User:Fleanetha/Sandbox (PFS)
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Articles Required
This page documents notes made reading Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild modules showing articles that need creating due to material found in the adventure. Articles requiring major updates should get an {{U}} template applied to their Discussion page instead of a listing here. The listing of data here should in no ways imply that Fleanetha is going to do this work. Any help creating / amending these articles would be most appreciated by all. For reasons of not spoiling it for myself, notes for some modules are only a bare minimum and these are clearly called out.
'[A 1]' => artwork for that subject is found on page 1 of the book.
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Modules
Year 0
Scenario 7: Among the Living
Artwork for existing pages: House of the Immortal Son [A 7 map]; zombie [A 8]; Zyphus zombie [A 8]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Among the Living
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: marble; granite; mirror; jewellery; gong; dance; masterwork; heavy pick / pick; heavy steel shield / steel shield; splint mail; shortbow; chain shirt; arrow; half plate
mass dimensional anchor / dimensional anchor; grease (spell); cure disease; cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds / cure critical wounds; bull's strength; invisibility (spell); elixir of fire breath; blur; periapt of wisdom; inflict light wounds / inflict moderate wounds / inflict serious wounds / inflict critical wounds; cause fear; doom; guidance; spiritual weapon; animate dead; dispel magic; divine favour / divine favor; divine power; freedom of movement; protection from energy; resistance; fly (spell); speak with dead
Scenario 16: To Scale the Dragon
Artwork for existing pages: remorhaz [A cover, A 9]
- Rysam Aklon; Cania's Drop; Qi-Oamatok Pass, transl. Winding Serpent aka the Dragon (mountain pass) / The Dragon (mountain pass) [A 5 map; A 7 map], its component parts would not need separate pages, just sections on its page; Amao, the Frost-Blossom; mystic; Mount Cania; taer; Four Truths; dogsled; Krysher; hypothermia; Ujugro clan; Fyrth; Ephys Cinderstorm
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: heavy pick / pick; hare; silk rope / rope; leather; calligraphy; scrimshaw (art); drum; masterwork
amulet of health; dusty rose prism ioun stone; boots of the winterlands; gem of brightness; calm animals; charm animal; silver raven / figurine of wondrous power (silver raven) / figurine of wondrous power; delay poison; neutralize poison / neutralise poison; blindness/deafness; clairaudience/clairvoyance; dispel magic; detect thoughts; hold person; spiritual weapon; cause fear; doom; inflict light wounds; guidance; mending; resistance
Scenario 20: King Xeros of Old Azlant
Artwork for existing pages: The King Xeros [A 7 map]; xill [A cover & A 11 but same image as in Bestiary]
- Tomb of Ahnubar III / Ahnubar III; Pyramid of Shadow and Scarabs; Rekh / Rekh Dynasty; ether ship; Deep Ethereal; xenophage creeper; ether vane; Harbormaster's Grange; fire projector; defence construct / defense construct; incorporeal; Skarja; dream spectre; ethereal marauder; ether cyclone; planar whirlpool; phase spike
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: splint mail, crystal, brass, heavy steel shield / steel shield, masterwork, arrow
ghost portal, wall of force, light, temporal stasis, darkness, disintegrate, nightmare (spell), break enchantment, daylight, etherealness, freedom of movement, remove disease, bull's strength, hold person, resist energy, silence, cause fear, doom, entropic shield, longstrider, protection from good, create water, detect magic, purify food and drink
cure minor wounds NB: not a Pathfinder spell, so likely needn't have a page
Scenario 26: Lost at Bitter End
Artwork for existing pages: bone devil / osyluth [A cover, A 11 but same as Bestiary art]; Geb's Rest [A 6 map]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Lost at Bitter End
- Rijana; Geb's Accord [A 10 map]; Zepteffis; Geb's defender; Golgrotham; Town Square (Geb's Rest); Bitter Fountain; Dead Rest Inn; Temple to Nethys (Geb's Rest); Ruins of Old Town; Blacksmith (Geb's Rest); Stables (Geb's Rest); Pasture (Geb's Rest); Magical Mysteries of the Mana Wastes Steles; Translations of the Mana Wastes Stele; Demi-Planes, Pocket Dimensions, and the Mysteries of Geb; Flora, Fauna, and Hazards of the Mana Wastes; magic dead area / magic dead zone / area of magic dead / magic dead / antimagic field; Gebbite battle cleric; Ancient Kelesh language; Arginius; Lord Mayor (Geb's Rest); Stasis Field [A 10 map]
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: map (item), chain shirt, heavy steel shield / steel shield, longspear, quiver, arrow, lantern
lesser metamagic rod of extend / lesser metamagic rod / metamagic rod of extend, light fortification (armour special ability), cure moderate wounds, flame strike, ice storm, magic missile,protection from good, wall of ice, mass inflict light wounds / inflict light wounds, spell resistance (spell), death ward, divine power, freedom of movement, spell immunity, dispel magic, silence, summon monster IV / summon monster III / summon monster, contagion, invisibility purge, meld into stone, hold person, resist energy, divine favour /divine favor, entropic shield, obscuring mist, shield of faith, detect magic, light, read magic
Scenario 27: Our Lady of Silver
Artwork for existing pages: erinyes [A cover, A 10 but same as Bestiary art]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Our Lady of Silver
- Bashir estate / Master Bashir's estate [A 5 map]; The Hall of Purifying Flame [A 7 map]; Raamiz Ibn-Chadli & Achmiti; Camplin Penstowe; Master Bashir al-Mudaris; Hanimethiris the Sage; Street of Eyes; Court of the Satrap; Al'Jahar abu-Targos; Peerless; Kemir Ben-Radaw; Incubus (ship); Fraternity of the Unforgiving Fire / Fraternity of the Unforgiving Flame; Qutirh the Prudent; Raamiz Ibn-Chadli's villa / Ibn-Chadli's villa; Halman, High Priest of Sarenrae; Avenue of the Phoenix; Temple of Sarenrae (Katheer); Thuvian lion; Hakir Half-Ear; Garahn Min-Omash; Samera the Insightful; Hroth; Gerdit; Polonus Talavertes; Raakin
- The By-laws of the Zhonari Order / Bylaws of the Zhonari Order; Prince Khasine; The Locasi Carpet; High Priest Ubaidah Abd-Hikmah; Tomb of the Upright High Priest Ubaidah Abd-Hikmah; Chapel of Ubaidah Abd-Hikmah; Font of Irori; Pasha Muan; The Jewels of Xalmer; Xalmer; The Lamp of Machila; House of Machila
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: composite longbow; papyrus; lamp; aba; doumbek; sekanjabin; cudgel; waggon / wagon; rope / silken rope / silk rope; masterwork; scale mail; tindertwig; bronze; manacles; lock; parchment; dolman robe; amethyst; spectacles; necklace; mask; gull; bolt
flaming (weapon special ability); invisibility (spell); barkskin; web (spell); circlet of persuasion; cure light wounds; charm monster; symbol of death; veil; suggestion; wall of ice; fireball; bear's endurance; protection from arrows; scorching ray; charm person; mage armour / mage armor; magic missile; shield (spell); true strike; acid splash; daze; detect magic; detect poison; light (spell); message; prestidigitation; ray of frost
Scenario 28: Lyrics of Extinction
Artwork for existing pages: ghost [A cover, A 10]
- swamp bordering the River Bdonge [A 5 map]; Grand Temple of Dokeran [A 9 map, A 14 map] / pyramid-shaped temple; Nangi & Mudbelly, witch doctor; totemism; song; music box; howler
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: arrow, collar, masterwork, composite longbow, mask, necklace, horn, spiked chain, candle, torch (item), chains / chain, pendant, chain shirt, garnet, key, painting
figurine of wondrous power / figurine of wondrous power (silver raven), cure serious wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure light wounds, horn of fog, pearl of power, flame strike, charm animal / charm person, spike growth, bull's strength, cat's grace, flame blade, warp wood, entangle, produce flame, detect magic, flare, light, read magic, resistance, baleful polymorph, wall of thorns, control water, freedom of movement, ice storm, call lightning, poison (spell), sleet storm, barkskin, chill metal, flaming sphere, resist energy, create water, guidance, unhallow, bane, repulsion, greater dispel magic, mislead, song of discord, rainbow pattern, shout, summon monster IV / summon monster, crushing despair, blindness, invisibility (spell), mirror image, grease, hideous laughter, silent image, dancing lights, ghost sound, mage hand, prestidigitation, everburning torch
Year 1
Scenario 32: Drow of the Darklands Pyramid
Artwork for existing pages: drider artwork is on wiki and used already; 'The Bridge Cavern' map is actually from Darklands Flip-Mat though not noted as such; Darklands Pyramid [A 9 map; A 12 map, as Stalactite Pyramid]
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: Medium spider venom, chrysolite, crystal, metallurgical / metallurgy, jewellery, papyrus, lantern, acid, masterwork, composite longbow, arrow, bolt, throne, mural painting / mural, chainmail, sceptre / scepter (item), bracer / bracers, vest
cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds / cure critical wounds / mass cure light wounds, brooch of shielding, feather token / feather token (whip), headband of alluring charisma / headband of inspired wisdom, arcane sight, amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor, everburning torch, detect good / detect law / detect evil, detect magic, invisibility (spell), cause fear, commune, see invisibility, darkness (spell), dispel magic, fly (spell), read magic, comprehend languages, dancing lights, clairaudience/clairvoyance, deeper darkness, levitate, suggestion, lightning bolt, web, mage armour / mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, silent image, bleed, daze, ghost sound, mage hand, ray of frost, resistance, arcane lock, greater invisibility, solid fog, summon monster IV / summon monster, deep slumber, slow, false life, knock, locate object, make whole, charm person, detect secret doors, erase, identify, detect poison, light (spell), mage hand, mending, message, open/close, magic circle against evil, aid, continual flame, beast shape II / beast shape, status, mirror image, telekinesis (spell), heroism, chaos hammer, unholy blight, blasphemy, feather fall, divine favour / divine favor, greater command, true seeing, divination (spell), freedom of movement, invisibility purge, detect thoughts, find traps, hold person, silence, remove fear, obscuring mist, shield of faith, create water, find the path, heal (spell), flame strike, enlarge person
Scenario 40: Hall of Drunken Heroes
Artwork for existing pages: Cayden's Hall [A 6 map, A 14 map]
- Arnaud Deschamp, Glory of the Empire, Ear of the Crown, Wit of the Opparan Court; Baldimar Trud / Baldimar Doystevan / Alcritus Doystevan; On the Manufacture and Enchantment of the Mysterious Golem; Count Tristoff; Brother Dunnamast; Graz'ith Ur Maurgith; Ephierone; Xersus Abergris; Cayden's Temple Guards [maybe A cover, A 5 but wrong weapon & armour]; Cayden's Placard; psychic demon / primordial demon; extraction; Dahar
- Parts of Cayden's Hall that could redirect to the main page: The Walk of Thrones; Main Hall (Cayden's Hall); The Shades / Shade Room; The Oratorium
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: scarab, necklace, robes, mask, masterwork, tankard, chainmail, heavy steel shield / steel shield, oak, copper, bell, cloak, brass, crystal, incense, amulet, acid, statue, tome, paper, ink, glass, chemical / chemistry, burnt othor fumes / burnt othor, brimstone, Absalom trade bar
cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds, gem of brightness, wounding (weapon special ability), dismissal, lesser restoration, magic circle against evil, restoration, nine lives stealer, atonement, dispel evil, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fly (spell), aid, bull's strength, calm emotions, shatter, divine favour / divine favor, longstrider, shield of faith, detect magic, detect poison, read magic, stabilize / stabilise, air walk, phantasmal killer, modify memory, nightmare (spell), weird, planeshift, ethereal jaunt, deeper darkness, telekinesis (spell), shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, magic jar, sunbeam, sunray, mass hold person / hold person
Scenario 41: The Devil We Know, Part III: Crypt of Fools
Artwork for existing pages: skeleton [A cover, A 19: same as Bestiary 251]; Cassomir [A 8 map]; Hall of Wonders (Cassomir) [A 10 map]; Crypt of Fools [A 17 map]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Crypt of Fools
- Dalirio Teppish; Cult of Nature's Cataclysm; Ismacco family / Ismaccos; Rashim Ismacco; Rashim's Caress; Luscilia Ismacco; Ismacco tunnel system; Garver; Queck Majet; shackles (item); Liberties of the Swift probably better as redirect to prison; the "crazed painter" name unknown; paint / painting v. & n.; statue / sculpture; Imperial Hall of Records; apparatus of the crab; Tashelia Ismacco
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: chain shirt; chain; masterwork; artisan's tools; signal whistle; brass; crab; half plate; composite longbow; arrow; granite; copper; torch (item)
detect secret doors; keen (weapon special ability); obscuring mist); bane; true strike; bleed; detect magic; read magic; blindness/deafness; sound burst; spiritual weapon; shield of faith; inflict critical wounds; summon monster / summon monster IV; invisibility purge; rage; searing light; cure light wounds; grease; animate dead; freedom of movement; deeper darkness; inflict serious wounds; invisibility purge; darkness; hold person; touch of idiocy; cause fear; lesser confusion; light; resistance
