentrated laxative; frightshade (plant and poison); leopard's bane (plant and poison); liquid leprosy; lungsap powder; sloth's bite, sloth
- Magical items: arrow slicer; crook's cube [A 30]; guns of the twin drakes [A 30]; lenses of the bully; vial of reckless courage; bloodbite [A 31]; chatter ring, ring of eloquence; kleptomaniac's gloves, gloves of larceny, gloves; overcharged staff, staff of electricity
- Alchemical items: dung grenade, fuse grenade; hellfire sparkler; iniquitous panacea; ink of stolen secrets [A 28] / ink; portable hive [A 28]; jury-rigged bomb [A 29]; sand bomb [A 29]
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: parchment; armour spikes / armor spikes; limning weapon special ability; find the path; wind wall; wounding, flaming and frost weapon special abilities; fireball; ray of frost; undetectable alignment; remove fear; remove curse; shocking grasp; lightning bolt; chain lightning; undetectable alignment; summon nature's ally; summon monster; mirror image; locate creature; disintegrate; chaos hammer; magic aura / greater magic aura; arrow; ammunition; incorporeal; surmount affliction; heroism; blessing of fervour / blessing of fervor; resurrection; holy (weapon special ability); rage (spell); dress corpse; miracle; wish; dimension door; truncheon [A 27 and artwork is on wiki]; brass knuckles [A 27 and artwork is on wiki]; discern lies; geas/quest; status
Arcane Anthology
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: spellbook [A many throughout]; scroll [A IFC]; gnoll [A 4]; Garundi [A 16]; halfling [A 15, A 22]; Merivesta Olinchi [A 25]; Lokoris Sarini [A 26]
- Unknown artwork: [A 10]
- Spellbooks: Arrowsong's Sorrow, Erages Journeyman's Manual, Galtan Cookbook, Nyzam's Remedies, Songs of the Linnorm Kings, Tome of Stone Wards
- Spells in Spellbooks:
- Analects of Aroden [A 6] (The Guide's Analects, The Last Azlanti's Analects, The Swordsman's Analects): Aroden's magic army, Aroden's spellsword, banishing blade, create armaments, expeditious construction, force sword [A 8 & this artwork is on the wiki], grand destiny, lesser guardian monument, greater guardian monument, human potential, mass human potential, Last Azlanti's defending sword, mass Last Azlanti's defending sword, linked legacy, splinter spell resistance, winged sword
- Wisdom of Jatembe [A 12] (Nine Warriors edition, Six Warriors edition, Three Warriors edition): cyclic reincarnation, Jatembe's ire, mask from divination, planar inquiry
- Runes of Wealth [A 18] (Calamaes Fragment, Cyrusian Codex): artificer's curse, deft digits [A 22], dissolution, emblem of greed, fool's gold, full pouch, legendary proportions, liquefy, open arms, rags to riches, rune of ruin [A 21], tears to wine, transmute golem
- Cold Irony: find fault, foretell failure, perfect placement
- The Workbook of Lokoris Sarini needs redirect to Sarini's Workbook: heckle, stage fright, tough crowd
- construct guardian [A cover; A IBC] or is that a generic description on p. 1 of, say, a caryatid column?; preparation ritual; formula book; prayer book; meditation book; ritual mask [A 15]; Magaambyan initiate [A 16 & this artwork is on the wiki]; Calamaes; anointing; numerology; Hell's Heroes and The Devil We Know (play); The Stone Warden; stone warder [?A 29 and artwork is on wiki]; deep marshal [?A 29]; Arrowsong [A 31]; bardic masterpiece
Armor Master's Handbook
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: armour [many in book]; goblin [A cover; A IBC]; Knights of Ozem [A IFC]; Gray Maidens [A IFC, A 5]; Mercenary League [A IFC]; Hellknights [A IFC]; Golden Legion [A IFC]; Pure Legion [A IFC]; Red Mantis [A IFC]; Iomedae [A 13]; shield [A 18]
- Unknown artwork: [A 2], [A 6], [A 9], [A 10], [A 14], [A 17] (on the wiki), [A 18], [A 21] (on the wiki)
- Horse tribes, or maybe Horse tribes of Karazh [A IFC]; tower shield [A 6]; angelskin; darkleaf cloth; dragonhide; Elysian bronze; fire-forged steel; frost-forged steel; living steel; spellscribed armor / spellscribed armour [A 22]; spellscribing; Armor of Serren / Armour of Serren; voidglass
- Archetypes: armored battlemage/armoured battlemage & thus battlemage; iron tyrant; knight of Arnisant; legate; Molthuni defender; shieldbearer; yojimbo
- Spells: guardian armor / guardian armour; revenant armor / revenant armour; shield of shards; spiritual squire
- Special Abilities: cushioned; locksmith; phantasmal; phase lurching; venom-eating; arrow-collecting; balanced; mental focus; spirit-bonded; terrain-striding; withstanding; advancing; dread wing; radiant flight [A 29]; rampaging; unbowed; assiduous; bastion (shield special ability); folding; heraldic; mastering; spellrending
- Items: arachnid harness [A 25 (art is on wiki)]; djezet skin; gale armor / gale armour; shifting jerkin; Aldori dueling armor / Aldori duelling armour; armor of the Pure Legion / armour of the Pure Legion; elemental bulwark [A 26]; trained barding; clockwork armor / clockwork armour; legion armor / legion armour; raiment of the shining crusade; stone-eater armor / stone-eater armour; challenging shield [A 30]; gunner's buckler; lens of the Dark Tapestry; phalanx shield
Bastards of Golarion
- Artwork: owlbear [A cover]; ? [A 3]; half-elf [A 4, ?A 18]; gillman [A 16]; dhampir [A 16]; fetchling [A 17]; changeling [A 17]; ? [A 20]; ?dhampir [A 22]; ? [A 24]; ? [A 26]; ?tiefling [A 30]; ?sylph [A IBC]
- Erages [A 8]: Dirae Tallblood; Magistrate Laniel Miliediam; Blackash Training Grounds, Blackash
- Half-orc: Darklands orc; desert orc; jungle orc; mountain orc; winter orc
- Averaka [A 14]: Groa Whale-Biter, Three-Winged Gull; Averaka town guard; Averaka temple
Black Markets
- Artwork: ?apart from iconics? [A cover]; ?mummy [A 3]; ?poison, ?gnoll & other elements? [A 4]; ? [A 7]; ? [A 8]; ? [A 11] [artwork is on this wiki]; poison [A 12], half-orc [A 12]; zombie [A 14] [artwork is on this wiki]; ? [A 17]; ? [A 25]; ?pack mule archetype [A 26]; eldritch poisoner [A 29]
- also see Category:Artwork from Black Markets
- Items: ghoulgut, gravespawn gland, necrograft arm, necrograft leg, sallowflesh, strangler's tongue; alchemical tar paper, autosniper, flask launcher [A 20], net rigging, poison latch needle, pull-cord grenade [A 21]
- Magic items: circlet of spell-eating, spendthrift spectacles, style-stealing vambrace, talisman of spying; portable pit [A 21]; aspergillum cloak [A 22], congregant's compass, dissident's gloves, effulgent geode, false flag tabard, recondite holy symbol, uplifting boots
- Spells: alleviate addiction, contact high, imbue with addiction, night blindness, pesh vigor; codespeak, compel tongue & mass compel tongue, fleeting memory & mass fleeting memory, secret sign, venomous promise; arcane pocket, vacuous vessel; adroit retrieval, authenticating gaze, curse of keeping, evaluator's lens, fleeting defect, incendiary runes, peerless integrity, remarkable legerdemain, secret coffer [A 30], secret vault
- black market
Blood of Angels
- Artwork
- Arianna Ellard; Captain Alzar Kenton; Blessed of the Waybringer; Findalay and Margatha; Corliar; Coriana Heavenscape
Blood of Shadows
- Artwork: drow [A cover, A IBC; A4 & this art is on wiki; A 14, A 17 (assumed)]; seugathi [A cover, A IBC]; urdefhan [A 3]; fetchling [A 4 & this art is on wiki; A 6, A 9 & this art is on wiki]; ?insect [A 4 & this art is on wiki]; wayang [A 10, A 13 & this art is on wiki]; samurai [A 24]
- Weapons: shadowcraft, shadowcraft weapon [A 23], enervative shadowcraft weapon, focused shadowcraft weapon, lashing shadowcraft weapon, feast of rats, torment of the Midnight Lord
- Magic items
- shadow ink tattoo; mesmerizing tattoo, penumbra tattoo, swirling smoke tattoo
- beaming, brilliant bulwark [A 20], faithful lantern, luminous lockpicks, palelight torch, radiant panel
- eclipsed metamagic rod, eye-stealing locket, rod of delumination, shadowbond tunic, shadowshooting, shawl of shadowy disguise, snuffing metamagic rod, soles of the silent stride, tome of dissolution, voidlight lantern [A 27]
- Spells
- First World revisions, darkvault, fear the sun, ignoble form, shadowmind, umbral strike
- dancing darkness, motes of dusk and dawn [A 28 with some poetic licence], mydriatic spontaneity, mass mydriatic spontaneity, penumbral disguise, shield of darkness, spotlight, touch of blindness, wall of split illumination
- baleful shadow transmutation, masochistic shadow, shadow transmutation, greater shadow transmutation, shadow trap, shadowform [possibly A 31], umbral infusion, mass umbral infusion
- shadowborn; mawbane poison; the Widow; The Dissolution; gloom [A 19]
Blood of the Ancients
Artwork for existing pages: Crowe [A 5 and art is on wiki]; bloodrager [A 5 and art is on wiki]; Shoanti [A 5 and art is on wiki]; earth breaker [A 5 and art is on wiki]; Ancient Osirion? [A 6], thus probably Garundi [A 6]; telescope [A 9]; ioun stone [A 11]; kineticist [A 11]; elf [A 13]; Mierani [A 13]; magus [A 14 and art is on wiki]; spellbook [A 17]; samurai [A 18 and art is on wiki]; katana [A 18 and art is on wiki]; jinyiwei [A 20/21 probably]; Namzaruum [maybe A 23]; aeromancer [probably A 24?]; spell [A 27 and art is on wiki]; dwarf [A 29]; bard [A 29]; paladin [A 30]; Osiris [A 30]
Unknown artwork: [A 2]; [A 9]
- -2556 AR; Abendego Gulf; New Paradigm; Umani; Serpentfolk Empire; dull grey ioun stone / dull gray ioun stone; deep rose sphere, incandescent blue sphere, pale blue rhomboid, pink and green sphere, pink rhomboid, or scarlet and blue sphere / deep rose sphere ioun stone, incandescent blue sphere ioun stone, pale blue rhomboid ioun stone, pink and green sphere ioun stone, pink rhomboid ioun stone, or scarlet and blue sphere ioun stone; o-yoroi [A 18 and art is on wiki]; Pao-Lung; acupuncture kit; calligraphy; legendary spirit
- Archetypes: aerial assaulter, aerochemist, antiquarian, arcane warden [A 13], chart caster, dwarven scholar [A 29 probably], hinyasi, imperial agent, ioun kineticist [A 11], ironbound sword [A 18 and art is on wiki], Jistkan magistrate, lawspeaker, Poleiheira adherent [A 17], spawn slayer [maybe A 23], Tekritanin arbiter
- Bardic masterpieces: Death of Heroes, Song of Sarkoris, The Tragedy of False Hope
- Magic items: chisel of excavation, figurine of the dwarven forge, golem gauntlet, heirloom seal, null spike, ofuda of dimensional warding, relic of a virtuous emperor, tablet of Arustun
- Rituals: seal, spiritual investment
- Spells: ashen path, brightest night, mark of buoyancy, mnemonic siphon, shared training, skim, summon ship, symbol of storms [A 27 and art is on wiki]
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: identify; share memory; arcane sight; hypercognition; telepathic bond; analyse dweomer / analyze dweomer; vision; discern location; foresight; true strike; false life; phantom steed; mass enlarge person / enlarge person; lesser simulacrum; greater create mindscape / create mindscape; mindscape door; mirage arcana; hallucinatory terrain; spiritual ally; sepia snake sigil; elemental body IV; mage's disjunction; arcane sight; reverse gravity; overwhelming presence; keen edge; control construct; wooden phalanx; tongues; form of the dragon I; resplendent mansion; monstrous physique I; regenerate; symbol of strife; summon nature's ally III; fairy ring retreat; fly; wind walk; winds of vengeance; meld with stone; rampart; clashing rocks; explosive runes; symbol of stunning; symbol of vulnerability; prestidigitation; healer's kit; mage's magnificent mansion; secure shelter; tiny hut; detect magic; amulet of mighty fists; corrosive; corrosive burst; defending; flaming; flaming burst; frost; icy burst; impact; shock; shocking burst; thundering; brilliant energy; speed; keen; wounding; summon monster; mount (spell); mage's disjunction; minor ring of spell storing / ring of spell storing; imbue with spell ability; comprehend languages; explosive runes; illusory script; read magic; arcane mark; dimensional lock; summon nature's ally V / summon nature's ally; foresight; incense; sympathy (spell); unhallow; antipathy (spell); ectoplasm; air walk; wind wall; feather fall; fly (spell); permanency; magic aura; symbol of death; copper; stone shape; igniting; flame blade; heat metal; shrink item; antimagic field
Blood of the Beast
Artwork for existing pages: rat [A 21]
- see Category:Artwork from Blood of the Beast
- Catfolk [A 5, A 6]: tekko-kagi; spirits of creation
- Grippli [A cover/IBC, A 9, A 10]
- Kitsune [A cover/IBC, A 13, A 14]
- Nagaji [A 17, A 18]
- Ratfolk [A 21, A 22 & artwork is on wiki]
- Tengu [A cover/IBC, A 25, A 26]
- Vanara [A 2, A 29, A 30]: monk [A 30]
- Archetypes: courser [A 25]; fiend keeper [A 9]; first mother's fang; fortune-finder or ba-sadhak; jinx witch; nine-tailed heir [A 13]; opportunist; poison darter [A 10]; prowler at world's end; ravener hunter; red tongue; scavenger; serendipity shaman; swarm monger [A 21]; war painter
- Spells: bit of luck; curse of befouled fortune; pouncing fury; batrachian surge; sweat poison; contagious suggestion; gullibility; greater hypnotism; metabolic moulting/metabolic molting [A 18]; naga shape I; naga shape II; naga shape III; naga shape; depilate; fumblestep; lightfingers
Blood of the Coven
- Artwork: ? [A cover / IBC]; hag? [A 2]; changeling [A 5– A 9, A 11, A 12]; witch [A 18]; Gyronna [A 18]; ?creature [A 21]; ?phantom [A 22]; hag eye ooze [A 25]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Blood of the Coven
- Archetypes: arakineticist, covenbane, hagbound, hag-haunted [A 22?], hag-riven [A 26 and art is on wiki], hexbreaker or witch-hammer, malice binder [A 29 and art is on wiki], putrefactor [?A 14], triadic priest, vellemancer [?A 17 - artwork on wiki and see comment on file there.]