Scenario 43: The Pallid Plague
Artwork for existing pages: satyr [A cover; A 14]; Lumber Consortium [A 6 map]; Fiendblood Covenant [A 8 map, A 15 map]; Falcon's Hollow [A 10 map]; Roots and Remedies [A 12 map]; scroll [A 19]; book [A 20]
- See also: Category:Artwork from The Pallid Plague
- antiplague [A 5?]; palepox; Horrick Danlaw; Laerto Branif; Fiendblood Covenant plague fields / Fiendblood Covenant plague farm [A 8 map]; Feast of Decay [A 15 map]; Isandrea; Isandrea's Basin; Lannig Mahesto; Anissa Mahesto; Vondrella Mahesto; flamebloom flower / flamebloom; zombie rot; Zender Fulch; Vanick Inor
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: antitoxin; scale mail; shovel; silk rope / silken rope / rope; saw; chain; leather; masterwork; tanglefoot bag; belt pouch; backpack; cauldron; parchment; tin; panpipes; dance; maggot; sculpture
remove disease; lesser restoration; bear's endurance; cure light wounds; cure moderate wounds; cure serious wounds; cure critical wounds; Pathfinder pouch; pearl of power; mage hand; unseen servant; charm person; dancing lights; ghost sound; sleep (spell); suggestion; summon nature's ally / summon nature's ally III; spell immunity; unholy blight; animate dead; blindness/deafness; contagion; magic circle against good; protection from good; enthrall; silence; spiritual weapon; bane; cause fear; divine favour / divine favor; entropic shield; bleed; detect magic; read magic; resistance; magic weapon (spell)
Scenario 45: Delirium's Tangle (scenario)
Artwork for existing pages: morlock [A cover, A 7]; idol [A 8]
- Delirium's Tangle [A 6 map, A 12 map] / Abysiel's Tangle; Izryen's Hourglass [A 16]; hourglass [A 16]; Izryen; Metringer Sanitarium; Abysiel Greensummer; basalt; geometry; Taurean Embassy; maze / labyrinth; Kyonin Embassy (Absalom); Vidam Tsoulet / Tsoulet family; mining beetle; perfume; Garanel; Void Whisperer; essence of the Void Whisperer; Clever Door; astrolabe
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: bronze; rope; glass; bone; masterwork; arrow; scythe; leech; lock; chain; pendulum; gears; alchemist's lab; artisan's tools; clock; white jade / jade; quartz
lesser restoration; daze; magic missile; water breathing; goggles of minute seeing; cure light wounds; cure moderate wounds; slow; hideous laughter; see invisibility; summon swarm; enlarge person; hypnotism (spell); obscuring mist; protection from law; ray of enfeeblement; acid splash; arcane mark; detect magic; mage hand; mending; read magic; light fortification (armour special ability); shield (spell); animate rope
Scenario 47: The Darkest Vengeance
Artwork for existing pages: caligni creeper / dark creeper [A cover, A 12 (same as in Bestiary)]; Miregrold Manor [A 6 map, A 16 map (lake)]; soulbound doll [A 10 (same as in Edge of Anarchy)]; ritual [A 20]; scroll [A 20]; ring [A 21]
Unsure how to handle this artwork: sphere representing Eox [A 22]
- Mercra; Venomous Draughts; Lord Astrimart / House Astrimart; sabre / saber; Balriman Wiltshire / Wiltshire family; Vitrios; Zoathrias; sunrod; wailing worm; Gilrad Penderay; Diva [A 10]; Egorian opera house; The Razing of the Temple of Apep by An-Hepsu V
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: boots; locket; crystal; bronze; oil painting; ivory; jewellery; tanglefoot bag; masterwork; arrow; backpack; explorer's outfit; light wooden shield / wooden shield; shortbow; composite longbow; hide armour / hide armor; scroll case; beryl; pipe organ; porcelain; doll; ink; mirror; prism; electrum; magnetite; graphite; sapphire (gemstone); alchemist's fire; acid; antitoxin; rope
boots of elvenkind; suggestion; cure moderate wounds; invisibility (spell); cure light wounds; deep slumber; secret page; tongues; deeper darkness; remove curse; light (spell); mage hand; open/close; prestidigitation; inflict serious wounds; levitate; enthral / enthrall; charm person; grease; mage armour / mage armor; ventriloquism; ghost sound; lullaby; read magic; summon instrument; everburning torch; darkness / deeper darkness; detect magic; comprehend languages; daylight; fog cloud; silversheen
Scenario 48: The Devil We Know, Part IV: The Rules of the Swift
Artwork for existing pages: Swift Prison [A 6 map, A 9 map, A 13 map]; book [A 20]
- plague rat [A cover, A 7 and artwork is on the wiki]; Cult of Nature's Cataclysm; bell of obedience; bell; Dalirio Teppish; the "crazed painter" / "crazy artist" name unknown but now also Crazed Painter; Ismacco tunnel system / Ismacco tunnels; Cassomir filth fever
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: fly [A 7 and artwork is on the wiki]; music box; statue / sculpture; bolt; heavy wooden shield / wooden shield; manacles; repeating light crossbow / repeating crossbow; masterwork; arrow; crystal; torch (item)
bracers of archery / lesser bracers of archery; inflict light wounds / inflict moderate wounds / inflict serious wounds; slaying arrow; discern lies; zone of truth; shillelagh; entangle; detect magic; flare (spell); guidance; light (spell); barkskin; bull's strength; cure light wounds; longstrider; know direction; acid arrow; alarm; brooch of shielding; darkness; ghost sound; daze; sound burst; miracle
Scenario 50: Fortune's Blight
Artwork for existing pages: green hag [A cover, A 5, but this is Bestiary artwork]; Sellen River [A 8 map of small part]; quill [A 15]; scroll [A 15]; peafowl [A 15]; falchion [A 16]; Passion's Edge [A 16]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Fortune's Blight
- Aelzeldra's Hut [A 6 map]; Parke's Workshop / Parke Rangston's shop [A 10 map]; Tylaca's Lair redirecting to Cathedral of Aroden (Sevenarches) (although it was only a small chapel) [A 12 map]; Parke Rangston; Breslin LeMonte; House LeMonte; Tylaca; Gresaril; Aelzeldra; Jolson; Otona; Rhyss; Siasan
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: bell; composite longbow; song; parrot
cure moderate wounds; cure serious wounds; lesser restoration; bracers of armour / bracers of armor; javelin of lightning; invisibility (spell); pass without trace; tongues; water breathing; alter self; dancing lights; ghost sound; invisibility (spell); pyrotechnics; tree shape; whispering wind; bull's strength; hold person; shatter; silence; doom; obscuring mist; shield of faith; true strike; detect magic; bleed; mending; chill metal; fog cloud; entangle; produce flame; flare; guidance; resistance; charm person; mage armour / mage armor; magic missile; acid splash; ray of frost; read magic
Scenario 55: The Infernal Vault
Artwork for existing pages: lemure [A cover, A 13]; burning skeleton [A 11]; book [A 18]; short sword [A 18]
- See also: Category:Artwork from The Infernal Vault
- Deckland Family Vault / Deckland Vault / Deckland Vaults / Deckland family vault / Deckland vault [A 6 map]; Devil's Claw Company / Devil's Claw organization / Devil's Claw mercenaries / Devil's Claw; Celeena Deckland; Janks; Deckland townhouse in Eastgate district
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: map (item); architecture; chain shirt; chainmail; heavy steel shield; oil of bless weapon; torch (item); burning hands; flame strike; flag; assassin's blade [A 18]; cure light wounds; bolt; cure moderate wounds; scythe; belt of incredible dexterity; backpack; armlet; bracers; fireball; summon monster II; color spray; protection from good; ray of enfeeblement; acid splash; detect magic; detect poison; mage hand; prestidigitation; read magic; mage armour / mage armor; magic missile; sleet storm; suggestion; summon monster III; acid arrow; glitterdust; scorching ray; grease; obscuring mist; message; shield (spell); cause fear; stinking cloud; black tentacles; charm monster; summon monster IV; slow; eagle's splendour / eagle's splendor; open/close; amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor
Scenario 56: The Jester's Fraud
Artwork for existing pages: annis hag [A cover, A 6, but Bestiary 3 image]; Tandak Prefecture [A 7 map]; lion [A 14 but Bestiary image]; homunculus [A 17 but Bestiary image]
- See also: Category:Artwork from The Jester's Fraud
- Rhoetius [A 12 map]; Gaunt Blackfist / Blackfists; Pauva; House Bourtze - heraldry: blue stars on a golden field / Tribune Makarius Bourtze, Tribune of Evondemor / Lady Ariesin Bourtze / Bourtze manor; Khenankantra; Ashenscale asp; Resolute Citadel; The Blood Feast of Al-Yazr; Silken Whisper; Primogeniture Library; House Disaren; alabaster urn of Kalates the Accursed / alabaster urn / Kalates the Accursed; Simple Sabas / Sabas; Dame Lexera the Crusader; Magram Scarjaw, The Blood-Soaked Tribune; Walric; Kaleda; Devil's Fork Inn [A 5 map, though it is just a standard flip map]; Order of the Lash; Alycean Valley; Ruined Road (Tandak Prefecture); Disaren Village; Deiphovan Slough; Thistleridge Barrens; Bondstones; Goosegrass; Mene Harcliffe; Baran; Wager; giant slug / slug; necklace of strangulation; Lionbanes / Gwyndryda / Cundrie; mace of blood; Loggerhead [A 17]
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: guisarme, alabaster, parchment, brass, sculpture, sceptre, military fork, leather, composite longbow, masterwork, arrow, bronze, nobles' clothing, emerald, brooch, half-plate, chain shirt, satchel, necklace, acid, hurdy gurdy, shortbow, spell component pouch
cure serious wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure light wounds, touch of idiocy, web, fly (spell), alter self, fog cloud, veil, blight (spell), baleful polymorph, forcecage, freedom of movement, modify memory, charm monster, dispel magic, summon monster III / summon monster, glitterdust, invisibility (spell), misdirection, shatter, suggestion, comprehend languages, hideous laughter, obscure object, ventriloquism, dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, light, message, prestidigitation
Year 2
2-01 Before the Dawn, Part I: The Bloodcove Disguise
Artwork for existing pages: Bloodcove [A 6 map]; ant [A 12]; Aspis Consortium [A 24]; scroll [A 31 x 2]; idol [A 31]
- (Starred elements (*) need adding to a future {{Bloodcove navbox}} template) Before the Dawn; House Cartahegn*; Rulkep's Superlative Antimalarial [A 30]; Trato* of Westcrown; Sothan Alchemical Academy; Senzer Rulkep*; Roald Rulkep*; Amukhet*; Cartahegn Sugarpress*; Azlant Ridge; Raimondo Scevola*; Andre Elanzo*; Rulkep Tonics*; Lura Ichon* & eidolon Bellu as redirect; Xeanja* the Wood Witch, and Omb, lizard familiar as redirect; Widow's Walk*; Grand Admiral*; House Cartahegn Trading Post*; The Sanguine Pit*; The Wandering Way*; Novaria*; Weigo*
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: greenblood oil; striped toadstool powder / striped toadstool; scorpion venom; Medium spider venom; bolt; scarab; hat; poetry; arrow; light steel shield / steel shield; thunderstone; masterwork; chain shirt; bell; lobster; morningstar; tanglefoot bag; disguise kit; caravan; key; hex; spell component pouch; vulture
invisibility (spell) / greater invisibility; inflict light wounds / inflict moderate wounds; feather token (whip) / feather token; cure light wounds; cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds; false life; see invisibility; reduce person; bear's endurance; bull's strength; frost (weapon special ability); dimensional anchor; oil of magic weapon / magic weapon (spell); shield of faith; remove disease; heal (spell); summon monster / summon monster II / summon monster III / summon monster IV; charm monster; stoneskin; alter self; glitterdust; blur; resist energy; grease (spell); lesser rejuvenate eidolon; mage armour / mage armor; magic fang; unseen servant; guidance; light (spell); mending; message; resistance; displacement; dispel magic; fly; suggestion; detect thoughts; hold person; summon swarm; web (spell); burning hands; sleep (spell); read magic; touch of fatigue
2-02 Before the Dawn, Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge
Artwork for existing pages: monkey & baboon [A 13 - same image as Bestiary 132]; angazhani [A cover & A 14 - same image as Heart of the Jungle 58]
- Before the Dawn; Azlant Ridge [A 10 map]; Azlanti monolith / cold iron golem [A 15 - same image as iron golem in Bestiary 162]; Juliet Dias; Cullum Hewes; Raimondo Scevola; Elden Klemmer; Captain Calgredine; Bloodcove trade bar; Battle for Azlant Ridge
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: chain shirt; ivory; key; wagon; signal whistle; heavy steel shield / steel shield / heavy wooden shield / wooden shield; lance; shortbow; arrow; masterwork; tanglefoot bag; fly; horn; rope; tent; hide armour / hide armor; caravan
cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds; fireball; black tentacles; magic missile; shield (spell); see invisibility; deeper darkness; dispel magic; shillelagh; magic stone; summon nature's ally III / summon nature's ally II / summon nature's ally I / summon nature's ally; flaming sphere; entangle; create water; detect poison; flare; purify food and drink
2-04 Shadows Fall on Absalom
Artwork for existing pages: skinsaw mask [A 5]; The Black Mask [A map and logo]; doppelganger [A 10] (same as Bestiary 89 art); invisible stalker [A cover, A 15] (same as Bestiary 181 art); half-elf [A 16]; cleric [A 16]; Norgorber [A 16]
- Nordris Kalm, venture-captain in Diobel [A 16]; Trantimir Dolos; Atmun Ka-run; Aldus Soot; Olybrius / Olybrius the Ox; Malik Mustafa; Prospectus of Artefacts / Prospectus of Artifacts; Istraxis Xis; Sidri Kalm / Sidri; arsenic; Darik Dunstan; Ialyssia Rask; Sonta Rask; Utak Crow-Eater
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: light steel shield / light shield / steel shield, arrow, scabbard, chain shirt, composite longbow, shortbow, glove, mask, chains / chain, mirror, masterwork, lock, leather
amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor, belt of physical perfection, metamagic rod of extend, phylactery of negative channelling / phylactery of negative channeling, phylactery of positive channelling / phylactery of positive channeling, sleep arrow, bashing (armour special ability), scabbard of keen edges, barkskin, alarm, invisibility purge, prayer (spell), suggestion, cure moderate wounds, hold person, invisibility (spell), bless, disguise self, doom, sanctuary (spell), detect magic, detect poison, guidance, mending, detect thoughts, resistance, true strike, meld into stone, blasphemy, regenerate, blade barrier, harm, mislead, false vision, flame strike, scrying (spell), freedom of movement, divine power, greater magic weapon / magic weapon (spell), magic vestment, nondetection, protection from energy, aid, bull's strength, undetectable alignment, obscuring mist, shield of faith
2–06: The Heresy of Man, Part I: The First Heresy
Artwork for existing pages: dark stalker [A 14]; book [A 20]
- See also: Category:Artwork from The First Heresy
- Qassabah Heb Amar [A 7 map] / Heb Amar redirect; Wadi al-Hesr; First Heresy; Maelstrom (ship); Agosa Agion; Bey Sarkris El Makkra; robe of the Pure Legion [A 10]; hourglass [A 12]; dark guardian [A 14]; lighter (boat); Masur the Ill-favored; El Makkra family; Postern Yard (Qassabah Heb Amar) prob as redirect to main page; Old Road (Qassabah Heb Amar), Main Coast Road (Qassabah Heb Amar); dead man's shroud; Sa'ad Bakir, Bakir family / Bakiri al-Katheer, Mizram Bakir; Awirs El Makkra, Ahira El Makkra; the Seven Cities; Heb Amar Red; the El Makkra; incense of meditation; neutralize poison; interposing hand; ring of spell storing, locate object
2–07: The Heresy of Man, Part II: Where Dark Things Sleep
- Karzha Necropolis [A 7 map]; Crypt of the Immolated Mirza [A 7 map]; Verdizaam Charad, the Immolated Mirza [A 17] (probably best to have a redirect from title as that seems to be used a lot on its own to reference Charad), Molten Citadel; Wadi al-Hesr; Hatmah abd Khohimin; Agosa Agion; Musin Ptomais; Sayeki; Desi Talan, Verit of Aspenthar; Adel al-Manhir; ear seeker; dread ghoul; remove disease; bless weapon; lute; chain shirt; architecture; kama; bracers of armour / bracers of armor; glitterdust, invisibility purge; pearl of power; dust of illusion; greater invisibility; ventriloquism (spell); arrow; shield (spell); resist energy; discern location; Hehmket II; Sayit; Larasesh the Languid; mulberry pentacle ioun stone; ebon wayfinder; symbol of persuasion; Hetepheres, Whisperer of Enigma; amethyst; Jistkan puzzle map
2-08 The Sarkorian Prophecy
Artwork for existing pages: Worldwound [A 7 map], glabrezu [A cover, A 11, but note this is just standard Bestiary picture]
- Sarkorian Prophecy; Illayna Kradow; house of al-Maraba / House al-Maraba; Embla Clefthelm; Mestamorga [A 9, but note this is just standard Bestiary picture]; Abyssal geyser / abyssal geyser; ashstorm; quicksand; Storasta Safe House; Lalizarzadeh; Graukur; Rovald Orlovski; Alathra Binzet
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: splint mail, waterskin, bedroll, masterwork, half-plate, heavy steel shield / steel shield, helmet, lucerne hammer, shortbow, alchemist's fire, antitoxin, chain shirt, arrow, bolt, noble's outfit, everburning torch, ladder, acid, thunderstone, portable ram, scythe, hex
amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor, elixir of truth, headband of vast intelligence, bull's strength, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, eagle's splendour / eagle's splendor, invisibility (spell), false life, demonbane (weapon special ability) / bane (weapon special ability), alter self, baleful polymorph, make whole, stoneskin, phantom steed, figurine of wondrous power, fly (spell), overland flight, wind walk, levitate, deep slumber, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, etherealness, soul bind, darkness, poison (spell), contagion, unholy blight, enervation, vampiric touch, mass hold person / hold person, veil, power word stun, reverse gravity, mass reduce person / reduce person, remove curse, magic circle against evil / magic circle, suggestion, hideous laughter, mirror image, resist energy, scorching ray, touch of idiocy, bless, burning hands, charm person, mage armour / mage armor, shield (spell), acid splash, daze, light, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, summon swarm, summon monster VI / summon monster, chain lightning, mass fester, slay living, swarm skin, cloudkill, feeblemind, suffocation, black tentacles, crushing despair, phantasmal killer, spite, threefold aspect, dispel magic, screech, blindness/deafness, burning gaze, pox pustules, vomit swarm, web, cause fear, harm person, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement, bleed, putrefy food and drink, resistance, protection from evil, protection from chaos
2–09: The Heresy of Man, Part III: Beneath Forgotten Sands
Artwork for existing pages: Citadel of the Weary Sky [A 9 map, A 10 map, A 15 map, A 17 map]
- Shybbahla [A 11]; Ring of the Weary Sky [A 18]; Wadi al-Hesr;Verdizaam Charad, the Immolated Mirza; Jistkan puzzle map / Jistkan puzzle-map; Achistem B'rith, the Cruellest Cut / Cruelest Cut; brass; the Bleak Portal; Qassabah Heb Amar; ring of spell storing; Otoneraphim; Hanig, Semfar, Elastrissa; Yemenez Tharn; flying carpet; feather fall; protection from energy; pipes of terror; pipes of haunting; panpipe; Calphara / Calipharo; carnelian
2-11 The Penumbral Accords
Artwork for existing pages: fetchling [A cover; A 14]; Blakros Museum [A 5 map]; ice golem [A 7 - standard art from Bestiary]; shadow mastiff [A 11 - standard art from Bestiary]
- Zelius Jagrah; Khizan Ortash; Uthil Mak [A cover; A 14 - is a generic fetchling from the Bestiary and not Mak]; Wightir House; Penumbral Accords; Wightir Conjunction; Hamaria Blakros; Eleanir Blakros; Absalom Prime; Mazzel Gol; liquid night; shadow hound
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: bracelet; necklace; brooch; sunrod; torch (item); masterwork; parade armour / parade armor; composite shortbow; acid; alchemical grease; weapon blanch (adamantine) / weapon blanch; alchemist's lab; tapestry; alabaster; alchemist's fire; bullets; manacles; liquid ice; light wooden shield / wooden shield; marble; granite; glass; ink; pyramid; bloodstone; onyx
bracers of armour / bracers of armor; cure moderate wounds; belt of giant strength; elixir of fire breath; barkskin; bear's endurance; cure serious wounds; continual flame; dancing lights; daylight; light (spell); gentle repose; disguise self; invisibility (spell); comprehend languages; cure light wounds; identify; true strike; cat's grace; false life; bear's endurance; shield of faith
2-12 Below the Silver Tarn
Artwork for existing pages: Stom's Claim [A 6 map]
- Silver Tarn (Menador Mountains) [A 6 map]; Arodenite Temple (Stom's Claim) / Temple of Aroden (Stom's Claim) [A 15 map]; Carnag [A cover, A 16; though it is just the Bestiary art for a dark naga]; Citiat's Public House; Maze (Menador Mountains); Town Founder Stom Dolock; Ridle of Totra; Ulet Ridle; Otoneraphim; Town Doctor Cazas Ceet / Catas Ceet (both spellings used interchangeably); Arries Rires; Whitesmith's Guild; Nicoroux, the Greedy Twilight, or The Lady of Blood and Fortune; tarnspawn; Silver Tarn entity / Silver Tarn Entity (spelt 'entity' throughout the mod but 'Entity' at Paizo's website for the mod); Assayer Courone Adle; Assayer's Office; manimal; Madder Maloux & Motherlode (also spelt, probably mistakenly, as 'Motherload'); Silver Tarn avatar
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: heavy pick, mural, canvas, granite, bell, acid, lamp, altitude sickness, brass, architecture, bronze
cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, vicious (weapon special ability), rod of metal and mineral detection, holy smite, lesser strand of prayer beads / strand of prayer beads, prayer (spell), boots of friendly terrain / boots of friendly mountain terrain, headband of mental prowess, limited miracle, obscuring mist, lesser restoration, air walk, fly (spell), invisibility sphere, silence, mage's magnificent mansion, protection from evil / protection from good / protection from law, geas, remove curse, cat's grace, invisibility (spell), detect thoughts, ray of enfeeblement, displacement, lightning bolt, interposing hand, greater invisibility, wall of ice, stinking cloud, scorching ray, web, expeditious retreat, magic missile, reduce person, shield (spell), silent image, daze, detect magic, light (spell), mage hand, mending, open/close, ray of frost, read magic, touch of fatigue, flame strike, righteous might, divine power, inflict critical wounds / inflict serious wounds / inflict moderate wounds / inflict light wounds, unholy blight, wall of fire, invisibility purge, magic vestment, bear's endurance, bull's strength / mass bull's strength, fog cloud, hold person, instant armour / instant armor, divine favour / divine favor, enlarge person, magic weapon (spell) / greater magic weapon, sanctuary (spell), bleed, detect poison, guidance, resistance, stabilize / stabilise, virtue, dispel evil, dispel law, animate objects, blade barrier, make whole, slay living, water walk, darkness, poison (spell), unholy aura, blasphemy, contagion, horrid wilting, unhallow
2-14 The Chasm of Screams
Artwork for existing pages: poison [A 11], nightmare vapour [A 11]
- Chasm of Screams [A 9 map] (on Mindspin Mountains navbox); Eya Uygroulis, Phitoness of Axioms (redirect latter title to name) / Vaetta raven familiar (redirect to Eya) / Eya's hermitage (on Mindspin Mountains navbox); white pudding / frosty lurker [A cover, A 13]; nightmare vapour flask / nightmare vapor flask [A 11], nightmare dust [A 11]; Cailleach [A 15] and artwork is on wiki, styled as winter hag, ice hag, & ice witch; Hakemit-Omat / forbidden glyphs of the prophet Hakemit-Omat; House of Grathisfold / House Grathisfold / Lord Grathisfold / Aiymont Grathisfold; Aran Thokskaw; hypothermia; frostbite; Neferisis
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: pine / pine tree, soapstone, figurine, seahawk, masterwork, arrow, candle, map (item), ivory, leather, cestus, acid, lock, jewellery, crystal, necklace
cure serious wounds, belt of giant strength, greater magic weapon / magic weapon (spell), keen edge, barkskin, rod of wonder, secret chest, contingency, magnificent mansion, stone of alarm, magic aura, bull's strength, wind wall, cure light wounds, obscuring mist, shillelagh, create water, detect magic, guidance, stabilize / stabilise, deeper darkness, magic circle against law, meld into stone, aid, darkness (spell), invisibility (spell), silence, bane, disguise self, doom, protection from good, shield of faith, bleed, resistance, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, sleet storm, etherealness, soul bind, alter self
2-16 The Flesh Collector
Artwork for existing pages: dryad [A cover, A 17]; wand [A cover, A 17]; dryad [A cover, A 17]; ghost [A cover, A 17]; sorcerer [A cover, A 17]; tree [A cover, A 17]; Monastery of the Unremitting Tide [A 6 map]; Irori [A 8]; bulette [A 15 but same artwork as in Bestiary (1E)
- Jathyl [A cover, A 17]; Fleshforge Manuscript; Priestess Isa (person); Nerecchus / Nerecchus of Jalmeray; Otoneraphim; Mabrias Hoytain; Galidric Hoytain; The Glorious Reaper / Glorious Reaper; paper; hieroglyph / Osirian hieroglyphs / hieroglyphs; Silent Reader; Pradnyara; Inlanni
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: composite shortbow / shortbow, ink, scrimshaw (art), pine, lock, statue, rhyolite, masterwork, shuriken, robe, necklace, belt, bracers, key, parchment, inkpen, arrow, kama, nunchaku, sai, siangham, malachite, incense, scythe, calligraphy, candle, brass, gong, ladder
Items: bane (weapon special ability), belt of incredible dexterity, belt of physical perfection, blessed book, bracers of armour / bracers of armor, monk's robe, necklace of fireballs, phylactery of faithfulness
Spells: acid splash, barkskin, bull's strength, cat's grace, charm person, command plants, commune with nature, control water, daze, detect chaos, detect evil, detect magic, detect undead, dispel magic, divine favour / divine favor, enervation, entangle, erase, fly (spell), ghostbane dirge, ghost sound,glibness, harm, hideous laughter, ice storm, invisibility (spell), lightning bolt, locate object, mage hand, magic aura, magic missile, magic mouth, magic weapon (spell) / greater magic weapon, mending, message, owl's wisdom, plant growth, prestidigitation, protection from evil, quench, restoration / lesser restoration, see invisibility, silence, sleet storm, speak with plants, stone shape, tree shape, tree stride, true strike, unseen servant, wood shape
2-18 The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor
Artwork for existing pages: Koor [A 8 map]; fire elemental [A 14]
- The Mad Marid Moukadeem, Drowned Emir of the Ever-Thirsting Oasis / Moukadeem, the Drowned Emir of the Ever-Thirsting Oasis (book); Forbidden Furnace [A 8 map]; Ahmad of the North / Ahmad; Otoneraphim; Furnace Master [A 14]; smelting house (Koor); animate hoard; Alfashti; Bourondor; psychosis
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: awl, brass, brimstone as 'sulfur'; bronze, carpet / rug, chainmail, chain shirt, chest, chisel, crowbar, flag, glass, incense, insanity mist, ink, jewellery / jewelry, key, lamp, leather, lock, map (item), marble, obsidian, pickaxe, rope, sapphire (gemstone), satchel, scythe, shovel, tent, trade bar
Items: carpet of flying, energy resistant (armour special ability), pink and green sphere ioun stone, ring of sustenance, shock (weapon special ability)
Spells: alarm, alter self, arcane eye, blink, cat's grace, charm monster, comprehend languages, cone of cold, control water, create water, cure critical wounds / cure serious wounds / cure light wounds, daze, detect evil, detect good, detect magic, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, displacement, divine favour / divine favor, divine power, elemental body III / elemental body, elemental swarm, expeditious retreat, flame strike, ghost sound, giant form I / giant form, glitterdust, grease (spell), heal (spell), heroism, hold person, hydraulic push, ice storm, greater invisibility / invisibility (spell), know direction, light, lightning bolt, locate creature, mage armour / mage armor, mage hand, magic missile, miracle, mirror image, nondetection, obscure object, obscuring mist, open/close, permanent image, persistent image, plane shift, purify food and drink, quench, ray of frost, read magic, restoration / lesser restoration / greater restoration, scorching ray, see invisibility, stabilize, summon instrument, undetectable alignment, unseen servant, water breathing, water walk
2-20 Wrath of the Accursed
Artwork for existing pages: Hondo Heru [A cover, A 19]; Sothis [A 6 map]; sickle [A 19]; cloak of resistance [A 19]
- Spirit of Cyremium; Eshe; Exemplar Pendah; Otoneraphim; Masud Dajuh; Overlander's Emporium; Proconsul DuMarc; Tobyn DuMarc; Fayeid's Goods; Kaphiri Talarel; Nuru; Sutekh of Totra; Tarik An-Alak; Uspia Zimordi; Zahur Dal; Ankh and Serpent Embalming House [A 16 map]; Ahzad Alekh; Sothan guard; Khetera II, the Pharaoh of Misfortune; Osirian Cultural Ministry; Curse of the Pharaoh of Misfortune; Sothis Docks - unclear where they are; berserking sword as berserking khopesh; helm of opposite alignment; scarab of death; dust of sneezing and choking; Lazuli; girdle of opposite gender; boots of dancing; bag of devouring
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: alabaster, alchemical lab, alkali, arrow, bag, belt, boots, brooch, cedar, ceramic, chain shirt, clay, cloak, cobra, date palm, electrum, girdle, glass, headdress, jade, key, leather, limestone, lock, masterwork, necklace, paper, papyrus, pottery, robe, sash, spell component pouch, sycamore, tapestry
Magic items: belt of incredible dexterity [A 19], belt of mighty constitution, belt of physical might, belt of physical perfection, everburning torch, eyes of the eagle, flaming (weapon special ability), headband of alluring charisma, headband of vast intelligence, necklace of adaptation [A 19]
Spells: acid splash, alarm, arcane eye, greater arcane sight / arcane sight, barkskin, black tentacles, burning hands, cloudkill, cone of cold, cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, delayed blast fireball, detect magic, detect poison, disintegrate, dispel magic / greater dispel magic, displacement, elemental body II / elemental body I / elemental body, erase, fabricate, feather fall, fireball, flaming sphere, fly (spell), fog cloud, gust of wind, ice storm, invisibility (spell) / greater invisibility, light (spell), mage armour / mage armor, mage hand, magic circle against evil / magic circle, magic missile, make whole, mending, message, miracle, mirror image, overland flight, phantasmal killer, prestidigitation, protection from energy, protection from evil, pyrotechnics, ray of enfeeblement, ray of frost, read magic, remove curse, resilient sphere, scorching ray, scrying (spell), see invisibility, shield (spell), shocking grasp, shout, sleet storm, solid fog, speak with dead, stinking cloud, summon monster II / summon monster, transmute rock to mud, true seeing, true strike, ventriloquism (spell), wall of force, web
2-22 Eyes of the Ten, Part IV: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Artwork for existing pages: clockwork golem [A 13]; Adril Hestram [A 19], earth breaker [A 19], full plate [A 19]
- Sanctum of the Ten [A 7 map]; Venture-Captain Teppin Montrose; eraminho / eraminho stone; Andrexiel, the Copper Sphinx; Foyer of Worlds [A 7 map]; Woaltog; crystal; mask, cloak, robe, gown; Aistor Garislog; Faction Rooms / Faction Chambers; stone of sending; bronze; ivory; osprey (bird); Vothuemont's Blade, Sir Wouden Vothuemont; Pillar of Screaming Angels; Valicia Narikopolus; heartscarab; Eshyrilax; Gearspawn Chamber; copper; Ferocleus; Pycerat; jade; porcupine; abalone
2-23 Shadow's Last Stand, Part I: At Shadow's Door
Artwork for existing pages: fighter [A cover, A 15]; hobgoblin [A cover, A 15]; breastplate [A cover, A 15]; Cathedral of Aroden [A 6 map]
- See also: Category:Artwork from At Shadow's Door
- Shadow’s Last Stand; Hagla [A cover, A 15]; spiked chain [A cover, A 15]; Ramenophesa; Book of Dreaming Devils; Fuha; Greudemoffit; Hornet's Nest ship; democracy; Fillian; stained glass
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: hornet; bell; rope; climbing spikes; bronze; copper; glass; banner; calligraphy; jewellery; marble; masterwork; oak; paper; spyglass; map (item); chart; shortbow / composite shortbow / mighty composite shortbow; composite longbow / mighty composite longbow; smokestick; arrow; knuckle ring
invisibility (spell); hat of disguise; pearl of power; vicious (weapon special ability); circlet of persuasion; cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds; illusory wall; shatter; keen edge; slow; spell turning; shield of faith; animate rope
2-24 Shadow's Last Stand, Part II: Web of Corruption
Artwork for existing pages: dhampir [A cover, A 10, though this is Bestiary 2 artwork]; Dorianna Ouidda [A 17]; human [A 17]; bard [A 17]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Web of Corruption
- Shadow's Last Stand, as in the series of adventures; Bourillia; Otoneraphim; Rashtu; Ruovarn Krillis; Yero; Senlokto Boraminder; The Captive Audience; Zirunne Jarovar; Jarovar Investments; Sailswift; Copper Dog; Wood District; Mercantile District; Docks District [these last three districts are not in the gazetteer for Almas in later books??]; architecture; Dweomer Blade; An Extended History of Taldor
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: ivory; carriage; chain shirt; bolt; tanglefoot bag; thunderstone; masterwork; scabbard; acid; smokestick; mirror
bull's strength; invisibility (spell); cure moderate wounds; inflict moderate wounds; glamered (armour special ability); keen (weapon special ability); detect undead; blur; detect thoughts; alter self; hold person; charm person; cure light wounds; silent image; ventriloquism; detect magic; mage hand; message; prestidigitation; read magic; resistance; magic missile; dispel magic; greater invisibility; deep slumber; glibness; slow; eagle's splendour / eagle's splendor; enthral / enthrall; hypnotic pattern; suggestion; cause fear; hideous laughter; lesser confusion; sleep; daze; lullaby; mending; undetectable alignment
2-25 You Only Die Twice
Artwork for existing pages: worm that walks [A 12]
- See also: Category:Artwork from You Only Die Twice
- ghoul worm [A cover; A 15]; Joktan Heth [A 12]; undead anatomy I / undead anatomy; House Dralneen; Lady Henderthane???; Chalice of Undeath; Testament of Geb; Corpselight Mire; Corvalos; Ezesta; Kuryn Jexel; Lord Mayor Avram Bloodoath; High Priestess Alcaniel Elmaren; Trade Master Hirgul; Temple of Urgathoa (Corpselight)
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: scythe; heavy steel shield / steel shield; manacles; banner; masterwork; morningstar; channel / channel positive energy / channel negative energy / channel energy; spell component pouch; statue
keen (weapon special ability); unholy (weapon special ability); hat of disguise; phylactery of negative channelling / phylactery of negative channeling; cure moderate wounds; cure serious wounds; blindness/deafness; false life; mage armour / mage armor; hand of glory; pearl of power; robe of bones; ray of exhaustion; detect undead; true seeing; disrupt undead; hide from undead; searing light; inflict moderate wounds; inflict critical wounds; breath of life; flame strike; cure critical wounds; divine power; spell immunity; prayer (spell); eagle's splendour / eagle's splendor; sound burst; bless; cure light wounds; shield of faith; detect magic; light (spell); resistance; stabilize / stabilise; vampiric touch; ray of enfeeblement; detect chaos; detect evil; heal (spell); unhallow; aid; hold monster; enervation; wall of fire; displacement; fly (spell); lightning bolt; darkness; scorching ray; summon swarm; expeditious retreat; magic missile;disrupt undead; ray of frost; read magic; touch of fatigue; scare; disintegrate; fireball
Year 3
3-06 Song of the Sea Witch
Artwork for existing pages:
- Celestial Song; Infernal Incantation; Na-Kraka, the Sea Witch [A cover, A 15 - art is Bestiary 3 standard art for cecaelia] + Masaru, king crab / crab familiar; Cavern of the Sea Witch [A 12 map]; Bay of Kortos; Nicola; Lauralei; Torsen's Maw; Yargos's Estate; coral; Gilltown tunnels / gillman tunnels; song / chorus / hymn
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: candle, chain shirt, composite longbow, ebony, ivory, map (item), masterwork, pearl, rope, tanglefoot bag, tent, thunderstone, torch (item)
Items: amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor, figurine of wondrous power (silver raven) / silver raven figurine of wondrous power, flaming (weapon special ability), horseshoes of speed, pearl of power, phylactery of negative channelling / phylactery of negative channeling
Spells: align weapon, bleed, charm person, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds, detect magic, false life, guidance, hold person, invisibility (spell), mage armour / mage armor, minor image, ray of enfeeblement, resistance, suggestion, unholy blight
3-07 Echoes of the Overwatched
Artwork for existing pages: ghoul [A cover, A 18]; sorcerer [A cover, A 18]; Blakros Museum [A 6 map]; Tower of the Horn [A 12 and A 12 map]. (Reefclaw image is from Bestiary 2)
- Devourer of Reason [A cover, A 18]; Anumet Akrostera; Jackdaw (author); Nishoril; Ejiekito; Anchor (person); Scarin Saloli; Boils Caralne; Pakinsa Strongbow; Beldrin's sigil; Daling's Delvers; Daling; graven guardian; Ineffable Pattern; rice paper blessing
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: acid, amulet, arrow, black basalt / basalt, brooch, cloak, copper, coral, crystal, disguise kit, glyph, incense, ivory, key, lock, malachite, map (item), mask, masterwork, mural, parchment, paper, pectoral (redirect to breastplate when that page fully made), robe, rope, sapphire (gemstone), scabbard, scroll case, statuette / statue, torch (item)
Items: amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor, everburning torch, keen (weapon special ability), returning (weapon special ability), elemental metamagic rod (cold) / lesser elemental metamagic rod (cold) / elemental metamagic rod / lesser elemental metamagic rod, seeking (weapon special ability)
Spells: acid arrow, acid splash, burning hands, dancing lights, dark motes, detect chaos / detect evil, detect undead, detect magic, disguise self, glitterdust, invisibility (spell), locate creature, mage armour / mage armor, mage hand, magic missile, message, protection from arrows, ray of frost, scorching ray, shocking grasp, silence, unseen servant, water breathing, web
3-16 The Midnight Mauler
Artwork for existing pages: Vonran Vilk [A cover; A 21]; human [A cover; A 21]; werewolf [A cover; A 21]; fighter [A cover; A 21]; rogue [A cover; A 21]; Ardis [A 6 map]
- Markov Rutowski; Melagar Atharian; Judge Cevianna Pradowka; crest of Xi Wikong / Xi Wikong; bladeguard; Imrean Deso; Ilsof Regaran; Petty Desires; witch's breath (herb); fashion; Moulot family (not clear if an Ardis org so not added to Ardis navbox); Dracora family (not clear if an Ardis org so not added to Ardis navbox); Rutowski townhouse / Rutowski's townhouse (most common version) / Markov Rutowski townhouse; Wanda Oteski; Almoch; Ustalavic wolfhound / shadowblood wolfhound / wolfhound; sewers (Ardis); Loyalty Day Ball in Isger; Docks; fencing / swordplay; Ardis City Guard variously termed town guard but that's unlikely a separate org
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: acid, antitoxin, bell, belt, chain shirt, coach, granite, headband, locket, marble, masterwork, oak, poetry, rose
Items: belt of giant strength, elixir of tumbling, headband of alluring charisma, sword of station / greater sword of station
Spells: cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, eagle's splendour / eagle's splendor, neutralize poison, remove fear, resistance
3-20 The Rats of Round Mountain, Part I: The Sundered Path
Artwork for existing pages: dark slayer [A cover, A 13]; Round Mountain [A 3 map]; gug [A 16]
- See also: Category:Artwork from The Sundered Path
Twilight Shrine [A 11 map]; Shu Ri; Lialda Longsorrow; Pagoda of the Rat; Sundered Path; brain ooze; Ratfolk guard tower (Round Mountain) [A 7 map]; tapestry; lock; obsidian; passwall, stone shape, transmute rock to mud; Xiangnuer; Xiangnuer's ledge [A 19 map]
3-22 The Rats of Round Mountain, Part II: Pagoda of the Rat (scenario)
Artwork for existing pages: Round Mountain [A 3 map]; ratfolk [A 10], spear [A 10], inquisitor [A 10]; destrachan [A 16]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Pagoda of the Rat
Pagoda of the Rat [A 6 map]; chain shirt [A 10]; Durriya, the Undying Empress; Xiangnuer; bronze; Fareed; metallurgy; lock; screaming bolt; Shenru; brimstone; gong; incense; acid, alchemist's fire, antitoxin, thunderstone; spiked chain, heavy pick; mineral, semi-precious stone; scabbard; crystal; nickel; marble; Krella & Darkeyes animal companion so this should redirect to Krella; jade; sapphire (gemstone); earring
3-23 The Goblinblood Dead
Artwork for existing pages: Gaspar Desime [A 5]; hobgoblin [A 17]; oracle [A 17]; unholy symbol [A 17]; Urgathoa [A 17]; cloak of resistance [A 17]
- Feren [A cover, A 10 but standard worg from 1E Bestiary 280] and Mola; The Necromancer's Lair (Chitterwood) [A 12 map]; Telda [A 17]; Darak; Pickled Imp