- Magic items: cackling hag blouse; battlepot cauldron [A 30], bloodstone collar [A 30], cauldron of fireworks or fireworks cauldron, collar of sacrifice, coven charm [A 30], foxfire lantern, lock of formbinding [A 31], pactseeker's blade, witching doll
- Occult Rituals: five-generations curse, grand coven, hag's eye brew, invoke the nemesis
- Spells: calamitous flailing; curse of dragonflies [A 21]; fair is foul; hag's seasoning; knell of the depths
- Heritages / changeling heritage: slag may [A 5]; hearth may [A 5]; veil may [A 6]; waker may [A 6]; callow may [A 7]; sorrow may [A 7]; moon may [A 8]; sea-born changeling / brine may [A 8]; storm-born changeling / virga may [A 9]; snow may [A 9]; lesser heartstone
- coven [A 12]; arcane malignancy [A 11]; cauldron [A 2, A 12]; witchcraft, coven magic, hex; witch patron / patron; Hag (bloodline) [A 26 and art is on wiki]; heliotrope; spirit animal
Blood of the Elements
- Artwork: elder water elemental, ifrit, Rovagug cleric [A cover]; Suli & ?? [A 3]; ifrit, cavalier, nightmare [A 6]; oread [A 8]; suli [A 10]; sylph [A 12]; undine [A 14; A 28]; Inner Sphere [A 16]; ? [A 21]; City of Brass [A 27 & possibly A 23]; ? [A 25]
- Osirian Royal Census
- Boxes: Qerrid, Ceryn Kerigwen; Reonet Apeu; General Baalzakeem, Lavaloch; Nuwayrah, Bayt al-Bazaan; Koronacus, Evershale, Ouromphos, Umbral Logos; Noble Quarter, Jaya
- Planes: Spheres [A 19], dead air, airship [A 27]; Amberbrand Grot, Citrinide, Somnisphere, the Saline Sarcophagus; phlogiston oil, Melting Lands
- City of Brass: Common Quarter, Galley Quarter, Noble Quarter, Slave Quarter (City of Brass), Grand Bazaar (City of Brass), Palace of the Grand Sultan
- Elemental magic
- Equipment: dead air vial, elemental brine, emissary's sash, fireskin elixir & fireskin (drug), planar alchemical catalyst, stagnant fog sack, thunder kettle
- Magic items: lamp of fiery visions, phlogiston vial, sandstorm dust, snowfall orb, windsong lute, wintertide candle
- Spells: enshroud thoughts, storm step
Blood of the Moon
- Artwork: werewolf [A cover]; wereboar-kin [A 3]; [A 4]??; skinwalker [A 6]
- Persons and books mentioned throughout: Hargen Bulhest [?? A 5], Of Moon and Beast; Sarsinia; Darter of Woodsedge; Harrutep Abasu; Hunters of the Sunless Deeps & Captain Eglen Starseer; Little-Known Wonders of Jalmeray; Skegean Kelepsia; Baron Deverin Tasald & Lia; Aras; Hounds of Good
- Items: animal disguise kit, memory incense, palm paws, silver drops, silvercloud oil; amulet of the true form; corpse puppet; globe of moonlight; moon clock; nose ring of unearthly scent; pelt of the beast; spell totem; tiger's hide; trident of the storm captain
- Spells: accursed glare; share skin, and share skin, greater
Blood of the Night
- Artwork
- prana; chi; prayer scroll; Ramoska Arkminos, Burnished Blade; Blood Drought; Grandmaster Guo Qianru; Ragged-Maw
Blood of the Sea
- Artwork: cecaelia [A cover]; trident [A cover, A 10, A 25]; ? [A 2]; aquatic elf [A 4]; gillman [A 9]; locathah [A 10], eel [A 10]; merfolk [A 13, A 26], oracle or bard [A 13], ?rapier [A 13], harp [A 13]; triton [A 14], paladin [A 14]; grindylow [A 16]; horse [A 26]; sahuagin [A 29]; ?fish armour [A 30; this art is on the wiki]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Blood of the Sea
- Archetypes: aquatic beastmaster, coral witch, crashing wave [A 25?], hidden current, keeper of the current, kraken slayer [A 14], ocean's echo [A 13 probably], seeker of the lost, tempest tamer [A 25? - on the same page but more likely to be a crashing wave due to the holy symbol of Gozreh]
- Magic items: cloak of eternal mist [A 20], crystal helm [A 20], shimmering kilt [A 20]
- Spells: arid refuge, instant clot, silt sphere, suspend drowning
- Equipment: aquatic harness, artificial gills [A 18], blood neutralizer, click-claw, giant seahorse, bioluminescent ink, land limbs [A 18], lifting bag, marine rope, underwater paper, underwater pen, sponge suit [A 19], kelp tea, underwater compass [A 19], wall hook
- Cheriss Tar, Westerly Swell; masterpiece; seahorse; summon nature's ally; compass [A 19]; coral; giant eel
Champions of Balance
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: arbiter [A cover], marut [A cover]; norn [A 4], Hellknights [A 15]; Prophet of Kalistrade [A 14]; ninja [A 18]; ? [A 20]; cavalier [A 22], Order of the Scales [A 22]; druid [A 24]; envoy of balance [A 30]
- ? [A 3]; ? [A 12]; ? [A 17]; reindeer [A 24]; ? [A 27]
- also see Category:Artwork from Champions of Balance
- Magic items: cloak of moral refraction [A 28], dimensional acid, eye of brokerage [A 28], gauntlets of the unchained [A 29], judicial hammer [A 29], liar's robe, slaver's cane, traitorous blaster, cloak
- Spells: explosion of rot, antithetical constraint, arbitrament, ardor's onslaught, counterbalancing aura, dispel balance, recentering drone
- Realm of the Content; counterpoised creature
Champions of Corruption
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: unicorn [A cover], ?lich [A 3], ?raven/crow [A 3], ?ghoul [A 4], ?orc [A 10], Razmir [A 12], Red Mantis [A 14], devil / phistophilus [A 16]; Skinsaw Cult [A 19]; antipaladin [A 23]; cannibalism [A 26]
- ?? [A 8]
- also see Category:Artwork from Champions of Corruption
- Magic items: amulet of euphoric healing [A 30], collar of unliving servitude, dark life ring, dirgesinger's choir [A 30], elixir of repression, hand of hoarded deaths [A 31], ring of plagues [A 31], sinner's wage [A 31]
- shadow piercing [A 28 and that artwork is on the wiki]: there are many types and levels of piercing but, for now, maybe a single page might suffice?
- Spells: shared suffering, wracking ray
- Zhanagorr; Shadow Sothis; Egorian Academy of Magical Arts; Domain of the Dead or is this just a title for Geb?; redemption; shadowstuff
Champions of Purity
- Equipment: Bondbreaker's boots; Devil's key; Equalizer shield; Field medic's breastplate; Mantle of the protector; Phoenix armor; Rythius, the Kyton Scourge; Seraphic pistol; Staff of the freed man
- Spells: Utunzaji Hekima; Accept affliction; angelic aspect; greater angelic aspect; lesser angelic aspect; Archon's trumpet; Burst of radiance; Chains of light; Hymn of mercy; Hymn of peace; Touch of mercy
Chronicle of Legends
Artwork for existing pages: Aspis Consortium [A IFC]; wayfinder [A IFC; A 23]; Untouchable Opal [A IFC]; Pathfinder Chronicles [A IFC]; Sky Key [A IFC]; Lirianne [A 5]; Red Raven [A 6]; half-orc [A 8 and this artwork is on the wiki; A 15]; bow [A 8 and this artwork is on the wiki]; studded leather [A 8 and this artwork is on the wiki]; esoteric knight [A 11]; Vudrani (human ethnicity) [A 11]; half-elf or elf [A 13 and this artwork is on the wiki]; book [A 13 and this artwork is on the wiki]; Ezren [A 16]; Lem [A 18]; breastplate [A 21]; ring [A 21]; scimitar [A 21]; shield [A 22; A 29]; adamantine [A 21]; mithral [A 21]; megaloceros [A 22]; dire tiger [A 22]; mastodon [A 22]; flail [A 29]; full plate [A 29]; wizard [A 30]; spellbook [A 30]; spell [A 30]
Unknown: winged frog?? [A 18]
- Lady Altaire Iadella; Draconos the Flametongue; Maja Ryn; silksworn; Amiriel; Pai Sy; Travelling Hearts / Traveling Hearts; Witch of Roses; The Winter of White Roses - probably should be italicised, as it's an opera; battle standard; banner; Disdemona Locke / Dizzy Locke; "On Legends of Golarion"; Diya Akan; "Encounters Abroad and Beyond"; kinetic blast; Maelwyn; "A Tanglebriar Excursion"; Meribell Cottingly; Dark Archive; "Bending Magic: A Study of Spell Manipulation Outside the Constraints of Metamagic"; Gnosalton Tiberius Gammathumalshire; daylight; Amnok; fireball [A 16]; Vincent the Pyroclastic; alchemist's fire; smokestick; mage hand; Cylindia the Sly; obscuring mist; Shastalla of the Shackles; prestidigitation [A 18]; Poshment the Peculiar; shield (spell); Kah'la; unseen servant; Seganam; ring of seals; Hortencia Gage; legacy item (this may not be an in-world term but is used on Blog too); Kinroth; Amatatsu Aganhei; Vilkram; Lives of the Twelve Kings; Ferin the Bold; Breaker-Wyrm; Mericius Lun; Apocrypha; "A Study of Archaic Hero-Legends"; Kallixeina Nyx; Timor the Golden Thief
- Spells: realm retribution; rival's weald; song of discord / greater song of discord; uncanny reminder
- Ritual: egoist's militia [A 15]
- Magic items: bracers of antiquity [A 20]; carved king's band [A 20]; Conqueror's breastplate [A 21]; ring of sealed souls [A 21]; scimitar of deliverance [A 21]; totemic figurine [A 22]; trailblazer's boots [A 22]; unyielding aegis [A 22]; wayfinder of cooperation [A 23]
- item set / equipment set / resonance / sympathetic magic item:
- Archmage's Vestments [A 25]: greater caster's shield [A 25] / caster's shield; magician's hat [A 25]; ring of counterspells; robe of the archmagi [A 25]; staff of power [A 25]
- Aroden's Array: belt of fallen heroes; daystar half-plate; ring of the ecclesiarch; sun blade; winged boots
- Beastmaster's Will: boots of the cat; cloak of the bat; eyes of the eagle; greater monkey belt / monkey belt
- Besmara's Bounty: bracelet of bargaining; disarming blade; enchanted eelskin; jellyfish cape; sea tyrant's patch
- Dread Demoniac Armour / Dread Demoniac Armor: deliquescent gloves; demon armour / demon armor; ring of retribution; shadowform belt; shirt of immolation
- Irori's Meditation: bodywrap of mighty strikes; monk's robe; necklace of ki serenity
- Pharasma's Command [A 26 assumed]: cassock of the clergy [A 26]; deathwatch eyes [A 26]; ring of the grasping grave [A 26]; spirit blade [A 26]; staff of souls [A 26]
- Urgathoa's Gluttony: haunted shoes; mask of the skull; ring of rat fangs; robe of bones; void scythe
- Prestige Archetypes published on Paizo Blog as ran out of room in the book: Deadeye devotee; thought thief
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: dragonhide; hex; shuriken; arrow [A 8 and this artwork is on the wiki]; cloak [A 8 and this artwork is on the wiki]; candle [A 13 and this artwork is on the wiki]; tower shield; bracers [A 20]; headband [A 20]; boots [A 22]; amber; megafauna; heavy steel shield / steel shield; banner; hex / grand hex; spell kenning; dance
displacement; alter self; disguise self; scorching ray; corrosive (weapon special ability); limning (weapon special ability); planar (weapon special ability); distance (weapon special ability); corrosive burst (weapon special ability); darkness (spell); glamered (armour special ability); shadow (armour special ability); slick (armour special ability); defending (weapon special ability); flaming (weapon special ability); frost (weapon special ability); keen (weapon special ability); merciful (weapon special ability); shock (weapon special ability); dimension door; plane shift; tree shape; speak with plants; holy (weapon special ability); levitate; magic missile; mage armour / mage armor; wall of force; spell turning; figurine of wondrous power [A 22]; comprehend languages; spell storing (armour special ability); bracers of armour / bracers of armor; tongues; plane shift; detect magic; headband of vast intelligence; draconic reservoir; determination (armour special ability); hold portal; guards and wards; protection from evil; greater dispel magic / dispel magic; find the path; animated (armour special ability); reflecting (armour special ability); light (spell); status; bracelet of friends; beast shape II / beast shape; mass charm monster; bless; sanctuary (spell); dispel magic; undeath to death; charm monster; commune with nature; greater invisibility
Cohorts and Companions
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: summoning [A 3]; ? devil (but what type?) [A 3]; goblin [A 4]; ?lyrakien [A 6 but could be pixie or sprite]; gorgon [A 8]; halfling [A 10]; alchemist [A 12]; ? [A 14]; samurai [A 18]; ? [A 20]; ? [A 22]; Sarenrae (Sarenite priest) [A 24]; upasunda [A 28]; ratfolk [A 30]; shadow drake [A 10 & A 26]
- Mundane items: mending kit; rust repellent
- Magic Items: cage of captivity [A 10]; contract rings; elemental ring; rings of friend-finding
- New spells: daywalker; plant voice; spore burst
- aghasura (creature) [A cover]; shield (spell) [A 16]; conversion
Demon Hunter's Handbook
- Artwork [A cover] glabrezu; [A 3] babau; [A 4] hezrou; [A 14] ?; [A 16 & 17] all named demons plus main picture of ???; [A 20] ?; [A 22] Worldwound; [A 24] Abyss]; [A 27] demon type?; [A IBC] succubus?
- Targo Egoriax; Harlequin Society
- Mundane items: angel quill arrowhead [A 18 and art is on wiki], cold iron caltrops, crusader's cross, exorcism kit, holy fountain firework, interrogation tools, planar traveler's kit, portable altar, slime slow, sun cinder
- Spells: anti-summoning shield, burst with light [A 27], detect demon, protection from outsiders, righteous blood, telepathic censure
- Magic items: azata's whimsy, bastion banner, caltrop bead, dagger of repossession, Dawnflower's light, deadlimb pins, thorned manacles, warding lips
Dirty Tactics Toolbox
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: ogre [A cover, A IBC], poison [A IFC (numerous types), A 3, A 7, A 8, A 29], orc [A 4], halfling [A 12], wasp [A 16], Calistria (Calistrian) [A 16], familiar [A 16], kitsune [A 22], tattoo [A 27], Zon-Kuthon (Kuthite) [A 31]
- monk of the mantis [A 11], ? [A 15; this image is on wiki], cloak [A 19; this image is on wiki], poison and ?? [A 29]
- also see Category:Artwork from Dirty Tactics Toolbox
- Items: alchemical candle wax [A 20], alchemical pheromones, angry jack [A 20], burglar's torc, hollow caltrops, mithralbane sap, serrated caltrops [A 21], shrapnel caltrops, spike hilt, venom trap
- Magic items
- adamant, ghost spike [A 24], spellsink [A 24], bewildering, dazzling radiance [A 24], gory, sapping,
- arachnid's fang, constrictor's gauntlets, doppleganger's sword, nimble whip, shade bow, stirge dart, traitor's blade [A 25]
- ashes of unluck, bag of rust [A 26], burdenstone, circlet of petty discord, gloves of pulverizing disruption [A 26], rime-stride boots, shadow jumper's tunic [A 27], radiant tattoo [A 27], viper tattoo, weapon tattoo
- Spells
- red whinnis, whinnis vine, blue whinnis (plant), nitharit (metal); jinx; direct poison & indirect poison
Disciple's Doctrine
- Artwork: devourer [A cover/IBC]; Kalistocrat [A 2]; halfling [A 5; A 11; A 18]; ?weapon, ?class, ?race [A 9]; Hellknight [A 13], plate mail [A 13; A 14] & ?weapon [A 13]; half-orc [A 14]; banner [A 14], cavalier [A 14]; investigator? [A 16]; ninja [A 21]; spiritualist [A 23], samsaran [A 23]; Shoanti [A 25], axe (of some kind) [A 25], falcon or vulture? [A 25], hunter [A 25]; kami [A 26, A 31], samurai [A 26]
- Archetypes: divine numerologist [?A 16]; elemental envoy; elemental monk [A 5]; esoteric initiate; fist of the Godclaw; mask of the Living God; seeker of enlightenment [A 23]; totem channeller / totem channeler; vessel of the failed; ward speaker [A 26]
- Spells: debilitating speech, fastidiousness, fortune's path, hallucinatory decor, litany of admonition, litany of dependability, litany of duty, litany of order, prophetic lore, unflappable mien [A 18]
- Rituals: breath of forgotten life; song of the kami's gift [A 31]
- Bardic masterpiece: Kaminari Drums; Spirit of the Horse (do not know how to format bardic masterpieces, but non-italic & capitalized seems common, but only seen in titles)
- Magic items: charlatan's cope [A 28], cloak of good fortune [could be A 16?], echo of divinity's promise [A 28], emblem of lost lives, foresight quill [A 29], godstar, lantern of the four elements / standard lantern of the four elements / greater lantern of the four elements, malleable monument [A 30], numerology cylinder, spectacles of comprehension [A 30], Storval's fang, tome of forgotten epithets [A 30]
- Equipment: convocation bells, disguised holy text, ritual disk [A 28], spiritual leader's vestments
- Doctrines
- Concordance of Elements [A IFC; A 5] (cf. Concordance of Elements (faction)): Pentaskelion; Seat of Air, Seat of Earth, Seat of Fire, Seat of Water, Seat of Balance; Dancing Inferno; Elranida; Strathos; Xoliox; Zuelia
- Cults of the Failed [A IFC; A 6]: caretaker (Shrine of the Failed) [A 6] disambig with Caretakers
- Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye [A cover/IBC; A IFC; A 9]: Elect of Nine
- Harbingers of Fate [A IFC; A 11]: Garron; Band of Blades
- Hellknights of the Godclaw [A IFC; A 13] (-> Order of the Godclaw): Godclaw [A 13]
- Magnimarian Mystery Cults [A IFC; A 14]: mystery cults
- Oracular Council [A IFC; A 16]: Path of Numbers, oneiromancy, extispicy, numerology; reincarnation; abacus [A 16]
- Prophecies of Kalistrade [A IFC; A 18]: Kalistocrat's gloves [A 2]; Gilded Vault Opulent
- Razmir, the Living God [A IFC, A 21]: 31 Steps of Enlightenment
- Sangpotshi [A IFC]: karma; reincarnation
- Shoanti Shamanic Traditions [A IFC; A 25] (currently this type of material is on the main Shoanti page; maybe a separate page is required?): totem spirit; probably need Shoanti shaman to distinguish from the PC class; totem; burn rider
- Tamashigo [A IFC; A 26]: nature spirit; morin khuur
Divine Anthology
- Artwork: couatl [A cover, A IBC]; censer [A IFC]; divine focus [A IFC]; holy water [A IFC]; icon [A IFC]; prayer beads [A IFC]; prayer book; holy text [A 2]; ? & snake [A 9]; Kols [A 18], dwarf [A 18]; paladin of Erastil [A 21]; apocrypha [A 22]; gnome [A 24], Lightning subdomain [A 24]; Thorns subdomain [A 27]; Urgathoa [A 31 and art is on wiki]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Divine Anthology
- Books: The Book of Joy; Placard of Wisdom; Parables of Erastil; Gorumskagat; Hymns to the Wind and the Waves; The Four Hides of Lawm; The Words Behind the Mask; Cycle of the Beast; The Birth of Light and Truth; The Majestic Book of the Prime Ascended [A 4]; The Prying Eye; Meditations and Revelations [A 10]; On Virtue [A 16]; The Five-Spoked Cycle; The Dark Lure; The Sipping Sacrifice; The Myth in Iron; We Stand Unblinking; Libram of Ten Eternities; For All to Drink; Sowing Despair; Wrath and Punishment; Clamor of the Spheres/Clamour of the Spheres; Horns of the Elk; The Woven Fist; Fecundity of Corpses; The Reaper's Hand; Ravage and Ruin; Dawnflower's Mercies; Lessons of the Father; Pallid Cravings
- Archetypes: divine champion, divine paragon [A 15 and art is on wiki], Iomedaean enforcer [A 5]
- Magic items: amulet of courage, book of written whispers, icon of order, staff of Nethys
- Spells: enlightened step, firewalker's meditation [A 12 and art is on wiki], medusa's bane, rite of bodily purity, rite of centred mind/rite of centered mind, see beyond, spirit bonds, visualization of the body, visualization of the mind
- Organizations: Children of the Third Crusade; Silent Surgeons; Apostles of Axis; Seekers of the Seventh Veil;
- Theodrenne Armande, 4214 AR; Amvirak Twin-Souls né Amvirak Doleres; mosquito; Feather and Starlight Rebellion; Flood Truce; Oushal; Steel Widows
- divine fighting manual [A 28]: divine fighting technique, Asmodeus's Mandate; Desna's Shooting Star; Erastil's Distracting Shot; Irori's Perfected Fist; Lamashtu's Carving; Norgorber's Silent Shiv; Rovagug's Thunder; Sarenrae's Mercy; Torag's Patient Strikes; Urgathoa's Hunger [A 31 and art is on wiki]
Dragonslayer's Handbook
- Artwork
- Magma dragon [A cover]; ?blue dragon [A 3]; ?cloud dragon [A 4]; bard [A 10]; pseudodragon [A 14]; gunslinger [A 23]; [A 28]??
- Abenatrex; Vantage merchant vessel; Hidden Nest; Jaikzam
- Anatomy: Arcanicus glands, Drathyrum; Luminoscial eye; Pericardial arcaduct; buoyancy bladder, arcanic draxilite; Gastroarcanicus gland
- Items
- Mundane: Balloon trap, Bolt: Ballista net, Flechette bolt, Weighted bolt, Dahak's fire, Draconic perfume, Dragoncrafting kit, Dragonhide armor, Dragon muzzle, Dragon's blood, Dragon's gut, Dragonskin grip, Elemental proofing, Flak, Knight's kit, Smoke cover, Spotlight, Tracker's kit, Trickster's kit, Wind platform, Wing hobble
- Magical/Artefact: Boots of the vengeful behir, Death's preservation banded mail, Dragonform armor, Dragon's tail, Elixir of elemental protection, Eye of Abenatrex, Hexing runes, Incense of dulled senses, Net of snaring, Perilous gloves, Ring of fear reflection, Scaled sash, Staff of hunting, Staff of internal assault
- Spells: Draconic suppression, Dragon turtle shell, Dragonvoice, Dungeonsight, Erode defenses, Gravity well, Heart of the mammoth, Illusory hoard
Dungeoneer's Handbook
- Artwork
- IFC & p18f. dungeons: House of Night; Vivified Labyrinth; Aberian's Folly; Armag's Tomb; Savith's Tomb
- Dungeon guides: Heroka's Saga, Liron Treyes' Journal, Observations of Oagon; Heroka
- Magic Items: Discerning goggles, Evidentiary dust, Lantern of concealment, Luminous facet, Smear of seeing, Teleporting climbing rig, Toxin sponge, Dark green rhomboid ioun stone, Deep brown sphere ioun stone
Elemental Master's Handbook
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: shaitan [A cover]; ?water elemental [A 2]; Osirian Desert [A 7]; halfling [A 8]; Kraggodan [A 11]; Sodden Lands [A 15]; bird [A 16], bat [A 16]; Mindspin Mountains [A 19], pegasus [A 19]; aether [A 20]; ? [A 23]
- Archetypes: Abendego diver [A 12]; earthshadow [A 8]; energy scientist; firebrand (gunslinger), cf. Firebrand (disambiguation); flamesinger [?A 4]; foundation of faith; storm caller; windstep master [A 16 probably]
- Spells: expel blood; rising water; speak with waves; spindrift spritz; mass spindrift spritz; waterproof; blast of wind; carrying wind; lightning conductor; second wind; wall of mist
- Bloodline: Salamander (bloodline)
- Magic Items: density hammer; lesser esoteric diadem, esoteric diadem, greater esoteric diadem; figurine of wondrous power, figurine of wondrous power (haematite cougar) / figurine of wondrous power (hematite cougar), haematite cougar / hematite cougar; fossilizing rod; gemcarver's tools
- aether elemental school [A 20]; focused school, focused arcane school; elemental school, elemental arcane school; ice school, magma school, mud school, smoke school
- Elemental augmentations [A 24]: blazing eyes, blazing hand, hoarfrost bones, smouldering blood / smoldering blood, vaporous lungs, whirlpool maw
- Alchemical items: aquemir; light of Axtarr; corrosenze; Deadground dust; somnigrip
- masterpiece [?A 4]; crow [A 16]; earthcraft; Forest of Oils
Faiths & Philosophies
- Artwork: [A cover] daughter of Urgathoa; [A 3] angel?; [A 4] demon?; [A 15] juju wendifa; [A 20] ?wolf totem (according to file name on this wiki); [A 25] ?shaman; [A 28] Old-Mage Jatembe?
- Amvirak Twin-Souls, Meditations and Revelations; Ichimeiyo; Druidism; Jask Henbok; Monasticism; Totemism, including Mwangi totemism, Shoanti totemism, flesh totem, spirit companion; Book of the Serpent's Path, Tempest-Sun Mages
- Wendo: Kindo Kane, Sister Liiza, Lo Lulu, Adamde Baaka, The Serpent King, Omoro, Mfuello, Old Ba, Donma Goko
- Spells: blood song, hallucinogenic smoke, jungle mind, lay of the land, source severance, tectonic communion
- Magic Items: gloves of personal purity, hand wraps of blinding ki, Kalistocrat's coin, leshy mulch manual, pantheistic clasp, prophetic paraphernalia, propitious metumbe, shield of countless causes, tome of heretical revelation, vest of shed servitude, warden's cudgel
Faiths of Balance
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: manticore [A cover, IBC], Abadar [A 5], Calistria [A 7, A 26], Gorum [A 9], Gozreh [A 11], Irori [A 13], Nethys [A 15, A 25], Pharasma [A 2, A 17, A 31], Green Faith [A 19]; Alseta [A 20]; Naderi [A 21]
- Spells: abstemiousness, early judgment, fairness, lighten object, mass lighten object, read weather, seducer's eyes, sky swim [A 29], spell gauge
- Magic items: calming oils, clockwork key, manual of calm reflection, mask of destruction and creation, razored ropes, spiral tiles, triple-stinging blade [A 26]
- channel focus: bronze gong, driftwood icon, iron eye, just scale, sundered mask, winged fetish
- Bank of Absalom; The Book of Joy; Gorumskagat; Hymns to the Wind and the Wave; Architecture
- Organizations: Companies of the Red Standard, Utrik Half-hand; The Reborn House; Admiral Terrance Akrifolous; Arala Insifaal; Wind Callers
- Holidays: Ritual of the Whip Sting; Currentseve; Day of Bones, Procession of Unforgotten Souls
Faiths of Corruption
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: Asmodeus [A 5, A 31], Lamashtu [A 7], Norgorber [A 9, A 25], Rovagug [A 11, A 27], Urgathoa [A 13], Zon-Kuthon [A 15], Whispering Way [A 23], Sarenrae [A 29], imp [A 31]
- Nualia Tobyn & ? [A cover, A IBC]
- also see Category:Artwork from Faiths of Corruption
- Spells: brittle portal, lose the trail, monstrous extremities, night of blades, shared sacrifice, touch of bloodletting, vampiric hunger [A 29]
- Thrune Square; Skull of Mashaag, Four Hides of Lawm; Great Prison, Chalmus Col, Cycle of the Beast and The Red Mark of Xhor; Necro-Lord, ghula, famished; Ascendance Day (Norgorber) & Disappearance; Lastday; Key and the Gate
Faiths of Purity
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: Cayden [A 5]; Desna [A 7, A 25]; Erastil [A 9]; Iomedae [A 2, A 11, A 31]; Sarenrae [A 13]; Shelyn [A 15]; Torag [A 17]
- Spells: Deadeye's lore, enhance water, hairline fractures, haze of dreams, sun metal [A 29], tap inner beauty, trail of the rose, weapons against evil
- Placard of Wisdom, Thunder; Seven Scrolls; Parables of Erastil; First Sword Knight of Iomedae, Sword Knights; The Birth of Light and Truth; Temple of the Upheld and Golden Rose; High Defender, Forge of Torag; Raptor Run; Cult of the Shining Diamond, Blue Twilight; Banner of the Stag, Francis Alterrax; Deepdelvers, Tronda Kellsdottir; Glory of the Risen Rose; Halo of Blades; Whispered Song; First Brewing; Planting Week; Remembrance Moon, First Crusader Day
Familiar Folio
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: toad [A cover]; cat [A cover]; owl [A cover, A 3]; pseudodragon [A cover]; goblin [A 3]; animal [A 4]; eagle [A 6]; ?lizard [A cover; A 10; A 19]; bat [A cover; A 22]; spirit binder: wizard [A 9]; squid [A 12]; school familiar [A 14, actually abjuration school familiar]; constrictor snake [A 16]; Hazemind concentrate [A 20]; chicken [A 24]; penguin [A 26]; cat sith [A 28]; ioun wyrd [A 30]; petrifern [A IBC]
- ?blue creature [A cover]; ?[A 22]
- also see Category:Artwork from Familiar Folio
- Spells: callback, greater callback, disrupt link, duplicate familiar, empathy conduit, merge with familiar, soulswitch, transfer familiar
- Magic items: featherleaf barding; glove of familiar's touch, mundanity grease, replenishing aquarium ball [A 21], spell-sharing collar [A 21]
- Items: aquarium ball, beast whistle, hide dye, catnip
- New familiars: parrot; koala [A 24], leopard slug, pufferfish, wallaby [A 24]
- crow [A 9]; Erilen Balestis; rimu tree
Giant Hunter's Handbook
- Artwork for pages already existing: troll [A 15], human [A 16], hill giant [A 4, A 16], stone giant [A cover, A 16], frost giant [A 12, A 16], fire giant [A 16, A 30], cloud giant [A 17], storm giant [A 17], Mwangi [A 20], ?troll [A 20], druid [A 20], rune giant [A 26]
- ? [A 3]; ? [A 8]; ? [A 10]; Stone Dodger feat [A 18]; ? [A 23]; ?hill giant [A 31]
- Items: barbed spear, dire bolas [A 6], flask pike, sarissa, adamantine chain (10 ft.) [A 25], fire giant hunter's kit, frost giant hunter's kit, gecko gloves [A 25], giant lair infiltrator's kit, gum rope, lodestone boots [A 25], mithral chain (10 ft.) [A 25]
- Magic items: fitting, ring of perfect sizing, axe of felling, effortless lace, grasping bolas [A 28], resizing, shrivelblade [A 28], smuggler's sling, earth child faceguard [A 28], harp of slumber, impact gauntlets, manteau of the mouse, trollbane blanch [A 29], trollblood elixir
- Spells: burdened thoughts, hollow blades, resize item, runic overload [A 26], siphon might, steal size, stone throwing, twisted futures
- yai; Giant-Tamers; Runtash Roughnecks Dranngvit/Org; Dawnbreaker Campaign; Earth Child cadre; Standing Vow, Patrol Captains Kurst Grath and Rodrik Grath
Goblins of Golarion
- Artwork
- Items: vicious caltrops, Cobbled item, Fangfile, Tribal fetish, Fire carrier, Goblin pickles, Tossglove, Goblin felt
- Magic items: Devastating dog whistle, Explosion pocket, Jumping cinder, Scavenger's stone
- Spells: Blot, Fire sneeze, Limp lash
- Zob Eversong; His Portly Obesity Lord Hoggmaw the Insatiable; Cult of Belching Fire
- Tribes: Ulgomus Trell; Galilia & Jurdan Terzain; lashweed; Jurdan's Volunteers; Ghostmask Tribe; Spelleater Tribe; Screamwing Tribe
- Isger Bulbhead, Cinder Seekers, Hookback, Mudrub, Slashface; Mediogalti Island: Egg Sucker, Knotsnarl, Longlung, Pulpdrool, Spikespur; Shackles: Longlung, Reefrunner, Squidwhistler; Varisia: Darkwrap, Firewalker, Gaptooth, Houndgutter, Mosswood, Sharpbumps, Wart Tongue, Wind Whisper
The Harrow Handbook
- Artwork: wolf, Harrower, Varisian [A cover]; Harrow deck [A IFC & IBC; lost cards A 6; spreads A 16f.]; Harrower [A 3; A 4; A 8; A 11?, A 12, A 14, A 28]; goblin [A 4]; Harrow warden monk [A 7]; Sczarni [A 12]; ? [A 16 bottom left]; Order of the Hammer [A 18]; Cavalier [A 18]; gnome [A 20]; rogue [A 20]; ? [A 22]; summoner [A 24]; oracle [A 26]; sorcerer [A 28]
- tatchey; Imlios tribe or clan; Eyes of the Pharaoh; Numerology; Illusionist (game) & Last Azlant; reversing; Sky Sovereign & Berrum; Battlemage Academy; Crimson Queen
- Generally should each Harrow tale get its own page?