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: locket, pike, trebuchet, light wooden shield / light shield / wooden shield / heavy steel shield / steel shield, tent, bedroll, masterwork, scythe, arrow, composite longbow, hide armour / hide armor, silk rope / rope, lock, leather, scabbard, manacles, tool, candle, incense, reanimation, morningstar, onyx, spell component pouch
Items: dust of dryness, hand of the mage
Spells:animate dead / lesser animate dead, bear's endurance, blindness/deafness, blur, break enchantment, cause fear, create water, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds, detect magic, dispel magic, doom, false life, guidance, hold person, inflict light wounds / inflict moderate wounds / inflict serious wounds, lesser restoration, light (spell), mending, miracle, obscuring mist, protection from good, read magic, remove curse, resistance, shield of faith, spiritual weapon, summon monster / summon monster I / summon monster III
Year 4
4-03 The Golemworks Incident
Artwork for existing pages: angelic guardian [A cover, A 6]; Heidmarch Manor [A 7 map, A 25 map]; human [A 9, A 21]; wizard [A 9, A 21]
- sassone leaf residue; "Trusty Buddy" / crowbar; Chrysalis Black [A 9, A 21]; Black's Laboratory [A 20 map]; Reemis; Ophetta / Jaelle; The Doll House; Gold Agent Maiveer Sloan; simulacrum; Entrichtica Black; Earthmaw; Dark Nights at Schloss Caromarc; The Artificers of Rachikan; and Secrets of the Pactmasters Revealed: Theories on the Aluum
Elements mentioned but likely adding no material to the wiki: acid, amulet, bell, belt, brass, bronze, chain shirt, chemical, cherrywood, clay, coffin, compass, crown, doll, embalming fluid, emerald, hat, key / master key, masterwork, lace, leather, lock, mahogany, marble, paper, pewter, porcelain, rug, sculpture, spell component pouch, statue / statuette, syringe, wig
Items: dusty rose prism ioun stone, lesser extend metamagic rod / lesser metamagic rod / extend metamagic rod, keen (weapon special ability), pearl of power / pearl of power (2nd level), ring of counterspells, slippers of spider climbing
Spells: acid splash, alarm, barkskin, black tentacles, chain lightning, cone of cold, contingency, create water, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, detect magic, disguise self,disintegrate, dispel magic / greater dispel magic, displacement, false life, feeblemind, floating disk, gust of wind, ice storm, identify, keen edge, light, lightning bolt, locate object, mage armour / mage armor, magic aura, magic missile, magic mouth, major creation mirror image, nondetection, permanency, protection from energy, pyrotechnics, quench, rage (spell), ray of enfeeblement, read magic, resistance, scorching ray, greater scrying, shield (spell), lesser simulacrum / simulacrum (spell), sleep, slow, stoneskin, mass suggestion / suggestionsummon monster, unnatural lust, unseen servant, wall of fire, whispering wind
4-04 King of the Storval Stairs
Artwork for existing pages: Storval Stairs [A map 7]
Queen Lareecan [A 14 probably or could be harpy warbird]; Formoch [A cover and art is on wiki]; Atga; vulture; Rova (slaver); Dika, maybe Dika Frallino; Tatho
4-05 The Sanos Abduction
Artwork for existing pages: druid [A 8]; gnome [A 8]; faerie dragon [A 11]; pegasus [A cover, A 12]; zombie [A cover, A 12]
- Riddywipple [A 11]; Ignizi Dinnelletter [A 8]; Lake (Sanos Forest) [A 13 map]; blackwinged pegasus [A cover, A 12]; dire porcupine redirect to giant porcupine / porcupine; Marigana; twigjack; Ignizi's cottage [A 6 map, though this is from a standard map pack]; Dijjit; Lemmy Monelli; Leona Marideth; Narsisco; Marsia Backar; Pollinia; kelpie; Dougal
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: morningstar, crow [A cover, A 12], astrolabe, ink, alexandrite, fly, scythe, brooch
Items: bane (weapon special ability), belt of mighty constitution, bracers of armour / bracers of armor, disruption (weapon special ability), dust of disappearance, dust of illusion, gauntlet of rust, goggles of minute seeing, ring of maniacal devices
Spells: control undead, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds, detect undead, detect magic, ghost sound, invisibility (spell) / greater invisibility, neutralize poison, nondetection, ray of enfeeblement, scare, shatter, silent image, sleep
4-06 The Green Market
Artwork for existing pages: shambler [A cover, A 13]; South Shore District, Korvosa [A 5 map but identical to map in Guide to Korvosa]; Green Market [A 8 map]; Zeeva Foxglove [A 11]; witch [A 11]; human [A 11, A 17]; ghost [A 17]; oracle [A 17]
- See also: Category:Artwork from The Green Market
- Galdron Sunspear / Galdron Greenheart, the Green Heart [A 17]; Lord Eustace Waldridge; Aeysha; Narris Devane; Telmayne Fire-Eyes; quah-jothka
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: chain shirt, cloak, emerald, hex, hide armour / hide armor, masterwork, scale mail, tent
Items: dust of tracelessness, lesser metamagic rod / lesser extend metamagic rod / extend metamagic rod / selective metamagic rod / lesser selective metamagic rod, necklace of fireballs, ring of force shield, shambler vine, sleep arrow
Spells: beguiling gift, bleed, blink, burning hands, charm person, contact other plane, create pit, create water, daylight, deep slumber, detect magic, detect poison, detonate, disguise self, dismissal, divination (spell), divine favour / divine favor, doom, entangle, fireball, ghost sound, glitterdust, grease, guidance, hideous laughter, hold person, hold portal, holy smite, ill omen, inflict light wounds / inflict moderate wounds / inflict serious wounds / inflict critical wounds, invisibility (spell), light, locate object, mage armour / mage armor, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, plant growth, purify food and drink, rage (spell), reduce person, resistance, resist energy, rope of entanglement, sanctuary (spell), searing light, shatter, silence, sound burst, spark, speak with plants, spiritual weapon, stabilize / stabilise, suggestion, telekinesis (spell), touch of fatigue, tree shape, unnatural lust, unseen servant, vanish, virtue, wall of fire
4-07 Severing Ties
Artwork for existing pages: Riddleport [A 5 map]; Shorafa Pamodae [A 8]; cleric [A 8, A 16]; cambion (planar scion) [A 8]; basilisk [A cover, A 13 but same image as in Bestiary (1E)]; Lissala [A 16 symbol]; Sihedron [A 16]; human [A 16]; rogue [A 16]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Severing Ties
- Thestil Shadowtongue; Lashmistress; Lissalan safe house (Riddleport) / Cult of Lissala Safe House (Riddleport) [A 12 map]; Seven Needles; "Forests and Fields of Noble Taldor", "Gilded Oppara", oneiromancy; dream-magic / dream magic; Redelia; Vidrin Jenk [A 6 and artwork is on the wiki] / "Boss Jenk"; Paraphilic Scourge; Barracuda Cartage / Barracuda Cartage company redirect / Barracuda Cartage office redirect / Aspis Consortium (Riddleport) redirect; Fisheye Fwerd; "Big Arvin" Dalson as Big Arvin Dalson redirect to Big Arvin Dalson; mithril poison; Josef; Niana; Frelinda; goblet of quenching; Besmara's bicorne; Lissalan cult (Riddleport) / Cult of Lissala (Riddleport); stone guardian golem; Grelph [A 16]
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: coach, waggon / wagon, paper, hat, mug, teak, incense, glass, lock, key, masterwork, chain, jewellery, scourge, surgical tools, pyramid, doll, statue, drum, light wooden shield / light shield / wooden shield, spell component pouch
Items: figurine of wondrous power (emerald frog) / figurine of wondrous power, strand of prayer beads / lesser strand of prayer beads / bead of blessing
Spells: calm emotions, cause fear, continual flame, cure light wounds, delay pain, dispel magic, divine favour / divine favor, elemental body I / elemental body, fire trap, glyph of warding, guidance, illusory wall, light (spell), magic aura, miracle, protection from evil, purify food and drink, rainbow pattern, read magic, see invisibility, stone shape
4-09 The Blakros Matrimony
Artwork for existing pages: Pariol Island [A 7 map]; Damian Blakros [A cover, A 14]; human [A 18]; barbarian [A 18]; oracle [A 18]; rage prophet [A 18]; greataxe [A 18]
- Hamaria Blakros; Jeon Raeng-Woo; Rubaani Shafar; enterot bush / enterot / enterot root; Pariol family; hallucinogen; Eleanir Blakros; Sterling Sapphire, a galleon; Olaf Kvaran [A 18]; Chapel Bluff; democracy; Cult of Lissala; ceremonial armour / ceremonial armor; parade armour / parade armor; peace-bond; Kastner family; Ostergarde Manor / Ostergarde; Arastrax; Alistair Fourchek
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: arrow, cedar, glass, goblet, guisarme, half-plate armour / half-plate armor hide armour / hide armor [A 18], horn [A 18], ivy, jewellery / jewelry, laurel (tree), composite longbow, masterwork, sapphire (gemstone), heavy wooden shield / wooden shield, tent, velvet
Items: frost (weapon special ability), glamered (armour special ability)
Spells: bleed, cause fear, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, dancing lights, deeper darkness, disguise self, dispel magic, divine favour / divine favor, fly (spell), ghost sound, guidance, keen edge, light (spell), mage hand, magic jar, memory lapse, mending, protection from arrows, resistance, shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, shield of faith, sound burst, telekinesis (spell), virtue
4-14 My Enemy's Enemy
Artwork for existing pages: Magnimar [A 5 map], living topiary [A 9]
- See also: Category:Artwork from My Enemy's Enemy
- Antaios [A cover, A 9]; The Dryad's Trousseau / The Dryad's Trousseau [A 7 map]; The Sodden Crypt [A 13 map]; Titus Terliss; Maiveer Sloan; Paloma; Lady Sutia Tortala Turos; Cormorant (ship); Lydia Hob; Serene Prince Eun Wo; amaranthine juniper; Jacek Giatano and Olivia Giatano; kapteos; Golsifar Tapestry; Twincandles; Elias Chert; Two-Lights; Lal Chawda; satek; Ylandria Zana; Eun
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: acid, alchemist's lab, architecture, arrow, bandanna, bloodroot poison, bolt, brass, bronze, brooch, caltrops, candle, chain shirt, chest, cloak, everburning torch, formula book, glass, gnat, granite, incense, jade, key, lantern, leather, lock, longspear, mask, masterwork, mithral shirt, obsidian, onyx, pottery, rose, sculpture, shawl, smokestick, statue, tapestry, torch (item)
Items: brooch of shielding, candle of truth, caster's shield, elixir of hiding, slaying arrow
Spells: alarm, ant haul, arcane lock, blur, bomber's eye, bull's strength, call lightning storm, cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, darkness, dispel magic, displacement, false life, fireball, fire breath, heroism, keen senses, knock, nondetection, pass without trace, protection from energy, rage, resist energy, see invisibility, shield (spell), summon monster V / summon monster II / summon monster, tree stride, true strike
4-15 The Cyphermage Dilemma
Artwork for existing pages: cutlass [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; studded leather [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; hand crossbow [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; magus [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; pirate [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; vishkanya [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; Riddleport [A 6 map]; grippli [A 13]; alchemist [A 13]; studded leather [A 13]; light crossbow [A 13]; rapier [A 13]; bomb [A 13]
- Alejia Netrav [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; Mumbuckle [A 13]; tanglefoot bag [A 13]; Viper Cove [A 14 map]; Hirako Gurukaza; Iatha Oedricius; Diresome Kretchens; brass knuckles; Smulwarts Gultrock; Topaz Titan [A 14 map]; Lionfish; Kaurik Alraggun; Lixy Parmenter; Ghoulette; Imil Shallowkeel; Riddleport Bay; Riddleport Gendarmes; Opparan Opal; Starfire; harbour gut / harbor gut; cold salt
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: acid, alchemist's fire, architecture, bolt [A 13], brass, bronze, cage, chocolate, disguise kit, flag, formula book, grappling hook, hook hand, light hammer, lock, map (item) / nautical chart, masterwork, paint, pennant, piton, rope, scale mail, sconce, sextant, smokestick, spell component pouch, tar bomb, thunderstone, topaz, torch (item), treasure chest
Spells: acid arrow, acid splash, alarm, animal messenger, blur, bomber's eye, bull's strength, burning hands, colour spray / color spray, comprehend languages, corrosive touch, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, dancing lights, detect magic, fire breath, frigid touch, identify, invisibility (spell), jump, know direction, levitate, light, mage hand, magic missile, message, misdirection, open/close, ray of enfeeblement, read magic, see invisibility, shield (spell), tongues, touch of the sea, true strike, unseen servant
4-16 The Fabric of Reality
Artwork for existing pages: monk [A cover; A 7]; assassin [A cover; A 7]; elf [A cover; A 7]; tattoo [A cover; A 7]; book [A 10]; Abadar [A 14]; full plate [A 14]; battleaxe [A 14]
- Shadow Orchid [A cover; A 7]; Abysium Codex [A 10]; The Sacred Vault [A 13 map]; Haelvora [A 14]; Ascalar Vruul; the Black Ledger; Xun; reincarnation; Chundrek Pallgreves; Pallgreves clan of Janderhoff; Princess Meng's Foo Dogs / Princess Meng; Vendrithian Morilla; Abysium Heart; Learned Crane; Chemshek;
Elements mentioned but likely adding no material to the wiki: bell, brass, chest, crane, lamellar cuirass, figurine, glass, lantern, lock, malachite, masterwork, parchment, sandals, scythe, heavy steel shield / steel shield [A 14], tanglefoot bag, tapestry, teakwood / teak, wakizashi,
Items: amulet of mighty fists, amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor, belt of incredible dexterity, bracers of armour / bracers of armor, headband of alluring charisma, headband of inspired wisdom [A 14], ki mat,