- Spell: greater harrowing
- Equipment: harrow carrying case, harrow mat
- Magic Items: backbiter's focus, bastion boots, deck of slivering fate, fate-reader's lenses, man mountain armor, medium's harrow mat, mute marionette, rabbit's blade, snakebite dagger, traveler's grandiose carrying case
Haunted Heroes Handbook
- Artwork: soul [A cover/ A IBC; but is it a specific creature?]; aberration [A IFC]; fiend [A IFC]; haunt [A IFC]; oni [A IFC]; spellbook [A IFC]; ?demilich [A IFC]; ? [A 2]; Respectful Prey feat [A 5]; ? [A 6]; Asmodean [A 9]; halfling [A 14]; ?alchemist (but unsure what it relates to on page) [A 18]; occult ritual [A 17]
- Archetypes: skeptic/sceptic [?A 10]; ectoplasm master [A 14]; expulsionist; spiritslayer; invoker [A 21 (this art is on wiki)]; pact wizard; rivethun spirit channeler/rivethun spirit channeller [??A 22]; scourge; steelbound fighter; uda wendo
- Items: false ectoplasm, mindburn incense, pump organ; haunt detector, quicksilver barometer, repellent salts, spirit compass, storm glass
- Magic items: jar of haunt siphoning; papyrus of eternal rest; psychic aurascope; shawl of the lingering phantom
- Spells: Besmara's grasping depths; crafter's nightmare; frigid souls; grim stalker [A 26]; horrifying visage; mischievous shadow; skin tag [A 29]; unsettling presence; Urgathoa's beacon
- Rituals (looks like written with lower case and non-italicized) [A 17]: earthbound ward; exorcise haunt; harvest the defiled soul; voice of the damned (will need a disambiguation with 'Voice of the Damned')
- magic jar, possession (spell); possession (major updates) [A 2, A 13 (this art is on wiki), A 25 (this art is on wiki)], spell possession, incorporeal possession; detect evil; discern location; Puckett Manor; Yahatti-Il; exorcism (major updates); restraints [A 13 (this art is on wiki)]; corpse dust, ectoplasm [A 30]; exorcism ritual [A 17]; astral projection, blink, dimension door, etherealness, plane shift, wind walk; binary mindscape, instigate psychic duel, psychic duel; Possessed (Bloodline); seance; haunted spell; haunt scavenging [A 30]
Healer's Handbook
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: taniniver [A cover/IBC]; halfling [A 9, A 14, A 23, A 30]; Ragathiel [A 7]; cleric [A 7]; healing [A cover/IBC, A 2 and others]; kobold [A 2]; monk [A 5]; half-orc [A 10], alchemist [A 10]; Dalenydra (probably based on dress) [A 13]; warpriest [A 13]; ? [A 14]; witch [A 17], orc or half-orc [A 17]; gnome [A 18], bard [A 18]; oracle [A 21]; medicine/herbalism [A 23 and others]; druid [A 23]; Sarenrae [A 24], paladin [A 24]; dwarf [A 27], shaman [A 27]
- Archetypes: angelfire apostle [A 7]; arcane physician; benefactor [A 27]; disciple of wholeness [A 5]; faith singer; invigorator; nature priest; Pei Zin practitioner [A 21]; restorer; sacrament alchemist; sacred attendant; solacer; stoic caregiver; wasteland blightbreaker [A 10]; wilderness medic
- Spells: balance of suffering; curative distillation [A 9]; healing flames; healing token; inspiring recovery; purify body; befuddled combatant
- Magic Items: gloves of stolen breath; healer's satchel [A 28]; specialized healer's satchel; memoriam root; nursing necklace; phoenix feather; ring of resumption; silver soul cord; soothing lyre [A 30]; trollskin tourniquet; unicorn's blackened horn
- healer's kit [A IFC]; Sylandurla
Heroes from the Fringe
Artwork for existing wiki pages: yeti [A cover, A IBC]; holy symbol [A IFC]; axe [A IFC]; trident [A IFC]; dwarf [A 5]: Mbe'ke or Taralu; elf [A 10, A 13, A 14]; Ekujae [A 10]; Snowcaster elf [A 13]; twilight speaker [A 13]; katana [A 14]; gnome [A 16, A 19]; Bleaching [A 19]; phantom [A 19]; half-elf [A 21, A 22]; aquatic half-elf [A 21 probably as seems to illustrate Gifts from the Sea feat]; potion [A 21]; half-drow [A 22]; half-orc [A 24, A 27]; sandkin [A 24]; gloomkin [A 24?]; halfling [A 28]; Song'o [A 28]; ratfolk [A 31]; bomb [A 31]
- Archetypes: calamity caller [A 10]; ferocious hunter; First World caller; gunpowder bombardier [A 31]; half-elf double scion; psammokinetic [A 6 and art is on wiki]; symbol striker; terror weaver [A 27?]; warrior poet [A 14]
- Items: axe-gauntlet [A 8], dwarven heavy axe-gauntlet [A 8], dwarven light axe-gauntlet [A 8]; giant-sticker, dwarven giant-sticker; pelletbow [A 8], dwarven pelletbow [A 8], dwarven heavy pelletbow [A 8], dwarven light pelletbow [A 8]; ram hammer, dwarven ram hammer; sphinx hammer [A 8], dwarven sphinx hammer [A 8]; elven prosthetics; poisoner's buckler [A 22]
- Magic Items: elusion cloak; farspear [A 13?]; festival garment; northern star ioun stone, southern star ioun stone; scatter sling; seashell diving mask; soothing stole; wanderlust map
- Spells: false age; mark of spite; pernicious pranksters; redcap's touch; untold wonder
- wand [A IFC], Ekujae wand [A IFC]; sandkin holy symbol [A IFC]; First World gnome mask [A IFC]; Segada pouch [A IFC]; Pahmet axe [A IFC]; shoreborn trident [A IFC]; Jinniese / Jinniese elf [A 2 and artwork is on wiki]; bardic masterpiece / masterpiece; hex; fey-touched creature
- Dwarves: Desert dwarf; Mwangi dwarf [A 5]
- Elves: Jininsiel, Jininese elves / Jininese elf; the Great Darkness / the Darkness; Elysian bronze
- Gnomes: Fey-touched creature / Fey-touched; Segada gnome / Segadan gnome [A 16]; First World gnome
- Half-elves: Shoreline Scourge
- Half-orcs: —
- Halflings: Segadan halfling; Small Quarter; Festival of Flowers; Waning Light Festival
- Other Outliers: Imperial Army (Lung Wa) - will need a disambig for current Imperial Army page
Heroes of Golarion
Artwork for existing pages: tzitzimitl [A cover, A IBC]; book [A 2; A 23]; monk [A 2]; Sajan [A 2]; slayer [A 2]; Zadim [A 2]; elephant ?variant [A 2]; marshal [A 5?]; wyrwood [A 7]; wand [A 7]; mesmerist [A 8]; sorcerer [A 11; A 25]; shifter [A 13]; Vudrani [A 13]; vigilante [A 19]; bulette [A 20]; bloodrager [A 23, A 16]; Tian [A 25]; tengu [A 26]; kineticist [A 26, A 31]; Rivani [A 28]; psychic [A 28]; Yoon [A 31]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Heroes of Golarion
- Segada Protocol; Ardril, the Would-Be King; legendary spirit; Father of Legends [A 5]; living machine; Hookback Tribe = Hookback on goblin navbox; frost spirit; hex; spirit animal; mythic; Ousmariku; Pol-Ptirmeios; beast speaker [A 20]; ectoplasm; Tian alchemy; ink; dye; ancestral wild talent; kinetic blade [A 26]; Winds of Yjae; path of the channeller / path of the channeler; path of infinite stillness; mythic power; many-faced path; path of the dilettante; path of the archmage; path of the third eye; path of enlightenment; shepherd of the underworld
- Archetypes: Holomog demolitionist; holy beast; plague eater; priest of the fallen; speaker of the Palatine Eye; spirit eater
- Weapons: air repeater; air reservoir; alchemical cartridge; grey dust cartridge / gray dust cartridge; grey dust shot cartridge / gray dust shot cartridge; smoke cartridge; screaming bullet; breech-loader
- Magic items: dispelling bullet
- Bloodlines: medusa (bloodline) [A 16]; phoenix (bloodline) [A 25]; sphinx (bloodline) [A 23]; unicorn (bloodline) [A 11]
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: acid; electricity; bullet; ammunition; song; mask [A 19]; snapping turtle; incorporeal; seance
divine favour / divine favor; charm animal; cure light wounds; cure moderate wounds; cure serious wounds; atonement; heal (spell); greater restoration; mass cure critical wounds; mass heal; magic circle / magic circle against evil; frostbite; elemental touch; elemental aura; ice storm; summon monster / summon monster I / summon monster IV / summon monster V; freezing sphere; ice body; polar ray; mass icy prison / icy prison; beast shape / beast shape II; beast shape IV; remove sickness; disfiguring touch; remove disease; withdraw affliction; reduce person; enlarge person; align weapon; magic weapon (spell); shield of faith; divine power; greater magic weapon; magic vestment; hypnotism (spell); glibness; divination (spell); wish; cause fear; resist energy; hold person; stoneskin; flesh to stone; magic missile; sleep; fireball; bane; bless; prayer (spell); searing light; dispel magic; speak with animals; animal messenger; vermin shape; touch of idiocy; maze (spell); symbol of insanity; colour spray / color spray; see invisibility; wall of fire; break enchantment; path of the winds; firebrand (spell); prismatic wall; fiery body; detect magic; read magic; true resurrection; minor creation; silent image; explosive runes; major creation; minor image; major image; spark of life; mass fly; telepathic bond; legend lore; possession (spell)
Heroes of the Darklands
Artwork for existing wiki pages: drow [A cover, IBC], Sekamina [A cover, IBC]; Darklands [A most art in book]; vegepygmy [A 7]; gemstone [A 10]; Sekamina [A 13] but what is it exactly - Nemret Noktoria / drow city?; cloaker [A 15]; beetle [A 16]; neothelid [A 18]; fungus [A 18]; intellect devourer [A 21]; psychic [A 22]; munavri [A 26]; ooze [A 29]; poison [A 29]
Unknown artwork: ?bebilith, ?chuul, no, but what? [A 2]; sword?? [A 26]
- Archetypes: beastkin berserker; blightburner [A 25]; blightseeker; crystal tender; Darklands sailor [A 26 possibly]; darklantern; demon-sworn; fungal pilgrim; psychic marauder [A 22]; stonesinger [A 10 possibly??]; turncoat; vermin tamer [A 16]
- Items: blasting jelly [A 28]; blightburn reader; clatterstone; deep breath; drought powder; filter mask; focus chew; hot-air balloon; miner's bird; monochrome camouflage; mu spore secretions; muscle grout; ooze attractant [A 29]; spore dehiscent; sunsoil [A 29]; vault altimeter
- Magic Items: amulet of radiation absorption [A 30]; blightburn arrow; bottled sunlight; cavern compass [A 30]; earthquake boots; ghoulbane belt; helm of ooze [A 31]; polychrome cover; robe of magma [A 31]; rockfall cloak; stonemeld boots
- Poisons: cyanide [A 29]; slaver's will
- Spells: animus mine / greater animus mine [A 21 possibly]; concealed breath; entomb; grasp; intensify psyche; mage's crawl space; morning sun [A 15]; pale flame; radiation ward; rock whip [A 9]; shadowfade; skyshroud; surface excursion
- Nar-Voth: Erakados Sain; bad air
- Sekamina: Khrundahr Sett; undetectable alignment
- Orv: death ward; charm animal; control vermin; mind blank, protection from evil, tower of iron will; divination (spell), legend lore; gloves of reconnaissance; arcane eye; bloodhound (spell); secure shelter; instant fortress; wind walk; folding boat; create food and water; heroes' feast; find traps; detect snares and pits; dispel magic; crystal; spirit animal
- Darklands Radiation: caphorite ammunition; lazurite-bonded armour / lazurite-bonded armor
- Darkened Seas: jade armour / jade armor [A 26]
- torch (item) [A 4]; light (spell); Darklands goggles, goggles of night, robe of eyes; feather fall, fly (spell), overland flight, portable bridge, riding gecko, slippers of spider climbing; find the path, locate creature, locate object, glowing ink; life bubble, iridescent spindle ioun stone, gust of wind, neutralize poison; air bladder, compass, everburning torch, spelunking kit, waterproof bag; immovable rod, gloves of shaping
Heroes of the High Court
Artwork for existing wiki pages: drow [A cover, A IBC], wine [A cover, A IBC], aristocrat [A cover, A IBC]; signet ring [A IFC]; Red Mantis assassin [A 2]; halfling [A 7]; dwarf [A 14]; Tian-Min [A 18]; Umbral Court [A 21]; Dragonscale loyalist [A 25]
Unknown artwork: [A 18], [A 26] and art is on wiki
- Archetypes: butterfly blade; court fool [A 7]; court poet; gallant; high guardian; inerrant voice; invested regent [A 22]; invested regent; royal alchemist [A 11]; silksworn [A 29 and art is on wiki]; thronewarden [A 8]; virtuoso bravo [A 12]; witch-watcher
- Items: long gloves; lover's breath; ostentatious garment [A 29]; veil
- Magic Items: bastion crown; booming sceptre / booming scepter; chastising baton; choker of body alteration; crown of false rule; headband of social competence; kerchief of remembrance; laurel of the champion; lucky button; paper flower; phantom entourage; throne of fetters; throne of pleasing mien [A 31]; throne of the ardent defence / throne of the ardent defense; token of gallantry
- Ritual: Chadao Benediction or chadao benediction depending on case used for rituals
- Spells: enchantment sight; false face; perceive betrayal; pierce facade; reveal emotions; shroud of innocuity; speechreader's sight
- bardic masterpiece / masterpiece; hex; noble [A cover, A 4, A 14, A 18, A 21, A 26]; throne [A 2, A 14, A 31]; Imperial Court (Taldor); Imperial Palace (Egorian); Palace of Fallen Stars; chivalry / code of chivalry / chivalric code; favour / favor; yarabhars / yarabhar; Peerless; Imperial Palace (Kasai); Five Dragon Throne; Sulunai; tea ceremony set; butterfly sword; sceptre [A 31]; crown [A 31]; democracy, monarchy
Heroes of the Streets
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: Cheliax [A cover]; magus (eldritch archer archetype) [A 10], elf (snow elf?) [A 10]; ?Besmara [A 19]; bard [A 27]
- ?thugs of some kind [A 3]; ? [A 4]; Guard from Absalom [A 6]; ?halfling Osirian [A 9]; ? [A 24]; ? [A 28]
- also see Category:Artwork from Heroes of the Streets
- Items: city map [A 13], cryptography book, false-bottomed wagon, fashionable accessories, hollow-heeled boot, statue disguise kit; cat burglar's kit, out-of-towner's kit, spycatcher's kit, spy's kit, watchman's kit
- Magic items: cloak of daggers [A 14], combat sandals, cornerstone crossbow [A 14], diminishing sash [A 14], emissary's breastplate, maintenance overseer's ring, marker's monocle, pauper's robes, pickpocket's bandolier [A 15]
- Spells: beloved of the forge, blessing of liberty, harmless form [A 23], harvest season, wall of clockwork; cloak of secrets, coin shot [A 31: artwork is on wiki], ears of the city, illusory crowd, locksight, peace bond, secret coffer, speak local language
- yakuza; dark lurker: although an archetype which we rarely feature as being crunch, this archetype has two local nicknames, living shadows & the hungry night better hungry night
Heroes of the Wild
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: forest drake [A cover, A IBC]; ?harpy [A 3]; gnome [A 6], animals [A 6]; halfling [A 8]; Desna's star [A 10], Nethys's dagger [A 10]; witch [A 11], herbalist [A 11]; cavalier [A 13]; Storm Kindlers [A 18]; goblin [A 21]; eidolon [A 25]; bear & ?? [A 27]
- ? [A 4]; ? [A 14]; bear, witch, druid, etc. [A16 & A 17]; ? [A 22]
- also see Category:Artwork from Heroes of the Wild
- Spells: cheetah's sprint; clear grove; globe of tranquil water [A 30]; nature's paths; oasis; planar refuge; raven's flight; wild instinct
- Magic items: arboreal armor [A 28]; bogstrider boots; fan of autumn; frostwild bridle; gauntlets of twisting vines; greensurge bomb [A 28]; moss cloak; oaken staff [A 29]; shatterstone hammer [A 29]; storm goggles; thunder strap
- Items: blain bane, duskeye, forecast station, scent blocker, track-obscuring soles, arctic kit, desert kit, forest kit, tropical kit
- Tempest-Sun Mages; blistercap; jackalroot
Humans of Golarion
- Artwork, including troll [A 2]
- Kellids: Animism; Totemism
- Vudrani: Vigrahin Patitraka
- Spells: Snow shape, Summon totem creature
Knights of the Inner Sea
Kobolds of Golarion
- Artwork: throughout of kobolds plus: red dragon [A 4]; [A 10]??
- The Third Brood, Tears of Dahak, The Firstborn; myceloid
- Tribes: See template below plus: Chief Captain Enga Bloodknot, Captain Jhod Deepbarrow & ship Kraken's Tooth, First Mate Haksikk, Machazmroh, Brood of the Waves; Chief Skelvryx, Ommorph the Spore Father, Trapmaster Nelnak, Xanjak Ant-Caller, Tsazgatherax the Embermaw, Fume Warrens; Yerdrynnak Icerender; Kibizax, Yiddlepode, Yippitok, Trapmaster Tok, Lirovelix; Chief Sootscale, Mikmek, Tartuk the Sorcerer; Chief Indak Spikecatcher, Makkatat the Trampled, Pixxiv the Painter
- Items: Blightburn paste, Caphorite dust, Cytillesh stun vial, Decoy trigger x3; Lure x2; Paper wall paste, trapped disguise kit, trapped scroll case
- Magic items: Bloatstrike tail, Displacing stone, Dragon herald vestments, Dwindling bullet, Imploding stone, Irradiating tail, Levitating land mine, Paralyzing snare, Scarecrow lure, Trapped beverage, Trapped puzzle box, Trapped sword
- Spells: Hezzilreen the Cunning & Hezzilreen's Spellbook; Blightburn weapon, Chameleon scales, Dark-light, Enlarge tail, Lead plating, Shadow dragon aspect, Strip scales, Unseen engineers
- Black Claw tribe, Dankblade Crew, Embermaw clan
Legacy of Dragons
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: frost drake [A cover, A IBC], flame drake [A cover, A IBC], oracle [A 8], halfling [A 11], wyvaran [A 19], monk [A 20], drake [A 22, A 25], fighting style [A 20], calligraphy wyrm [A 26], pseudowyvern [A 26], kobold [A 30 (art is on the wiki)]
- Unknown art: ? [A 7]
- also see Category:Artwork from Legacy of Dragons
- draconic heritage [A IFC, A 2, A 4 (art is on the wiki), A 16 (art is on the wiki)]; Sonthonax; Grand Experiment; demi-dragon
- drake companion [A 22, A 25], charge
- Archetypes: dragonblood chymist [A 12 possibly]; dragonheir scion; mindwyrm mesmer; scaled fist; sovereign blade; wyrm singer; wyrmwitch [A 15]; draconic druid; draconic shaman; drakerider; drake warden; silver champion
- Spells: Apsu's shining scales, Dahak's release, draconic ally [A 29], draconic malice, form of the alien dragon I, form of the alien dragon II, form of the alien dragon III, form of the exotic dragon I, form of the exotic dragon II, form of the exotic dragon III, Hermean potential, scales of deflection [A 30 (art is on the wiki)], tail strike
Legacy of the First World
Artwork for existing pages: Adowyn [A cover & IBC]; hunter [A cover & IBC]; wolf [A cover & IBC]; animal companion [A cover & IBC; A 2]; Lini [A cover & IBC; A 2]; druid [A cover & IBC; A 2]; snow leopard [A cover & IBC; A 2]; arrow [A cover & IBC; A 12]; bow [A cover & IBC, A 12]; grodair [A cover & IBC]; First World [A cover & IBC]; spell [A cover & IBC]; sickle [A cover & IBC; A 2]; Count Ranalc [A IFC]; The Green Mother [A IFC]; Imbrex [A IFC]; The Lantern King [A IFC]; The Lost Prince [A IFC]; Magdh [A IFC]; Ng [A IFC]; Ragadahn [A IFC]; Shyka [A IFC]; axe [A 2]; gnome [A 7]; alchemist [A 7]; gathlain [A 9]; oracle [A 10; A 23]; Alahazra [A 10]; tooth fairy [A 10]; hunter [A 12]; ?slayer or rogue [A 15]; ?dagger [A 15]; shaman [A 17]; spear [A 17]; summoner [A 18]; bard [A 21]; halfling [A 21]; staff [A 23]; dwarf [A 23]; monk [A 24]; cavalier [A 26] probably order of the blossom; full plate [A 26]; sword [A 26]; barbarian [A 28 probably]; axe [A 28]; wizard [A 31]; scroll [A 31]
Unidentified artwork: fairies?? [A 2]; fairies?? [A 4]
- fey-touched / fey-touched creature; hex; supernatural; primal reagent [A 7]; Hanging Bower; Upper Korir River; crow; mongoose; greensight; Tangled Knot; spirit animal; phrenic pool; channel; ki; rod; mount; hood; gloves / glove; reptile; hourglass [A 31]; watch [A 31]; sundial [A 31]; entropy
- Archetypes: ankou's shadow [?A 15]; chronomancer [A 31]; deepwater rager [probably A 28]; fey prankster [A 21]; feykiller [A 12]; First World innovator [A 7]; First World minstrel; grasping vine [A 17]; hermit (oracle) [A 23]; hooded knight [A 26]; nornkith [A 24]; seducer; serpent herald [possibly A 28 but more likely its of a deepwater rager]; shadow scion [?A 15]; twinned summoner [A 18]
- Bardic masterpieces: Ragadahn's Raqs Beledi; Ragadahn's Spiralling Ascent / Ragadahn's Spiraling Ascent
- Items: chroma grenade; vine tube
- Magic items: charm of the thriceborn; clandestine horseshoes; hood of privacy; rod of the thriceborn / lesser rod of the thriceborn / greater rod of the thriceborn; ribbon of the three; whispering gloves ((LotFW) NB: Tears at Bitter Manor 55 also has whispering gloves that are different
- Spells: alluring spores; ally across time; army across time; cold iron fetters; iron spine; mortal terror; strand of the tangled knot; temporal divergence; temporal regression; thirsting entanglement; threefold face; threefold form; threefold sight
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: animal messenger; enthral / enthrall; hideous laughter; suggestion; charm monster; terrible remorse; detect magic; haunted fey aspect; speak with plants; dancing lights; speak with animals; guidance; innocence; lullaby; mage hand; feather fall; feather step; summon monster; alter self; ghost sound; glitterdust; minor image; project image; hideous laughter; shamefully overdressed; major image; lesser entice fey; mislead; entice fey; irresistible dance; greater entice fey; disguise self; misdirection; invisibility (spell); rod of wonder; summon nature's ally; dimension door; blur; commune with nature; mirror image; unseen servant; see invisibility; shadow conjuration; entangle; barkskin; thorny entanglement; command plants; wall of thorns; fire seeds; animate plants; horrid wilting; shambler (spell); plant shape / plant shape I / plant shape II / plant shape III; tiny hut; lesser confusion; enlarge person; fly (spell); stoneskin; dispel magic; polymorph / greater polymorph; beast shape II / beast shape; transformation (spell); frightful aspect; shapechange; magic fang; blindness/deafness; crushing despair; wall of force; maze (spell); sanctuary (spell); silence; nondetection; mind fog; eyebite; sequester; imprisonment; lesser create demiplane / create demiplane; plane shift; miracle; wish; mind blank; moment of prescience; bilocation; threefold aspect; detect scrying; message; freedom of movement; contingency; reincarnate; parchment; copper; rope; masterwork; armour spike / armor spike
Magical Marketplace
- Artwork: Downmarket, Kaer Maga [ A cover]; ? [A 3]
- Shops and Owners [A there is artwork for every owner on each shop's page]: Winri Lemoore; Peren Ambergross; Magicka Esoterica & Aravor Telfetnicus (wizard); Oulur's Alchemical Wares & Hesam Oulur (alchemist); Rusty Glove & Bruner Derwel (gunslinger), Ferrous Quarter, Ashina Croves; The Secret Hearth & Rahanet Nahurr, Poison Makers' Guild (Katapesh) (owner is /Members); Strongswill's Tricks & Tools & Lady Strongswill, Troutmouth, Bandit Houses; An Umbral Page & Nelaxria Lirium (witch), Cocyrdavarin, Pale Market, coldwarping, lithicrafting, sporecrafting, Spider silk; Warius Opera House & Maestro Quendle Strikrunner (conductor, composer, singer, merchant, shopkeeper), Old Egorian, symphony, baroque symphony, Vidlian the Reveler (Chelish bard)
- Magic items: arcane battery, bracelets of stone, channeler's aspergillum, clockwork bug, clockwork prosthesis [A 22], coldwarp key, copycat siphon, discordant piccolo, elemental storing stone, explorer's pith helmet, fleshwarped scorpion's tail, floating sail, healer's burning glass, homunculus clay, infiltrator's mail, lacerating rapier, lizardmarked blade, loudshot pistol, Marrowcracker, Master Vidlian's squeeze-box, murderer's silence, music box trap, orbicular sac, poison popcushion, poison vial of distance, quick action slippers, sacrificial sword, Saint's protection charm, saline purge, scabbard of true death, scavenger's ring, shield of covered retreat, spell-capturing gem, sporecrafter's kindness, stalagmite seed, thoqqua snake, trailblazor's spade, trophy box
- Special abilities for armour and weapons: buoyant, legbreaker, mind buttressing, penetrating, poisoning, rebounding, rusting, sniping
- Intelligent items: Crusader's Scabbard, Gossamer Shrouds of the Clairvoyant, Hollis's Lucky Rock, Skullduster, Wary Ring
- Magical tattoos: animal totem tattoo, hypnotic tattoo, runeward tattoo, serpentine tattoo
- Spells: blood boil, heavy water, hydrophobia, imbue with addiction
Magic Tactics Toolbox
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: ogre mage [A cover, A IBC]; metamagic rod [A IFC]; seraptis [A 2]; ?witch (Havocker?)[A 11]; hunter (probably) [A 15], longbow [A 15]; ?shaman (Overseer) [A 22]; holy symbol [A 31]
- Unknown art: ? [A 4]; ? [A 7]; ? [A 12]; ? [A 19]; ? [A 27]
- also see Category:Artwork from Magic Tactics Toolbox
- esoteric theory; saga; elixir of fire breath [A 8]; blood hex [A 28]
- Magic items: lore needle, monster killer's folio, saccadic focusing prism, sigil chalk
- Rods: immovable rod [A IFC], rod of alertness [A IFC], rod of enemy detection [A IFC], rod of lordly might [A IFC], rod of rulership [A IFC], rod of the python [A IFC], rod of wonder [A IFC]; gravitic force rod, rod of hindered healing, rod of perilous pits, rod of spellsight; rod of subtle menace; rod of minor curses, rod of tangling ectoplasm [A 21]
- Spells: bone fists, flash forward, particulate form, phasic challenge, spellcurse, warp metal; biting words, bouncing bomb admixture, release the hounds; roaming pit, wall of bone; Akashic communion, bind sage, secluded grimoire [A 16 possibly?]; Alaznist's jinx, flexile curse, irregular size, itching curse, Kalistocrat's nightmare, lost legacy; earsend, hidden blades [A 24], impenetrable veil, innocuous shape, lesser nondetection, phantasmal reminder, symbol of distraction, touch of slumber
Martial Arts Handbook
Artwork for existing pages: shifter [A cover, IBC; A 2 (and artwork on wiki); A 16]; Zova [A cover, IBC; A 2 (and artwork on wiki)]; kineticist [A cover, IBC]; Yoon [A cover, IBC]; brawler [A cover, IBC; A IFC; A 9; A 28 possibly]; Kess [A cover, IBC; A IFC; A 9]; monk [A cover, IBC; A IFC; A 20; A 23 (and artwork on wiki); A 24 probably; A 27 probably; A 28 possibly]; Sajan [A cover, IBC; A IFC]; investigator [A cover, IBC]; Quinn [A cover, IBC]; fighter [A cover, IBC;; A IFC?]; Valeros [A cover, IBC; A IFC?]; dog [A cover, IBC]; wizard [A IFC]; Ezren [A IFC]; druid [A IFC]; Lini & Droogami [A IFC]; barbarian [A IFC]; Amiri [A IFC]; paladin [A IFC]; Seelah [A IFC]; ninja [A 2 (and artwork on wiki)]; Reiko [A 2 (and artwork on wiki)]; medium [A 7]; Erasmus [A 7]; fish [A 9]; elf [A 10]; gunslinger [A 10]; revolver [A 10]; half-orc [A 13]; dagger [A 13]; samurai [?A 13]; shield [A 15]; spear [A 15]; Mwangi [A 15]; vigilante [A 19]; gnome [A 27]; halfling [A 28]
- martial arts (major reference work); ki [A 20]; Aldori duelling style / Aldori dueling style; seven-branched sword; wakizashi; Okayo; stick fighting; tonfa; dan bong; Shikigami Style; Stick-Fighting Style; Dragonfly Style; Linnorm Hunter Style; Octopus Style; Shielded Staff Style [A 15]; shielded staff [A 15]; mask [A 19]; Shapeshifter Style; ki venom; garrotte / garrote / garotte; qinggong monk; chakra; Steel Dictate
- Archetypes: battle dancer [A 4]; black powder vaulter [A 10]; brawling blademaster [A 13?]; Chu Ye enforcer [A 19]; extemporaneous channeller / extemporaneous channeler; iron-ring striker; lifting hand [A 23 (and artwork on wiki), or maybe A 24?]; medium of the master; Okayo corsair; softstrike monk; spear fighter; strong-side boxer; style shifter [A 16]
- Weapons: broken-back seax [A 30] / seax; double spear [A 30]; handwraps [A 27]; split-blade sword; travelling kettle / traveling kettle
- Items: belled catsuit / Billy-Jacket; Billy Ten-Bells; halteres; meels / Vudrani clubs [A 31]; quintain [A 31]
- Magic items: infested bandages; secure sheath [A 31]; wandering punishment
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: seance; nunchaku; rope; glass; chain shirt; crane; snapping turtle; insect; scabbard advancing (weapon special ability); cruel (weapon special ability); defending (weapon special ability); guardian (weapon special ability); impact (weapon special ability); invigorating (weapon special ability); mimetic (weapon special ability); negating (weapon special ability); speed (weapon special ability); vicious (weapon special ability); sanctuary (spell); flaming (weapon special ability); gloves of improvised might; feather fall; dimension door; glide; light fortification / fortification; alter self; giant form / giant form I / giant form II; silent image; nondetection; burst of adrenaline; burst of insight; calm spirit; psychic reading; enshroud thoughts; mental barrier / mental barrier I / mental barrier II / mental barrier III / mental barrier IV / mental barrier V; object reading; placebo effect; thought shield; thought shield I; thought shield II; thought shield III; thought shield IV; thought shield V; deadly juggernaut; hypercognition; mantle of calm; purge spirit; aura alteration; ethereal fists; glimpse of truth; persistent vigour / persistent vigor; quieting weapons; retrocognition; sessile spirit; dust form; entrap spirit; prognostication; repress memory; unshakeable zeal; bilocation; true prognostication; Akashic form; divide mind; earthquake (spell); frightful aspect; wall of fire; true seeing; amulet of mighty fists; cause fear; repel vermin; summon swarm; glue seal; enlarge person