Spells: acid arrow, acid splash, bane (spell), bear's endurance, break enchantment, charm monster, charm person, create water, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, dancing lights, detect magic, dismissal, dispel magic, dread bolt, ear-piercing scream, false life, fireball, flare, fly (spell), force punch, ghost sound, globe of invulnerability / lesser globe of invulnerability, guidance, hideous laughter, hold person, hypnotism (spell), icy prison, illusion of calm, invisibility (spell), light (spell), longstrider, mage armour / mage armor, mage hand, miracle, mirror image, murderous command, protection from arrows, protection from good, read magic, remove curse, resistance, sanctuary (spell), scorching ray, shield (spell), shout, soften earth and stone, spiked pit, spike stones, spontaneous immolation, suggestion, summon monster / summon monster III, unholy blight, vision of Hell,
4-17 Tower of the Ironwood Watch
Artwork for existing pages: drow [A 10]; ranger [A 10]; cleric [A 18]; dagger [A 18]; Shax [A 18]
- drow sporecrafting kit / sporecrafting / antifungal salve; falconry; Tower of the Ironwood Watch (Varisia) / Ironwood Watch [A 3 map; A 5 map]; Zolvato [A 10]; Inexora Vexidyre [A 18]; drow noble [A 18]; demonic apostle [A 18]; geomancer / geomancy; Upland Raiders; architecture / architect; Charnelhome basidirond; Solvox; Firanil; Caldion; Charnelhome mandragora; autopsy
Elements mentioned but likely adding no material to the wiki: arrow [A 10], backpack, bolt, chainmail [A 10, though not really], chain shirt [A 10, though not really], crystal, drow poison / drow sleeping poison / drow sleep poison, emerald, fresco key, lock, composite longbow [A 10], manacles, map (item), marble, masterwork, poetry / poem, satchel, skeleton key, statue, surgeon's tools, tanglefoot bag, tapestry, trade bar, turquoise (gem)
Items: aegis of recovery, amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor, bane (weapon special ability), belt of tumbling, lesser bouncing metamagic rod / bouncing metamagic rod, headband of inspired wisdom, shock (weapon special ability) / shocking (weapon special ability)
Spells: aid, align weapon, arcane eye, bane (spell) / bane disambig., barkskin, bear's endurance, bleed, blessing of fervour / blessing of fervor, blindness/deafness, cause fear, commune, cure light wounds / cure serious wounds / cure critical wounds, dancing lights, darkness (spell) / deeper darkness, deep slumber, detect good, detect magic, dismissal, dispel good, dispel magic, divine favour / divine favor, doom, entangle, feather fall, flame strike, freedom of movement, gravity bow, guidance, hold person, invisibility (spell), invisibility purge, lead blades, levitate, rage, ray of sickening, resistance, resist energy, shield of faith, slay living, stabilize / stabilise, status, suggestion, teleportation circle, true seeing, unholy blight, unholy ice, wind wall
4-18 The Veteran's Vault
Artwork for existing pages: jinkin [A 14]
- Togg [A 7 and artwork is on wiki, but is image from Dungeon Denizens Revisited 33]; Argurg; Mifra [A 14, external version of art is on wiki's jinkin page]; Garth Twill / Gareth Twill (variant spelling); Rautus; Imini; blackboil alligator; Marixite; Pullius; urban ranger; azure fungus; garden ooze; Pafuff; Xarmigash; Reriki
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: acid, alkali flask, antiplague, antitoxin, arrow, bolt, brooch, butterfly sword, caltrops, chain shirt, emerald, glass, ink, iron maiden, ladder, locket, manacles, masterwork, needle, pearl, spelunking kit, tanglefoot bag, walking stick [A 14]
Items: bane (weapon special ability), handy haversack, ring of sustenance, robe of needles
Spells: alarm, ant haul, bleed, create pit, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, darkness, detect magic, entangle, flame strike, flaming sphere, ghost sound, grease (spell), hideous laughter, invisibility (spell), longstrider, mage armour / mage armor, mage hand, magic missile, prestidigitation, ray of enfeeblement, resistance, sleep, summon monster / summon monster II / summon monster III, touch of fatigue
4-19 The Night March of Kalkamedes
Artwork for existing pages: human [A cover, A 7 and art is on wiki]; paladin [A cover, A 7 and art is on wiki]; rogue [A cover, A 7 and art is on wiki]; mithral [A 6]; longsword [A 6]; Koth'Vaul [A 14]; ghaele [A 17]
- Kalkamedes [A cover, A 7 and art is on wiki]; Gamin the Misforged, always italic / Gamin, always roman / "The Gaminuecron" [A 6]; Black Edifice [A 22]; Cavern of the Black Edifice [A 12 map]; Sulianna the Luminescent [A 17]; Gorgon's Privateers; razor bramble; Illvaster; Gatesmiths; Commandron Voriak; transkinetic field / transkinesis; High Gorelock Ahm'Jugarian; skunk / giant skunk / dire skunk; summoning circle; Johanis; fast zombie
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: amber, boots, cage, caltrop, chain, chest, explorer's outfit, knife, map (item) / chart, padded armour / padded armor, robe, shuriken, tanglefoot bag
Items: allying (weapon special ability), bracers of armour / bracers of armor, elixir of swimming, hat of disguise, phylactery of faithfulness, scabbard of vigour / scabbard of vigor, vicious (weapon special ability)
Spells: aid, atonement, banish, continual flame, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, detect thoughts, dimensional lock, dispel magic, feather fall, globe of invulnerability / lesser globe of invulnerability, guidance, heal (spell), hide from undead, magic weapon (spell), ray of enfeeblement, restoration / lesser restoration, see invisibility, veil (spell), wall of force, water breathing
4-21 Way of the Kirin (scenario)
Artwork for existing pages: none that is not already fully keyworded
- Iko Tsuneo [A 10 and art is on wiki]; Mikogu Shimazi [A cover, A 17 and art is on wiki]; The House on the Hill [A 8 map]; Way of the Kirin island [A 8 map]; Fortress of the Nail - needs scenario moved to Fortress of the Nail (scenario) to make way for the fortress; Samorn Nhean; Som Kesor; Minatan Archipelago; Iko family; Hinojai; catapult; fuse grenade; Xun; fireworks / firework
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: alchemist's fire, arrow / pitch-tipped arrow, basalt, bear trap, glass, half-plate, haramaki, lantern, leather lamellar, composite longbow, masterwork, o-yoroi [A 17], portable ram, pumice, robe, rope, seagull, shortbow, smokestick, torch (item)
Items: amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor, brawling (armour special ability), nightdrops
Spells: aid, animal messenger, bear's endurance, bless, create water, cure light wounds / cure moderate wounds / cure serious wounds, detect magic, divine favour / divine favor, enlarge person, entropic shield, expeditious retreat, fireball, flame strike, fly (spell), fog cloud, guidance, inflict critical wounds / inflict serious wounds, inflict moderate wounds / inflict light wounds, keen senses, light (spell), magic vestment, greater magic weapon / magic weapon (spell), mending, read magic, resistance, lesser restoration / restoration, sound burst, spark, wall of fire, whispering wind
Year 6
6-02 The Silver Mount Collection
Artwork for existing pages: Blakros Museum [A 7 & A8 map]; gearsman [A 9]; rogue [A 12], sorcerer [A 12], human [A 12]; collector robot [A 15]
Gerva Golda [A 12]; cyberplasm [A 17, A cover]; shadow obelisk; Pendleton Blakros; silver raven; magic mouth; Main Exhibit Hall (Blakros Museum); hazard crate; Dhrami Blakros; continual flame; Secret Sorceries of a Savage Land; Grand Exhibition Hall (Blakros Museum) / Grand Exhibit Hall (Blakros Museum) - seems to have two slightly different names => redirects; Histories of the World; Absalom Gallery; healer's kit, bloodblock, antitoxin, antiplague, cure moderate wounds, remove disease; Vencen Quil, Zenel Karvoos; Restoration Room (Blakros Museum); glass, mahogany, ceramic; transmitter; escape pod; laser pistol; shock arrow; memory lapse; bang grenade; bear's endurance; tracker chip; chipfinder; Historical Gallery (Blakros Museum); tapestry; Hall of Mysteries (Blakros Museum); quartz, crystal; stunner mine; Hall of Incantation (Blakros Museum) or Hall of Incantations (Blakros Museum) - seems to have two slightly different names => redirects; stasis crate; pearl of power, feather token, circlet of persuasion; Hall of Legendary Beasts (Blakros Museum); marlin; hungry flesh; amber; heavy pick; stone salve
6-03 The Technic Siege
Artwork for existing pages: Nantambu [A 5 map]; Magaambya [A 7]; Sharrowsmith's Exports [A 9 map]; gearsman [A 15, A cover]
- See also: Category:Artwork from The Technic Siege
- Arvellos Rand; The Copper Buffalo / Copper Buffalo; Nantambiyan Tower / Nantambiyan; Watcher's Stone of Jatembe (NB: Watcher's Stone in other sources so decision needed, then redirects made. Latter is used in Lost Omens World Guide, so likely preferred form.); Baolo Aberash; butterflyfish; Hadzi Kahina; Ntisi Nomusa; Marra Gavix; Marthalius Crispin / Marti; Sodden Fish; Bunda Malinzi; Takna Hunzu; Utuma Zbembe; Sal Durivan; Zentyr; Thurlok; Uzoma; Tuma; behemoth hippopotamus; Thilza Ferall; Mithrinar Dreggs; Micky Threetoes; Malcolm Vandium
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: statue / sculpture; ivory; compass; map (item); continual flame; light shield; masterwork; leather; glass; alarm (spell); bull's strength; invisibility (spell); touch injection; cure light wounds; disguise self; illusion of calm; shield (spell); true strike; magic weapon (spell); cure moderate wounds; displacement; alchemy kit; formulae book; ant haul; comprehend languages; crafter's fortune; detect secret doors; expeditious retreat; jump; negate aroma; alchemical allocation; anthropomorphic animal; barkskin, blood transcription; false life; see invisibility; fly (spell); seek thoughts; greater invisibility; aegis of recovery; belt of mighty constitution; baleful polymorph; discern lies; hype; cureall; feather step; alchemist's fire; guisarme; composite longbow; arrow; antitoxin; detect alignment; blistering invective; confess; divine favour / divine favor; interrogation; shield of faith; tireless pursuit; bleed; brand; detect magic; detect poison; guidance, read magic; blur; delay poison; heroism; remove fear; chain shirt; shortbow; enlarge person; vanish; hunter's eye; invisibility purge; locate object; castigate; silence; bear's endurance; belt of giant strength; stone shape; sending; cure serious wounds; speak with dead; sound burst; tongues; bless; identify; obscuring mist; create water; light (spell); mending; stabilise / stabilize; light wooden shield; amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor; feeblemind; prying eyes; black tentacles; detect scrying, lesser globe of invulnerability; mass reduce person / reduce person; blink; lightning bolt; ray of exhaustion; slow; suggestion; alter self; cat's grace; knock; resist energy; charm person; feather fall; mage armour / mage armor; magic missile; acid splash; mage hand; message; open/close; touch of fatigue; fickle winds; stoneskin; mark I dermal plating / dermal plating; cybernetic implant; pharmaceutical technology
6-05 Slave Ships of Absalom
Artwork for existing pages: Absalom [A 6 map]; Lady Darchana Madinani [A 11]; trollhound [A 15]
Mahdi's Chattel; Mahjub Mahdi; Captain Waheeda Wardak, pirate and Okeno slaver [A 16]; Stonespire Island; Lady Silviana Dimora; At Sea / Kat Season; Ship's Graveyard, likely another name for Flotsam Graveyard??; Majordomo Milana; Solicitor Solvius Salbus; Dimora Manor; Madinani Estate; Red Letter; marble; Atlag; rosewood; Mezuk; The Sanguine Beast / Sanguine Beast; thunderstone; cure light wounds; scale mail; crowbar; pearl; cure moderate wounds; Jemina; Pilot's Guild; Harbourmaster's Grange / Harbormaster's Grange; Inspection and Pilots' Office; First Mate Bleoran Berttio; First Mate Curtzog; Inspector Second Class Lilia Ginsi; Zigil; rope; seeking bullet; black powder horn; chain shirt; paper alchemical cartridge; waterproof bag; Rilla Lavon; flaming sphere; Kennel Master Kinore; grease (spell); tanglefoot bag; elixir of hiding; invisibility (spell); alchemist's fire; manacles; emerald; earrings; lead blades; resist energy; cure serious wounds; flaming arrow
6-15 The Overflow Archives
Artwork for existing pages: grodair [A cover, A 9]; kitsune [A 11]; bard [A 11]; tooth fairy [A 17]; spear [A 7 and art is on wiki]
- Caught [A 11]; The Name of the Fox; Overflow Archives [A 6 map, A 22 map]; Mistress Koi [A 9]; Understacks [A 13 map, A 22 map]; Virml; The Darklands Precepts; Owl (character), Albatross (character); fishing rod / fishing pole [A 7]; Lady Gormandelle; the Worm (character); the Bird (character); bog nixie
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: poem; innocence, everburning torch; paper; leather; albatross (bird); entangle, feather step, color spray, magic missile, reduce person, dancing lights, daze, ghost sound, ray of frost, touch of fatigue, ventriloquism, identify, cure light wounds; crow; detect magic, bull's strength, comprehend languages, daylight, quartz; steadfast gut-stone; summon monster, summon monster III, summon nature's ally, summon nature's ally III; mahogany; parchment; ceramic; ink; charm monster; cause fear, charm person, hideous laughter, light, lullaby (spell), open/close, read magic; tanglefoot bag, sleep arrow, catching cape, chain shirt, shortbow, enthrall, hold person, suggestion, steal voice, expeditious retreat, cure moderate wounds; swordfish; commune, detect law, prestidigitation, blur, obscuring mist; beast shape II / beast shape; vulture, giant vulture; brass; magic circle against chaos, slow, arcane sight; vellum; bookmark of deception; darkness; traveller's dictionary / traveler's dictionary; cloak of the manta ray; water breathing, sleep (spell), polymorph; pliers; mage hand, invisibility (spell); meadowlark; feather token, horn of fog
pp 23–28 are reprinted from Bestiaries, so content not included here.