Melee Tactics Toolbox
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: calikang [A cover]; Aldori Swordlords (assumed) [A IFC]; troll [A 3]; bulette [A 4]; crook (weapon) [A 18]
- Sword [A 17]: butterfly sword, falcata, short sword, temple sword, khopesh, seven-branched sword, scimitar, shotel, Aldori duelling sword, katana, rapier, longsword, nine-ring broadsword, rhoka sword, sawtooth sabre, falchion, bastard sword, elven curve blade, greatsword, nodachi, urumi [all A 16]
- axe [A 17], heavy mace [A 17]
- Weapons: ankus [A 18], deer horn knife [A 18], elven branched spear, estoc, gandasa, gnome pincher, halfling rope-shot, kumade [A 18], collapsible kumade, machete, manople, orc skull ram, planson [A 19], weighted spear
- Items: acrobat's pillar [A 20], armour truss, bounty hunter's kit, exemplar weapon salve, handle harness [A 20], quickcatch manacles, melee contingency kit, rockshard canister, shield boss [A 21], sunderblock, surefoot training blocks, waster
- Magic armour: advocate's armour [A 22], alchemist's suit [A 22], armiger's armour, armour of the sands [A 22], elephant shield [A 23], gelugon armour, mammoth hide, shield of the mazeborn, spellbane shield, wizard's mail, writhing armour [A 23]
- Magic weapons: Akitonian blade, Dakak's tusks, dinosaur-killer, diplomat's travelling stick [A 24], goad of obedience, hourglass quarterstaff, husk dart [A 25], infecting spike [A 25], Leng flail [A 25], pirate's arm [A 25], riddling khopesh
- Special Abilities: channelling, culling (special ability), evolving, frosted, growing [A 25], shrinking, singing, smashing, spell siphon, sticky, volcanic (special ability)
- Magic items: amulet of quaking strikes, anchoring bracers [A 28], arms of the marilith, corset of delicate moves [A 28], crown of challenge, eyes of the liar, gladiator's sandals [A 29], ratcheting gauntlets [A 29], serpentform belt [A 29], swordmaster's shirt, vestments of war
- Spells: aura of inviolate ownership, blade tutor's spirit, darting duplicate, dimensional blade, fiery runes, instant weapon, reaper's coterie, rubberskin, umbral weapon, vine strike
Merchant's Manifest
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: Absalom [A cover, A IBC]; goblin [A 2], goblin dog [A 2], ox [A 2]; whisper safe [A 4]; lonoma eel [A 6]; siphon ray [A 6]; blade of life's defence [A 7], khopesh [A 7]; sangwine [A 8]; ring [A 12]; dagger [A 16]
- Archetypes: knight of coins [A 29]; nameless shadow [?A 30]; oathkeeper (archetype) [?A 30] - no relation to Oathkeepers org
- Armour: martial arts training gear [A 11]; poh armour / poh armor
- Bardic masterpieces: lingering leitmotif; song of the stonebearers
- Equipment: badger plush [A 4]; blackwood figurehead; bogwalking sandals [A 9]; candlefish [A 26]; Celwynvian stone fruit [A 21]; charda claws; clockwork dial [A 4]; clockwork oar; covenant rings; darkwood ancestry plank; darkwood Mwangi harp [A 20]; dragon's blend [A 27]; Founderflame torch; heated gloves [A 13]; heatstone desalinator; Karazhica; mantra wheel; monkey statue [A 23]; reagent extractor; spirit offering; Sylirican lemons; warka jar; wasp metheglin; Yenchaburian hybrid
- Magic Items: alabaster trapping; amulet of water parting; Andoren emancipation hammer; armguards of waning hope; badge of veiled authority; banner of piracy; bilgewater coat [A 25]; blight siphoner; boots of flawless resolve; bounteous bath suffusion; captain's eye patch [A 25]; caravan guardian; channeller's scarf / channeler's scarf; clicking blade; crackling tassel; dagger of black sands [A 16]; desert veil [A 4]; emerald-eyed blade; exorcist ofuda; fervent tracker's gloves [A 15]; gloves of the keen evaluator; gorget of umbral hunger; gown of graceful petiteness [A 12]; guardian figurehead; Harborwing cloak; hexbiter charm [A 13]; horse-caller flute [A 27]; Iadaran dress uniform; incense of golden embers; jungle seeker's monocle [A 20]; khangarad scabbard; lantern of the shining truth; looter's satchel; lynx eye charm; magnate's mitre / magnate's miter [A 19]; Mazludeh's shield token [A 7]; mother-sphinx token; necklace of bloody incisors; necklace of ensured return; neili robes; protective ruff; quill of passage; rebuilder's boots; rimeshaper gloves; ring of austere majesty; ring of starlight [A 12]; roseskin comb [A 8]; scarves of the stinging dancer; sea silk shell [A 26]; seafarer's waders; skyspirit stone; veil of attentiveness; waterblight sceptre / waterblight scepter [A 9]; wine of concordance
- Poison: might blight
- Services: crier
- Special materials: heatstone plating; liquid glass; Shory glass
- Weapons: baston fighting stick; horse bow; reflex bow
- trade major update; caravan [A 2]; Pol-Ptirmeios, Sylirica, Sylirican is adj.; Paroxsys, Apex Trading House, Fisher's Row, Oyster Sound, Slopeside, Endless Market, Potion Alley, Shoe Alley, Spice Alley, Sword Alley; technomagical; sandship; ragario; poh; padded armour / padded armor [A 25]; warka tower, sea silk; Crossway
Monster Hunter's Handbook
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: remorhaz [A cover/IBC]; Duskwardens [A IFC, A 5 probably]; Fort Longjaw [A IFC]; wolf [A 5]; hunter? [A 5]; intellect devourer [A 6]; cockatrice [A 9]; tooth fairy [A 11]; ooze [A 16]
- Unknown artwork: [A 21]; [A 22]; [A 31]
- Archetypes: abolisher [A 6]; banishing warden; defender of the true world; disciple of the pike [A 12 probably; art on wiki]; green scourge; luring piper [A 11]; oozemaster [A 16]; psychodermist [A 24; art on wiki]
- Gear: beast-hunter whistle [A 26]; bottled musk; chemical ward; display stand; hunter's manual [A 26]; monster bait; monster dummy [A 26]; monster hunter's kit; odour stalk / odor stalk [A 27]; poison sponge; static wool; taxidermy tools [A 27]; venomblock; wrangler's gloves
- Spells: diminish resistance; guarding knowledge; huntmaster's spear; protection from natural attacks; repugnant taste; revealing light; slick walls; solidify earth; telepathic silence
- Magic Items: bone bearer's cutter [A 28]; detecting dart; melding cloak [A 28]; monstrous dye; necklace of beast's might [A 29]; nest revealer [A 29]; penetrating whetstone; pocket prey [A 29]
Monster Summoner's Handbook
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: Monadic deva [A cover, A IBC], lemure [A cover, A IBC]; wolf (?celestial) [A 3], ?orc [A 3]; earth elemental [A 8]; codex archon [A 24]; Guardian spirit [A 27], imp [A 27]
- ? [A 4] plus spider (what sort?) [A 4]; ? [A 11]; ? [A 15]; ? [A 23]; ? [A 28]; two-headed celestial eagle [A 31]
- Spells: alter summoned monster, final sacrifice, gird ally, instant restoration, master's escape, master's mutation, summon laborers
- Items: armor of fragmenting stone [A 20], bracers of celestial intervention, caller's feather, periapt of temporary familiar [A 20], rod of giant summoning, summon bane, summoner's robe, sword of tempests [A 21], visage of the bound
- Monsters: Aerial creature, Aqueous creature, Chthonic creature, Dark creature, Fiery creature [A 18], Primordial creature
- summon monster, summon nature's ally, magic circle, calling diagram, dimensional anchor
Mythic Origins
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: minotaur [A cover]; ? [A 3]; Mordant Spire? [A 4]; waters of Lamashtu [?A 13]; herald [A 16]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Mythic Origins
- Spells: Aroden's spellbane, borrowed time, crusader's edge, dirge of the victorious knights, elemental bombardment, fleshcurdle, geniekind (spell), imbue with flight, soulreaver, vermin shape, borrowed time, elemental bombardment, imbue with flight, soulreaver, sustaining legend
- Magic Items: blackblot, bracers of the immortal hunt [A 19], essence of wandering dreams, shieldmarshal's ward [A 18], token of the eldest [A 18], tyrant's mark [A 19]
- Mana Wells; "Song of the Scions", Oedes, Shadow Quatrains, Sagas of a World at War; mortal herald [A 16]; transcendent artefact / transcendent artifact; Minkaian sword saint
Occult Origins
- Artwork: psychic magic [A cover], derro [A cover]; plane [A IFC]; ? [A 3]; ?mummy and ?? [A 4]; kineticist [A 8]; medium [A 11]; occultist [A 14 - image on this wiki]; psychic [A 17]; Spiritualist [A 18]; true silvered throne [A 22]; rhabdomancy [A 25]; Andoren soldier?? [A 26]; antipaladin [A 28]
- also see Category:Artwork from Occult Origins
- Spells & psychic spells: death pact, fool's teleport, implanted projection; dream shield, jealous rage [A 28 probably - green eyes], mindshock, psychic leech, quell energy, retributive reparations, sensory amplifier, subjective reality; ectoplasmic hand [A 31]; mantle of doubt; mind over matter; out of sight; phantom limb; psychonaut manifestation
- Rituals: Beseeching the Patron, Hearthfire of Valenhall, Invoking the Hero-God, Peacock Spirit's Tranquil Roar, Seal of Dancing Dolls
- phrenic amplification; major amplification; reincarnation; devilbane gaze; legendary spirit; psychic discipline; Esoteric Plane; onmyoji; Shojinawa manor; Nidalese smile; mesmerism; Feather and Starlight Rebellion; rishi; Spiritualism; emotional focus; alien super-science; chakra; serpent-fire adept [A 20]; kundalini; phrenology; psychometry
Pathfinder Society Primer
- Artwork: imp [A 3]; wyvern [A cover]; [A 4] ??; Kreighton Shaine [A 9]; Cathedral of Aroden [A16], Brackett [A16], Lantern Lodge [A 16], Amara Li [A16], Miregrold Manor [A 16], Basia Kalistoff [A 16], Heidmarch Manor [A 17], Sheila Heidmarch [A 17], Starrise Spire [A 17], Jorsal of Lauterbury [A 17], Norden Balentiir [A 17]; Pathfinder Chronicles [A 27]; Sandswept Hall [A 17]
- Confirmation; Andirissa Belathax; The Swords [A 15], The Spells [A 13], The Scrolls [A 11]; Rarick Dell; Insitha Avari; Gilray Jandivan; Borden Thalian
- Items
- Mundane: Infiltration kit, Pathfinder's kit
- Magical: Book thief's satchel, Campsite feather token, Coat of pockets, Contingent wayfinder, First aid gloves, Headhunter wayfinder, Honeytongue elixir, Hypnotic wayfinder, Lenses of situational sight, Noisemaker wayfinder, Pathfinder greatcoat, Polish of inconspicuous armor, Smuggler's wayfinder, Tightfit belt, Truthseeker wayfinder, Wayfinder of the planes
- Agate ellipsoid ioun stone, Amethyst pyramid ioun stone, Gold nodule ioun stone, Magenta prism ioun Stone, Pale orange rhomboid ioun stone, Silver spindle ioun stone, Tourmaline sphere ioun stone
- Spells: Cauterizing weapon, Collaborative thaumaturgy, Kreighton's perusal, Page-bound epiphany, Sure casting, Tactical miscalculation
- Lodges: Augustana Lodge, Cassomir Lodge, Gurat Lodge, Katheer Lodge, Starfall Lodge, Tamran Lodge, Thronestep Lodge, Vellumis Lodge, Vigil Lodge, Azir Lodge, Kalabuto Lodge, Niswan Lodge
Paths of the Righteous
- Artwork: lion [A cover/IBC], ghoul [A cover/IBC]; holy symbols of Vildeis, Ashava, Soralyon, Pulura [A IFC]; mohrg [A 2]; bladed scarf [A 4]; halfling [A 6]; longbow [A 18]; bastard sword [A 8]; spear [A 10]; glaive [A 14]; morningstar [A 20]; half-orc [A 20]; gnome [A 22]; cat [A 30]; telescope [A 30]
- Prestige classes: Ashavic dancer [A 4]; Brewkeeper [A 6]; Crimson templar [A 8]; Darechaser [A 10]; Dawnflower anchorite [A 12]; Devoted muse [A 14 and artwork is on wiki], Muses of Five Flowers; Heritor knight [A 2, A 16]; Hinterlander [A 18]; Rose warden [A 20]; Runeguard [A 22]; Sacred sentinel [A 24 and artwork is on wiki], Linnorm Guard; Scar seeker [A 26]; Sphere singer [A 28 and artwork is on wiki]; Stargazer [A 30 and artwork is on wiki]
- Spell: shield of wings
- Magic Item: everbloom thorn though probably should be Everbloom thorn
People of the North
- Hoarwell March; Stilyagi; Jadwiga Elvanna; Lustral Spires; Royal Palace (Whitethrone); Cold fey
- Erutaki clans: Iqaavit; Miusunnit
- Raknarr Oakan; Herald of Summer's Return; Svala Twice-Told; Gurrak
- Flurry of snowballs, Frost mammoth, Snowball, Winter's grasp
- Buoyant harpoon, Cloak of the saga keeper, Helm of the Mammoth Lord, Mammoth lance, Pelt of primal power, Saga of the Linnorm Kings, Shard of winter
- Reindeer
People of the River
- Artwork: merrow [A cover]; ? [A 3]; ?spider [A 4]; ? [A 7 - this artwork is on the wiki as Numerian spider.jpg]; ? [A 9]; Calistrian [A 10]; bard [A 13]; gladiator [A 15]; nanite bloodline sorcerer [A 18]; rogue [A 21]; hag [A 23]; witch [A 23]; ?galvanic saboteur [A 24]; ? [A 30]; ? [A 31]; River Sphinx [A IBC]; Vanji River [A IBC]; Yondabakari River [A IBC]
- Initial boxes: Nuege, chieftain of the Bonegrass tribe; Jorv Garno; Paglio; Leoti, Voice of the Wind
- mosquito [A IFC]
- River Kingdoms:
- Daggermark: Three Precepts of the Assassin
- Echo Wood: Blue Basilisks, Goldenfire Order, Hunters' Guild, Three Daggers thieves' guild, Ironjaws, Wolfmanes
- Gralton: The Hand That Takes, Wise
- Pitax: Liacenza family, Trade Houses already redirects to Bandit Houses the latter being the more common term for them though not used in PotR, Liacenza's Trade House, this is the Iron Fox Trade House, Academy of Grand Arts also called Academy of the Arts (Pitax), Red Crescent Theater, Serpent's Breath Trade House, Darkwind Trade House, Riversong Trade House, Thieves' Guild of Pitax, The Bear a musical
- Tymon: Champion of Tymon, Four Rules of Law: Rule of Blood, Law of Defense, Law of Grievance, Law of Succession, Valknar Gladitorial College
- Black Horses tribe; hag mound, shabble, witch scat; the Wander;
- Spells: alter river, detect metal, Hanspur's flotsam vessel, magnetic field (spell) [A 27], resounding clang, riversight, sabotage construct
- Items: Black Eagle's blade, drowning medallion, metalseeker swarm, Oakstewards' favor, oath breaker's brand, player's prize, riverclub ring, riverseer plate, shield of hags, steelbone frame
People of the Sands
- Artwork: hieracosphinx [A cover]; Ancient Osirion [A IFC]; Jistka Imperium [A IFC]; Tekritanin League [A IFC]; crocodile [A 3]; ? [A 4]; Garundi [A 8]; alchemist [A 8]; storm of blades [A 10]; Keleshite [A 10]; Pahmet [A 12]; sylph [A 15]; Osirion [A 16f.]; Sothis [A 18f.]; ?Azir - does not look like a port though [A 20f.]; ?Merab [A 22f.]; ? [A 30]; ?Mummy [A 31]
- Spells: summon genie, including lesser summon genie; greater summon genie
- Items: fuel pellet; purification pellet; salt tablets; serpent line; smoke signal; sun cream; veil
- bound genie; Miina Nassauer; Ihsan Al-Ilhaamn; Esamu Eshefar; elementalism, numerology; First Law; Thuvian alchemy → Thuvian wish alchemy
People of the Stars
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: lashunta [A cover, A 10], neh-thalggu [A cover], Diaspora [A cover]; constellation [A IFC, A IBC], Cynosure [A IFC]; Triaxian [A 4, A 12], dragonkin [A 4]; kasatha [A 8]; Ysoki [A 14]; oma [A 20]; orrery [A 26]; wayfinder of the stars [A 31]
- [A 16f. and also another representation of each of these entities in their box text sections throughout the book] entity & symbol: Aballon: Ice Wells, Horsethroat, Castrovel: moldstorm, Golarion, Akiton, Verces: Fullbright, Darkside, Eox, Triaxus, Liavara, Bretheda, Apostae, Aucturn, The Diaspora: River Between, Creche world
- ?shantak? [A 3]; ?monster [A 10]; ? [A 22]; ? [A 24]
- also see Category:Artwork from People of the Stars
- Spells: cosmic ray, gravity sphere, planetarium [A 28], planetary adaptation, mass planetary adaptation, reboot, starsight
- Magic items: astrologer's telescope [A 30], harvesting lens [A 30], lens of starsight, ointment of void sealing [A 30], traveler's translator
- Items: anchoring balloon, compressed air [A 18, A 19], cosmogram, leg stabilizers [A 19], space rations, telescope, traveler's pocket watch, kasatha spinal sword
- 29 constellations [A IFC, A IBC]:
- Animal Mother, The Caravan, The Dancer, The Goblin, The Jackal, The Mantis, The Owl, The Rose, The Salmon, The Sea Wraith, The Snakefang, The Stair of Stars, The Stirge, The Twins, The Wyrm, Ardacondis, The Fang, The Ferryman, The Gecko, Gigas Major, Gigas Minor, The Hawk, The Key, The Kraken, The Sorcerer, The Sphinx, The Spider, The Tarrasque, The Throne
- seed ship, Colonies; kalo; Augmented, Pure Ones, God-Vessels, Skydock, aethersuit; interplanetary teleport, wish, miracle; sextant; Empty Worlds; Crab, Dragon Galaxy, Milk Spiral, Swirling Eye; space pirate
People of the Wastes
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: gnoll [A cover / IBC, A 22], Mana Wastes mutant [A cover / IBC], Mana Wastes [A cover / IBC]; ? [A 2]; brawler [A 9 and art is on wiki]; fox [A 6]; shaman [A 6]; dwarf [A 10], blunderbuss [A 10]; gnome [A 13]; Dongun Hold [A 14], revolver [A 14]; ranger [A 16]; longsword [A 19], paladin [A 19]; crocodile [A 21], hunter or vigilante [A 21]; bard [A 25]; ?leftmost character? [A 22]; halfling [A 28]; class/spell? [A 28]
- Archetypes: undying word [A 5]; primal warden [A 6]; constructed pugilist [A 9 and art is on wiki]; mutated defender; gun chemist; blightwarden [A 16]; elysiokineticist; faithful wanderer [A 19 probably, could possibly be proclaimer]; proclaimer; flood flourisher [A 21, could be vigilante paired with gator wrangler too]; wasteland chronicler [A 25]; keeper of constructs [A 26?]; toxic sniper; scatter gunner [A 10]; gun smuggler [A 13]
- Spells: absorbing barrier, drain construct, forced mutation, hide from undead / greater hide from undead, influence wild magic, unhallowed blows, greater unhallowed blows, violent misfire, mass violent misfire
- Magic items: anthill boots [A 30]; beast talisman [A 30]; bracers of primal mastery; grasping cloak; medallion of demonic disruption; nail of blood [A 31]; primal dowser; vermin mask [A 31]; wand protector; wheel of survival
- Items: bore brush [A 14]; firearm oil; mineral acid; thunderclap charge; cylinder rifle; paddle-foot pistol [A 15]
- Cindersnorts (used this as main name in templates) / Cindersnort tribe / Cindersnort goblins; Sixfold Repentance; Wings of Alkam, dragon pistol; sword cane [A 13], sword cane pistol [A 13]; grappling hook [A 9 and art is on wiki]; siege cannon; Kaimuko Wood Cat:wastelands; emerald, sapphire
Pirates of the Inner Sea
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: pirate & ?giant octopus [A cover, A IBC]; pirate & ? [A 2], Bloodcove [A 16], Inner Sea pirate [A 25], Besmara [A 27]
- ? [A 20]; ? [A 22]; ? [A 31]
- Jib Halsgol; Fairwind Cutter; Nixie's Pride
- Andoren privateers [A 5]: Andoren Navy; Mermaid's Honor, Privateer Captain Iristas, Current Runner, Free Sailors
- Ilizmagorti pirates [A 7]: Pirate Queen's Plunder, Captain Ditmara Deeds, Monsoon, Bonny Chance, Blood-Bones, Brass Bess, Shallow Grave of Half-Hung Galler
- Okeno Slavers [A 9]: Captain Kitha Saltspray, Branded Chain, Sea Gargoyle
- Riddleport pirates [A 11]: Captain Skel Grumarch, Captain Fintoma Brezen, Queen's Blessing, Captain Ora Sutharla, Snickersnack, Captain Valeri Zeklos, Winddriven, overlord, Riddleport Gendarmes, Siren's Lament
- River Kingdoms pirates [A 13]: Slithery Mac, Sixteen Scales, Honora Silverleaf, Interlude, Protectorate of the White Marquis
- Shackles Pirates [A 15]
- Spells: black spot (spell), buoyancy, salvage, skeleton crew, track ship [A 29], unseen crew
Plane-Hopper's Handbook
Artwork for existing pages: Lirianne [A cover, A IBC]; gunslinger [A cover, A IBC]; Yoon [A cover, A IBC]; kineticist [A cover, A IBC]; Seoni [A cover, A IBC]; sorcerer [A cover, A IBC]; planar gate [A cover, A IBC]; Great Beyond [A IFC] - includes miniature of each Outer Plane and of the Inner Sphere; Meligaster [A 2]; mesmerist [A 2]; Estra [A 2]; spiritualist [A 2]; Blackfire Adepts / Blackfire Adept [A 5]; blackfire [A 5]; planar rifter [A 6]; Enora [A 9]; arcanist [A 9]; potion [A 10]; scroll [A 10]; planar power components [A 10, A 11]: fire fragment [A 10]; void shard [A 11]; planar carriage [A 11]; Mavaro [A 13]; occultist [A 13]; aphorite [A 14]; duskwalker [A 17]; ganzi [A 19]; gemsoul [A 20]; ironsoul [A 20]; lavasoul [A 20]; ifrit [A 20; A 22]; oread [A 20]; undine [A 21]; sylph [A 21]; mistsoul [A 21]; rimesoul [A 21]; smokesoul [A 21]; stormsoul [A 21]; sunsoul [A 22]; planar scion [A 14; A 17; A 19; A 20; A 21; A 22; A 23]; eidolon [A 24; A 31]; Rivani [A 28]; psychic [A 28]; storykin [A 31]; Balazar [A 31]; summoner [A 31]; Brambleson [A 31]
Unknown artwork: creature on left of A 2; bow effect [A 17]
- plane shift; astral projection; dream voyage; dismissal; cubic gate; well of many worlds; planar keystone; amulet of the planes; flying skiff; Order of the Blackrift; Sign of the Seeker's Spiral; tuning fork; spell equation [A 14]; oddity; aeon eidolon; astral eidolon; radiant eidolon [A 24]; void eidolon; silver cord; planar mentor [A 27 and art is on wiki]; Zassrion
- Archetypes: chaos knight [A 19 probably]; planar harmonizer
- Spells: celestial companion; eroding ray; fiendish wrath; greater reversion; healing leak; minor reversion / mass minor reversion; planar aegis [A 13]; righteous condemnation; speak with plane; talisman of reprieve
- Kit: blessed warden package; corporeal warrior package; planar traveller package / planar traveler package
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: architecture; bullet; backpack; bedroll; candle; chalk; crowbar; mess kit; shovel; silk rope / rope; spell component pouch; trail rations; waterskin; light crossbow; chain shirt; bolt; heavy crossbow; light wooden shield; composite longbow; arrow; morningstar; alchemist's fire; crystal; glass; quartz; heavy wagon; thrush; ink; poetry; jewellery
dispel magic / greater dispel magic; summon monster / summon monster IV; banishment; holy smite; order's wrath; unholy (weapon special ability); planar adaptation; magic circle; burning hands; entropic shield; protection from evil / protection from chaos / protection from law; conditional favour / conditional favor; modify memory; dimensional anchor; cure light wounds; remove curse; ioun torch; mage armour / mage armor; shield (spell); oil of magic weapon; air bubble; urban grace; gust of wind; axiomatic; atonement; paladin's sacrifice; acid arrow; mirror image; resist energy; scorching ray; see invisibility; warp wood; colour spray -> color spray; unerring weapon; sun metal; obscuring mist; chill touch; blurred movement; shocking grasp; glibness; charm person; moderate fortification / light fortification; crushing despair; good hope; moment of prescience; light (spell); cure serious wounds; breath of life; chaos hammer; magic circle / magic circle against chaos / magic circle against evil / magic circle against good / magic circle against law; unholy blight; order's wrath; prayer (spell); blasphemy (spell); dictum; holy word; slay living; word of chaos; akashic form; dream travel; darkness; deeper darkness
Potions & Poisons
- General artwork: alchemy [A cover/IBC], potion [A cover/IBC; A 18]; Razmiran [A 2]; grippli [A 5]; ?it's not a vishkanya? [A 6]; alchemist [A 9] - concocter or fermenter; half-orc [A 9]; cat [A 11]; witch [A 11]; halfling [A 11]; investigator [A 15]; ?gnome [A 15]; drugs but unsure which one [A 26]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Potions & Poisons
- Archetypes: concocter; disciple of the forked tongue; fermenter; mantella; needler [A 12 and art is on wiki]; reckless epicurean; rotdrinker; swamp poisoner [A 5]; toxin codexer [A 15]; venom siphoner [A 11]; venomblade
- Spells: antitoxin touch; poisonous cloud; toxic blood; clay skin; glimpse the hidden; identifier's eye; phase step; undeath sense
- Elixir: elixir of agility; elixir of countless eyes [A 20]; elixir of the infernal familiar; elixir of vicious magic; fiery maw elixir; healer's aid; steelsheen elixir; spirit rush [A 21]; swarmform elixir [A 21]; wraith's sight elixir [A 21]
- Tinctures: alluring philtre / alluring philter; artistic ale; brawler's brew; dodger's draught; explorer's emulsion; leaper's libation; liquid courage; mage's assistant; mirage mixture; nimble nectar; prowler's palliative; sorcerer's spirits; starlight juice; stout solution; thinker's tipple; titan's tonic
- Poisons [A 25]: Blackfingers's salt; diplopic serum; gelidburn oil; hydrofluoric acid; insecticide; juvebloom; nerveblast; ossivane; pupil's friend; tongue twist
- Drugs: esoterum; gossamer veil; hush; inspiration dust; Keleshite coffee; magesight; oblivion (drug) (will need disambig to 'oblivion'); old-mage; ruk tar; serpent's kiss; sting's savour / sting's savor; vigilance
- Other Magic Items: band of efficacious death [A 28]; blight kickers [A 28]; death's will [A 28] miasmatic mask; reaper's wisdom; shroud of venom; greater aegis of recovery / aegis of recovery; alchemist's aspergillum; apron of the careful chemist; band of toxin nullification; eye of crystallized venom [A 30]; forbearer's grace; gloves of restrained death; harvester's bindings [A 31]; headband of the tainted ouroboros; periapt of proof against paralysis; vest of resonating fortitude [A 31]