6-19 Test of Tar Kuata
Artwork for existing pages: Tar Kuata [A 5 map; A 9 map; A 23 map]; Aeotsep [A 7]; breastplate [A cover, A 17 and art is on wiki]; greataxe [A cover, A 17 and art is on wiki]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Test of Tar Kuata
- Merotsi Mines [A 12 map; A 23 map]; Tasutek [A cover, A 17 and art is on wiki]; Doomsday Knights [A cover, A 17 and art is on wiki] (An/Org); Hall of Aspirants; Pahmet Heights; Hall of the Inward Gaze; Down Valley; Dhiara; Master's Room; Zivilpep; Amethyst Sage
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: incense; stone shape; masterwork; lesser merciful metamagic rod / merciful / lesser metamagic rod; longspear; cat's grace; bull's strength; bracers of armour / bracers of armor; headband of inspired wisdom; ring of climbing; ring of jumping; phylactery of faithfulness; incense of meditation; detect good; cure moderate wounds; scale mail; heavy steel shield / light steel shield / steel shield; antitoxin; cause fear; doom; instant fortress; create water; delay poison; freedom of movement; elixir of swimming; acid; grace; hold person; bless; detect law; divine favour / divine favor; stunning barrier; bleed; detect poison; light (spell); purify food and drink; sound burst; locked gauntlet / gauntlet; acid arrow; protection from law; vomit swarm; excruciating deformation; cure serious wounds; dispel magic; greater stunning barrier; water walk; resist energy; shield of faith; detect magic; searing light; amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor; dream (spell); sending
pp 24 & 25 are reprinted from Bestiaries, so content not included here.
6-20 Returned to Sky
Artwork for existing pages: Holgarin Smine [A 4]; Chesed [A 6 map]; dwarf [A 9]; magus [A 12]; whip [A 12]; scroll [A 12]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Returned to Sky
- Scions of Jormurdun; Prince Toggrim; Ingret Jor [A 9]; Neddrick Istavarti [A 12]; Brissa Klygvauther; Vel Bindergorrp; Silver Lining or the Silver Lining; Andar Jor; Silana Enton; Silver Trough; Phalanx; fabricator robot; Crusader Star; medal
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: bolt / crossbow bolt; spell component pouch; monowhip; masterwork; airlock; e-pick; laser turret; plasma turret; computer; sonic rifle; rail gun / railgun; force shield; laser rifle; arc rifle; laser sight; nanite gun; null blade; scatterlight suit; zero pistol
cure serious wounds; cure moderate wounds; keen edge; lightning bolt; bear's endurance; blur; elemental touch; glitterdust; web; expeditious retreat; magic missile; shocking grasp; shield (spell); true strike; vanish; arcane mark; detect magic; light; open/close; read magic; levitate; dragon's breath; stoneskin; dispel magic; scorching ray; amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor; cloudkill; fly (spell); reverse gravity; boots of speed; vest of escape; greater invisibility / invisibility; minor cloak of displacement / cloak of displacement; invisibility sphere; holy (weapon enhancement); headband of vast intelligence
pp 25–31 are reprinted from other works, so content not included here.
6-21 Tapestry's Toil
Artwork for existing pages: warhammer [A 20], chainmail [A 20]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Tapestry's Toil
- Grodel [A 7]; Iron Menagerie [A 13 map]; Ironwhip's Sanctum [A 13 map]; Chergin Ironwhip [A 20], sometimes called Jergin Ironwhip but they are the same person; Gaer Medlock; Ironwhip clan; Tanbaru; Mueritt; Xixel; Slave Mountain; Brahlim; Narimid; Jiraku; Xemaki; Swareti
Year 7
7-09 The Blakros Connection
Artwork for existing pages: Forae Logos [A 11 map, A 30 map]; prana ghost [A 15]; dreamscape [A 17, A 30]
- Aliyas Ardenvaugh [A 15]; Archive Absentia; Absalom Gallery; lantern; Founding Law of Absalom; Second Archivist Qilaus Sandaril; Illuminated History of the Eldest; Alktorios Galatou; Lower Planes Archive; Journey to the Heart of Mnemovore, Prisoners of the Crux, Seekers of Jandalay, Visions of Herald's Fall; obsidian; Bureau of Criers as Criers; Reflection of the Memory Pool; dream-matter; memory pool; onyx; mask; obsidian; scythe; soulsliver [A 19], dream eater [A 19], Aslynn's Eye [A 19]; Daughter of Aslynn; Heartstone of the Wronged
7-15 The Deepmarket Deception
Artwork for existing pages: wand [A 9]; pipefox [A 9]; hand crossbow [A 11], studded leather [A 11], ratfolk [A 11, A 21]; poison [A 21], shortsword [A 21]; rapier [A 11]
- Ascalar Vruul; Tseka [A 21] & Despair redirect to Tseka as companion; Korholm Agenda; Yrishi [A 9]; "Three Rings"; jade; Cresting Blossom; Skavvek; Sheng; Odemi; Dorice Vaut; Kuniko; Omeck Amani; jewellery; Snake's Warren [A 12 map, A 33]; myceloid [A 14 but this is B 3 art]; "Doctor" Yekai Deathhand [A 18 but this is standard B4 artwork]; kirrix [A 19 but this is art from Monster Codex]; Makino Tokaji; flask of reconcoction; Marnarius; rhinarium paste; lesser sword of subtlety, sword of subtlety
7-27 Beyond Azlant Ridge
Artwork for existing pages: hydra [A 11]; flail [A 18]
- Azlant Ridge [A 6 map]; Juliet Dias [A 12 and art is on wiki]; Starwatcher Tor [A 13 map, A 27 map]; mask [A 16], lesser veil of fleeting glances [A 16], veil of fleeting glances [A 16]; Slitherbane [A 18]; Azlanti monolith [A 20], cold iron golem [A 20]; ivory; Happ Voltz; Vadlin Whent; ivory sphere; Arletta Tolkir; "Starwatcher Spirit"; warding disc; Epiphania; onyx
7-28 Ageless Ambitions
Artwork for existing pages: slayer [A 22]; scimitar [A 22]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Ageless Ambitions
- Korholm Agenda; Kitio Aspenthi [A 22]; Sun Orchid Festival; Saint Ah-Misehp; Shohiraj; Ruins of Ah-Misehp; Aspenthari Guards (assumed name of org); Lyheri Oasid; Prison (Aspenthar) or Aspenthari prison (p. 13 states there are many prisons in Aspenthar and does not name the specific prison in the adventure but does locate it 'in the city’s southwest' so, maybe, Prison (Aspenthar, SW) or Aspenthari prison (south west) would be better?); Juliet Dias (though her inclusion in this mod may be nothing more than a cut and paste error from 7-27); the palace plaza has no proper name but might be Palace Plaza [A 19 map, A 28]; Prince Zinlo's grand palace / city palace is also not named, so Palace (Aspenthar); goggles of the certain shot [A 22]; composite longbow [A 22]; slayer's robe [A 22]
Year 8
8-02 Ward Asunder
Artwork for existing pages: dosojin [A 7]; tetsubo [A 16]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Ward Asunder
- Jiraku [A 7, A 16 alt.], Tanbaru [A 5 and art is on wiki]; Pilgrim's Path; Broken Temple [A 9 map]; Old Pak or Old Pak; Pak's Tobacco and Spice; Hsamira; Ankilhi; Pnao Kilnak; 3945 AR; Xuyan, Muita, and Ngon Le; Whispers in the Wood; topaz; Hikori
8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch
Artwork for existing pages: Holgarin Smine [A 4]; Xol-Nomag [A cover, A 6]; Isirah Tana [A 12; A 15]; caustic stalker [A 17]
- Jala Spirit-Eye [A 5 and art is on wiki]; Aerotech Synthesis Compound [A 30 map]; compact AI core; A Thread Of Silver; spiked club [A 6]; technomancy; nondetection; fog cloud; air compressor; reactor; copper; monitor (technological item) [A 15]; sensor; computer; power generator; crystal; emergency raft; chameleon suit; emergency shelter; cyberart [A 12; A 15]; skillslot; skillchip; technological artifact (technological artefact redirect already made); sonic pistol, sonic rifle; filter mask; inertial dampening belt; synthesis rod; haunt surrogate; alien
8-08 The Sandstorm Prophecy
Artwork for existing pages: earth elemental [A 6 and art is on wiki]; air elemental [A 7]; oread [A 15], sorcerer [A 15], spear [A 15], cloak of resistance [A 15], wand [A 15]
- Elsharon [A 6 and art is on wiki]; Iyasset [A 7]; Sandflow Source [A 9, A 24 map]; Sandman [A 12: this is art from Bestiary 2]; Qiarah [A 15; art is on cover so on this wiki in that form]; Goanron Triumvirate; Ainsi tribe; Ini-Kherit; Aridiea; The Sandstorm Codex; Kihur; Shirana; sand river; quartz, crystal; emerald
8-09 The Cindersworn Pact
Artwork for existing pages: kolyarut [A cover]; efreeti [A 19]
- Qalkami Mishalq [A 7 and art is on wiki]; Keleshite embassy (Zjarra); Katheer Lodge; date wine; Yasmine Zamara; Tavar; Carlin Nestor; Vassago (imp); Malini; Eye of Flame Magic Shop; Cerulean Wave; Soheila [A 16, although this is standard water naga art from Bestiary 3 and is available to the wiki - see water naga page]; Soheila's home [A 15 map]; Cinderstone Manor; Grunyar Cragfell; Basira Karama [A 19]; Brightcoal Estate [A 20 map]; Kelzimak; Qalkami's safehouse; Qalkami's warehouse; naga tears; Realms of the Living Goddess; Lorypheal; Yohai; marble; brass; Boreal Five; Alshost Inkir; Folcaryan; Hsirmax; Pahu; Urmoll
8-10 Secrets of the Endless Sky
Artwork for existing pages: djinni [A 5, A 19]; lizard [A 10]; sylph [A 20]
- Ainsi Tribe; Goanron Triumvirate; Chalissier [A 20]; Jairo the Enlightener [A 5]; Grand Symposium Gala; Cloisters of the Hidden Breeze; flying carpet / carpet of flying; Jairo's manor; amethyst; noble's outfit; jewellery; Mithradatha, Wan Feng, Zhalla bint Rathmozen; Almoshtari; Fairuza Bereket [A 19]; Ghassan El-Amin; Lineji Niarndu; Vivek Vallathol; dance; garnet; pearl; electrified steam lizard [A 10]; Codex of Fundamental Dominion; The Primordial Key of Ilyralene / Ilyralene, the Lady of the Clouds [A 17]; keylight lantern; Fundamental Chamber [A 12 map, though this is a standard flip-mat]; Cobalt Gallery [A 16 map], cobalt; sapphire (gemstone); Five Seats: Seat of Earth, Seat of Air, Seat of Fire, Seat of Water, Seat of Balance; Zaphral
8-11 Cleansed With Fire
Artwork for existing pages: efreeti [A 4, A 17]; azer [A 12], sorcerer [A 12], battleaxe [A 17]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Cleansed With Fire
- Qalkami Mishalq [A 4 and art is on wiki]; war pick; Mishalq family; Cinderfurys / Cinderfury family; Emberhearth [A 10, 26 map]; Xojject Cinderfury [A 17]; City of Brass talisman (no actual name is in the mod but this seems a reasonable, descriptive name for the wiki); Zohz; Chromatic Dragon (tavern); brass; Cinderfury gorget; living brass; Sarath Iqdaudja; marble; Cinderfury security complex; Hsalkar; Ilfin Ahn; Flamebinder's Jaw; Red Worm; Anwar Alim; frostfire; bronze; Azerite Pact; Ewari; Bralkashik; Sairazul's Tears; Craterflame; Ilshar Cinderfury