- Other items: harvester's kit; poisoned locket; poisoned quill [A 29]; poisoner's goblet; stalker's oil; toxic censer; venombane lozenge [A 31]
- alchemy crafting kit [A IFC]; Scorpion (bloodline) ?[A 6]; hex; dew of lunary; quartz, amethyst, onyx, jade, obsidian, topaz, sapphire, bronze, pewter, jasper, cotton, leather
Psychic Anthology
- General artwork: aether elemental [A cover/IBC]; ? [A 2]; ? [A 9; art is on wiki]; vanth psychopomp [A 15]; ? [A 23]
- Archetypes: autohypnotist [A 19]; kinetic knight [A 25]; material manipulator; outer channeller / outer channeler [A 15]; panoply savant [? A 29]; phantom blade [A 7; art is on wiki]; projectionist; totem spiritualist; usher of lost souls; vexing trickster
- Spells: aura of distraction; burst of force; debilitating pain; glimpse of the Akashic; mass debilitating pain; reflexive barrier; rend body I; rend body II; rend body III; rend body IV; rend body; sensory overload; telekinetic strikes; thought worm; thought worm I; thought worm II; thought worm III; thought worm IV
- IFC Items: candle [A IFC]; hypnotist's pendant / hypnotist's locket [A IFC]; dowsing rod / divining rod [A IFC]; idol [A IFC]; Harrow deck [A IFC]; throwing bones [A IFC]; prognostication [A IFC]
- Magic Items: centring jewel / centering jewel; greater recondite rod, recondite rod, lesser recondite rod; ring of mysticism; ring of phrenic prowess; robe of the overmind; shard of psychic power
- Books: Encyclopedia Etherica/Encyclopaedia Etherica [A 4; art is on wiki]; Infinity Scroll [A 10]; Lexicon of the Manifold Planes [A 12]; The Olivaro Opuscules [A 16]; Recursion Tablets [A 20]; Skull of Lost Secrets [A 26]
- panoply; ectoplasm; Octaverca Olivaro; Phoenix Kindred; ichimeiyo; corruption [A 30], psychometabolic corruption
Quests & Campaigns
- Artwork: medusa [A cover]; goblin [A IFC & IBC]; blue dragon [A 3]; tarrasque [A 4]; camel [A 6]; sun orchid elixir [A 17], Axe of the Dwarvish Lords [A 16]
- There are many references from this book to ISWG, so seems pointless to add all that here when it will be covered under ISWGII
- Spells: Bless army, Business booms, Ceremony, Detect relations, Imbue army special ability, Prosperous room, Renovation, Tactical insight, Teleport structure
- Items: Banner of tactical command, Lesser banner of tactical command, Horn of plenty, Orb of arcane research, Talisman of beast training
Ranged Tactics Toolbox
- Artwork for existing wiki pages: bolas [A cover], griffon [A cover], ?harpy [A 4], pistol [A 16], double crossbow [A 16]
- Artwork for needed wiki pages: bow [A cover, A 11], underwater crossbow [A IFC], atlatl [A IFC], atlatl dart [A IFC], dart [A IFC], sibat [A IFC], throwing dagger [A 3], ? [A 8], double-barrel pistol [A 16], hand crossbow [A 16], heavy crossbow [A 16], light crossbow [A 16], longbow [A 16], shortbow [A 16], repeating crossbow [A 16, A IBC], ? [A 18]; ? [A 23], axe [A 27], lasso [A IBC], throwing shield [A IBC], kestros [A IBC], flying blade [A IBC], halfling sling staff [A IBC]
- also see Category:Artwork from Ranged Tactics Toolbox
- p 16f. - when page for each weapon is made then ref is needed to parts of weapon shown here
- Ranged Weapons: heavy crank crossbow, light crank crossbow, hurlbat, kunai, spear-sling, stonebow, throwing arrow cord, barbed arrow, barbed bolt, incendiary arrow, incendiary bolt, pronged arrow, throwing arrow
- Tools & Equipment: bell tripwire trap, camouflage blanket, contracting rope, ear trumpet, fire wheel firework, flight grapnel [A 21?], gabion, perfect ice, portable bolt trap, sentry mannequin, speaking trumpet, spyglass
- Magic Weapons & Ammunition: arrow of charming [A 24], arrow splitter, avalanche sling staff [A 22], boulder bullet [A 24], bow of ashes, cavalryman's bow, dizzying bullet [A 24], frozen crossbow [A 22], mage's crossbow [A 22], mute dart, phase arrow [A 25], reporting cartridge, scouting cartridge, secret crossbow, shockwave blunderbuss, skulking sniper's blowgun [A 23], splitting bolt [A 25], tenacious atlatl dart, thorn bow (magic weapon) [A 23] & add disambiguation to thorn bow, venomous whisper dart, vulnerability bolt [A 25]
- Special abilities: cyclonic, dazzling, glitterwake [A 26], interfering, sniping, sonic boom, spell hurling [A 27], tailwind, veering
- Magic Items: alchemist's atlatl, assassin's sight, greater assassin's sight [A 28], entangling aiguillette, ranged piton [A 28], ring of far strike, sandals of interception, shadow fletching [A 29], silver nocking point, swarm bullet, tuned bowstring [A 29]
- Spells: augmenting wall, bloody arrows [A 30], calm air, conversing wind, rain of arrows, telekinetic volley
Spymaster's Handbook
- Artwork: medusa [A cover]; snake [A cover]; Gorum [A 4]; halfling [A 4]; Calistria [A 8]; Varisian [A 11]; ?Sczarni [A 11]; ?Lion Blade [A 12]; Golden League (maybe due to tattoos) [A 20]; vigilante [A 24 & A 27]; greater claim identity [A 28]
- Unknown artwork: ? [A 2]; ?some elements understood but not all [A 4]; ? [A 7]; ?some elements understood but not all [A 8]; ?some elements understood but not all [A 11]; ? [A 14]; ? [A 17]; ? [A 18]; ? [A 31]
- espionage; Bright Lions; Invisible Blades; Guardians of Immortality; Dragonshadow [A 23 - artwork on wiki]; hand crossbow [A 27]
- Archetypes: agathiel; Bellflower harvester; teisatsu
- Weapons & Weapon Special Abilities: concealed; lesser concealed; debilitating; biting bracelet; grafting blade; stirge lancet
- Magic Items: untouchable jacket; mask of anonymous mien; torc of anonymous gems
- Spells: watchful animal; trial by fire; Egorian diplomacy; garrulous grin; insect scouts; passing fancy; mass passing fancy; scribe's binding
Undead Slayer's Handbook
- Artwork: ghost [A cover]; ? [A 3]; ghoul? [A 4, A 10]; Pharasmin, cleric [A 6]; ?Lich [A 8]; ?ghost [A 12]; skeleton [A 14, A 25]; Haunt [A 16/17]; exorcism [A 19], Sarenite cleric [A 19]; ? [A 21]; monk (spirit master) [A 23]; ?ranger [A 25]; ? [A 26]; necromancer [A IBC]
- Necrology; crawling hand
- NPCs etc. from yellow boxes: Elania, Vellman, Moslar's Field; Pontiff Retis Durnwell, My Steps within Scarwall; Eshe Nubisi the Unbeliever, Unearthed Undead; Julien Marley; Madame Bielen, Artulie Reed, Voices from the Black; Tannek
- Equipment: Bottled sunlight [A 12], Carrion bait [A 10], Ectoplasmic tracer, Garlic tablets, Necrobane formaldehyde, Necrosalt, Spiritbane spike, Synthetic mumia and update Recreational drugs of Golarion too, Warding ash
Item kits: Ghosthunter's kit, Gravedigger's kit, Light kit, Pyramid buster's kit, Seance kit, Skeleton slayer's kit, Undeath aid kit, Zombie slayer's kit
- Magic Items: Axe of forced life, Gloves of stolen unlife, Hood of the living, Infiltrator's onyx, Lady's spiral, Lifecollar coat, Master's woe stiletto, Ring of protected life, Shield of sunrise
- Spells: Carrion compass, Empower holy water, Force anchor, Life shield, Necromantic burden, Possession trap, Sphere of warding, Undeath inversion
Varisia, Birthplace of Legends
Noland Raiders; Garrin Divraid; Eilenhorn Sowldremmer
Weapon Master's Handbook
- Artwork: gnoll [A cover]; weapon [A 3]; ?forest drake [A 4]; rondelero [A 6] swashbuckler [A 6], falcata [A 6], buckler [A 6]; earth breaker [A 13]; nine-ring broadsword [A 16]; Seven-branched sword [A 19]; khopesh [A 19]; bastard sword [A 23; art is on wiki]; ? [A 28]
- Weapons: gnome flick-mace, khakkhara or monk's staff, war flute
- Magic weapons: driving, heart-piercing, leveraging, liberating, quaking, sharding, vampiric; Cailean fighting tankard [A 31], crusader's longsword, shieldmarshal's pistol, spear of the honored ancestors, valorous blade, windreader's bow
- Ichimeiyo; Shieldmarshals; Ilsurian archer, Molthuni arsenal chaplain - archetypes that look like in-world-understandable concepts; favoured weapon
Wilderness Origins
Artwork for existing pages: shifter [A cover; A 5; A 6; A 9; A 33]; Zova [A cover; A 9; A 33]; rock troll [A cover; A 33]; (vine) leshy [A IFC; A 14]; gathlain [[A IFC; A 11]; Adowyn & Leryn [A 2]; Shardra Geltl [A 2]; fish [A 2]; half-orc [A 5]; ghoran [A 12]; ninja [A 12]; kami [A 19]; spiritualist [A 19]; phantom [A 19]; tengu [A 19]; scorpion [A 21]; (unexpected intellectual) familiar [A 21]; animal companion [A 22]; dog [A 22]; Shoanti [A 25]; bow [A 25]; halfling [A 26]; kineticist [A 29]; owlbear [A 29]; Yoon [A 29]; paladin [A 31]; Wadjet [A 31]; mace [A 31]; shield [A 31]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Wilderness Origins
- ghoran seed [A IFC]; dragonfly; flower; hex; mount; hare; black-eyed raven; apex species; unexpected intellectual [A 21]; arcane amplifier; occult messenger; parasite (familiar); lucky hound [A 22?]; totem spirit; spirit animal; tribe spirit; burn rider
- Archetypes: champion of the cascade [A 31], Cinderlands adept, dragonblood shifter [A 6], esoteric starseeker, feyform shifter [A 5 maybe, though could be dragonfly aspect], Magaambyan telepath [A 27 - possibly], perfumer [A 17], petal ninja [A 12], swarm shifter, sworn of the Eldest [A 11 assumed], verdivant [A 14], ward spiritualist [A 19]
- Wild Companions: apex species (companion), arcane amplifier (familiar), occult messenger (familiar), parasite (familiar), unexpected intellectual (companion)
- Spells: flame steed, flash flood, pinecone bomb, rope tornado, seismic fissure, woodland rune
- Magic plants: ambrosial lotus [A IFC; A 17?], cleanthistle [A IFC], ghostblossom [A IFC], gravebane petals / gravebane petal
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: insect; vermin shape II / vermin shape; beast shape II / beast shape; electricity; form of the dragon II / form of the dragon I / form of the dragon; freedom of movement; fey form / fey form I / fey form II / fey form III / fey form IV; enlarge person; swarm skin; mouse; flaming; dancing weapon special abilities; goodberry; plant growth; heroes' feast; wood shape; meld into stone; speak with plants; liveoak; dispel magic / greater dispel magic; woodland stride; symbol of death; lesser restoration / restoration; tree stride; wall of thorns; entangle; air walk; break enchantment; heal (spell); limited wish / wish; miracle; feeblemind; neutralize poison; rage (spell); gentle repose; water walk; summon monster; incorporeal; spirit-bound blade; suggestion; alter self; collar [A 22]; beast shape II; bless; shield other; create food and water; spiritual ally; life bubble; battlemind link; vision (spell); discern location; mass heal; arrow [A 25]; telepathic bond; status; breath of life; commune with nature; telepathic bond; phantom steed; obscuring mist; water walk; purify food and drink; lesser curse terrain / curse terrain; feast of ashes; explosion of rot; swarm skin; ki; air walk; slipstream; gust of wind
- Spell list from esoteric starseeker: comprehend languages; magic mouth; tiny hut; dream (spell); remote viewing; battlemind link; phase door; discern location; wish; glitterdust; guiding star; wandering star motes; true seeing; sonic form; prismatic spray; sunburst; meteor swarm; charm person; enthral / enthrall; synaesthesia / synesthesia; break enchantment; reincarnate; joyful rapture; mass synaesthesia / mass synesthesia; bilocation; overwhelming presence; resist energy; daylight; fire shield; wall of force; contagious flame; reverse gravity; create demiplane; world wave; bless; hypnotic pattern; heroism; freedom of movement; hostile juxtaposition; cloak of dreams; greater hostile juxtaposition; irresistible dance; freedom; anticipate peril; acute senses; ablative barrier; dimensional anchor; echolocation; blade barrier; grasping hand; frightful aspect; ride the lightning; spiritual weapon; dispel magic; telekinetic charge; contact other plane; find the path; mage's sword; brilliant inspiration; expeditious retreat; twisted space; mirror transport;fluid form; walk through space; etherealness; time stop; calm animals; animal aspect; rage (spell); greater animal aspect; summon monster V; mass bear's endurance; summon monster VII; animal shapes; shapechange; identify; aid; invisibility purge; stoneskin; spell resistance (spell); contingency; mind blank; refuge; wall of suppression; know the enemy; augury (spell); arcane sight; locate creature; feeblemind; geas/quest; arcane sight (greater); moment of prescience; dream voyage; disguise self; invisibility (spell); displacement; riding possession; prying eyes; veil; project image; maze (spell); divide mind; forced quiet; darkness; vision of hell; enervation; waves of fatigue; simulacrum; destruction; energy drain