8-12 Caught in the Eclipse
Artwork for existing pages: air elemental [A 15]. Rest of art is already on wiki / standard art form other works
Chalissier [A 15]; clockwork junkyard (Port Eclipse) [A 16]; garnet; pearl; Jairo; Seat of Balance; the Coldfire King; Captain Nix; crystal; comozant wyrd; Aching Anchor; Tidy; Thunder Skyforge; Ceru (person), blue jay, Falren, Simmer; Bitterbite; Sleet Saloon; Briel Everscribe; Cookie; the Sweet Tooth (Port Eclipse) (disambig with Sweet Tooth); Klarh; Maren (undine) (disambig with Maren Fuln); Ramzi; pickaxe; sapphire (gemstone); Vanished Triad; Vanished Triad's inn
8-13 What Sleeps in Stone
Artwork for existing pages: azer [A 16], oracle [A 16], Ymeri [A 16]; Fossilblight [A 17]
hiracapath [A cover]; Old Man Mountain [A 9 and art is on wiki]; Singe Brightkin [A 16], jingasa of the fortunate soldier [A 16]; heavy pick [A 17]; juggernaut [A 19] - will need redirects for juggernaut robot and beetle; Broken Temple; Hero's Path; Qalkami Mishalq; Toam Puong [A 13 map]; Old Pak; Ankilhi; Pnao Kilnak; communal protection from energy, comprehend languages; pick [A 17]; Lavaloch; Grimgrin, helmet, mempo; Hikori; remove curse; disintegrate; Valley of the Valorous; Bulls of Heaven; obsidian; earthquake (spell)
8-17 Refugees of the Weary Sky
Artwork for existing pages: Ozimat on cover is from Planes of Power; Deep Sky [A 7 map, A 22 map]; ghost [A 11]; shaitan [A 15], earth breaker [A 15], barbarian [A 15], breastplate [A 15], ring of protection [A 15]
Kalvanon [A 11]; Illaton [A 15], golembane scarab [A 15]; elemental gauge; elemental spirit; Korj; sapphire (gemstone); crystal; ivory; Ocosten
8-19 Treacherous Waves
Artwork for existing pages: Sorin [A 20]; malenti [A 20]; ranseur [A 20, though not convinced the art shows a ranseur]
- See also: Category:Artwork from Treacherous Waves
- Baron Zemdar; Throne of Deep Currents; Glass Pit; Yuka Kannamen, Mapailek; turtle-drawn carriage; Lileone Blacktide; Carmine Scourge; whale shark; Honoke [A 6 and art is on wiki]; Riam the Unyielding; ironflame powder; Chailai; bamboo shark; bonnethead shark; submersible; Dragon Scales; ironflame grenade; leopard seal; piranha
- Locations: Lambent Bloom; Sonaphor; Zahra Kadamizi's residence, Honoke's home, Razethka's pool, Tsomo's offices, Yuka's Workshop [A 10 map], Tsomo's residence, Tsomo's warehouse
- Artwork on p. 4 is of Splendor's Docks: a reprint from Planes of Power 49; the murajau on p. 8 is also a reprint from Planes of Power; the sahuagin on p. 12 is from Monster Codex
8-20 Torrent's Last Will
Artwork for existing pages: sahuagin [A 7]; ; coral golem [A 10]; monadic deva [A 12]; galvo [A 13]
Aquel [A cover, A 12], Thundergale [A 12] (not italicised in text but probably should be); Riam the Unyielding [A 9 map; A 25 map]; nautilus; Lambent Bloom; Baron Zemdar; Throne of Deep Currents; Splendour's Docks/ Splendor's Docks; Azure Armory; Vialesk City Guard; underwater crossbow; antitoxin; freedom of movement; whale shark; water breathing; jellyfish poison - redirect to poison and add detail to 'jellyfish poison' section / jellyfish page; bronze; coral; pearl; mending, make whole; giant sailfish, sailfish; bless, rage (spell); nautilus coral armour / nautilus coral armor; pearl of power; morningstar [A 12]; Cintra Eelmaster; black tentacles; corrosive; greatclub; menacing; shock / shocking burst; aid; cure serious wounds; seaweed rope; displacement, heroism; elixir of dragon's breath, elixir of swimming
8-23 Graves of Crystalmaw Pass
Artwork for existing pages: Venture-Captain Sorrina Westyr [A 5]; xorn [A 7]
- Crystalmaw Pass; Sundered Stone; Kandirion's Pyre; Reyshal ik Jalman [A 4 and artwork is on wiki]; Grave Treader [A 11 and artwork is on wiki]; Lodehollow; Jathune Voidstone; Pamari; Obsidian Fist; clockwork cipher; Temple of Brigh (Crystalmaw Pass) [A 12 map]; Bandit's Bluff [A 17 map]; crystal
Year 9
9-02 A Case of Missing Persons
Artwork for existing pages: Gray Gardener [A cover]; Venture-Captain Alois Lofton [A 11]
- Fiffernetter [A 14, though this is standard art for gerbie from The First World, Realm of the Fey 62]; Venza the Nick [A 17 and artwork is on wiki]; Halmont Warrith; Senator Victoria Garvensi; Senator Augustyn Naran; Morvius Korkovin; Sabrine Tularis; Estienne Jacquert; Palace of the Glorious Revolution; Larisa Stronwell; Almant Enderios; Guard Sergeant Ottavia Respani; Drifting Current; Garvensi family; Banking Reform and Regulation Act; Woodsedge Jail; figurine of wondrous power; Fashion Alley; Drunken Morlock; elixir of truth; hat of disguise; silent metamagic rod; Citizen Blight (person); Woodsedge Guard; Northern Verduran Collective; Meleone, Yrani; Rex, Vex, Leopold; Wyx; horn of the huntmaster; Merzyk; Aponix; feeblemind; Keeper of the Logs; pliability elixir; calpina
9-03 On the Border of War
Artwork for existing pages: oracle [A cover, A 20]; half-dragon [A cover, A 20]; cyclops [A cover, A 20]; Lander Lebeda [A 7 and artwork is on wiki]
- Ismene [A cover, A 20]; Hartsfall Keep [A 11 map; A 26 map]; "the Second Dragon"; Firespeakers; Lysius Corcina; Velimir Orlovsky; Six Springs Empress; Baron Oberion Vohonich; copper; Berislav Surtova; Tarn; Grandt the Marred; Blacksmith shop (Zmeyka); Stables (Zmeyka); Apothecary shop (Zmeyka); Market Square (Zmeyka); Church of Abadar (Zmeyka); Idhrenniel Everguard; Brevic Warmblood; The Firespeaker Accord / Firespeaker Accord (both forms in text for same book); psychepore; soothsayer's travel raiment / soothsayer's raiment
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: granite; barkskin; bull's strength; cure light wounds; heavy steel shield; spiked gauntlet; levitate; suffocation (spell); surcoat; acid; marble; nap stack; meld into stone; stone tell; spike growth; stone shape; stone call; magic stone; detect magic; detect poison; light (spell); mending; ring of delayed doom; garnet; periapt of health; sporedream poison; longspear; phantom steed; gallant inspiration; glitterdust; heroism; reinvigorating wind; expeditious retreat; feather fall; grease (spell); remove fear; saving finale; bear's endurance; flaming; cure serious wounds; dispel magic; fireball; augury (spell); cure moderate wounds; grace; resist energy; status; burning hands; cause fear; comprehend languages; doom; entropic shield; bleed; create water; resistance; spark; stabilise / stabilize; chain shirt; headband of alluring charisma; shock; dousing rain; dancing lights; ghost sound; message; prestidigitation; read magic; belt of giant strength; hand drum / drum; alchemist's fire; half-plate; morningstar; antitoxin; sunrod; align weapon; dragonhide; restful sleep
9-05 Call of the Copper Gate
Artwork for existing pages: psychic [A cover, A 17]; mutant [A cover, A 17]; dagger [A cover, A 17]; Fungal Vault is just a descriptive name of an area in the Grand Lodge so map is of the latter [A 6 map, A 24 map]; Blakros Museum [A 16 map, A 24 map]; grioth [A 18]; kukri [A 18]; rhu-chalik [A 22]
- Fyzilka [A cover, A 17]; Gate of Beyond; basalt; copper; shadow obelisk; Aucturn fungus; Beacons of Ralzeros / Aucturn beacon; Aucturn shard golem; shards of Aucturn; caltrop / caltrops; Paucol the Gray; Nggilth-Tsa; Corners of Spheres; Aucturn's breath, Aucturn's miasma
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: architecture; blight (spell); lesser restoration; excruciating deformation; shatter; grease (spell); arcane lock; hold portal; slow; wood shape; rusting grasp; bane (weapon); animate objects; bleed; marble; incense; paper; glass; summoning circle; magic circle against chaos; detect thoughts; share memory; magic weapon (spell); protection from chaos; blur; cat's grace; true strike; interplanetary teleport; anticipate peril; Book of Harms; Insights of Far-Seeing Taernis; heroism; acid; crab; voidglass; obscuring mist; cure moderate wounds, cure light wounds; wind fan; chill touch; enlarge person; magic missile; alter self; inflict pain; cause fear; mind thrust / mind thrust I / mind thrust II / mind thrust IV; ray of enfeeblement; shield (spell); detect magic; detect poison; mage hand; mending; read magic; telekinetic projectile; fly (spell); delay poison; tanglefoot bag; prismatic crystal; traveller's outfit / traveler's outfit; mage armour / mage armor; id insinuation / id insinuation I; black tentacles; protection from energy; unadulterated loathing; hold person; silence; ear-piercing scream; murderous command; daze; vampiric touch; lesser talisman of sealed summons / lesser talisman of freedom / lesser talisman of healing power / lesser talisman of protection from frost / lesser talisman of protection from flames / lesser talisman; daze monster; open/close; elixir of monstrous form; monstrous physique / monstrous physique I; lesser confusion
9-07 Salvation of the Sages
Artwork for existing pages: time dragon [A cover]; necromancer [A 14 and art work is on wiki; A 17]; sage jewel [A 17];
- Aryana Tahari, the Black Moon [A 14 and art work is on wiki; A 17]; Dhiara, the Topaz Sage [A 25]; Sinuhotep, the Amethyst Sage [A 26]; sapphire sage jewel; sapphire (gemstone); Padrym; onyx sage jewel; onyx; emerald sage jewel; emerald; carpet of flying; Fortune Moon; Fading Light and also add to disease page; crystalline aether; Kabede / Marouf; blood of Nethys; haunting bonewrack and also add to disease page; Ermias Dalla; topaz; amethyst; spinel; topaz sage jewel; amethyst sage jewel; diamond sage jewel; spinel sage jewel; ruby sage jewel; Anamnesis (item) (will need disambig); Asha; Mnesoset, the Spinel Sage
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: crystal; ureaus; sceptre; basalt; glass; bronze; shackles (item); rope; dead magic; dragonhide / dragonhide armour / dragonhide armor; vellum; acid; antiplague; statue; obsidian; leather; brass; chainmail,; light steel shield / steel shield; ivory contingency; clone (spell); instant summons; magic aura; handy haversack; air walk; detect undead; cure moderate wounds; restoration; magic missile; clairaudience/clairvoyance; fireball; lightning bolt; resist energy; tongues; dispel magic; freedom of movement; invisibility (spell); speak with dead; blur; feather fall; alter self; wall of force; remove sickness; remove disease; diagnose disease; create mindscape; antimagic field; continual flame; heal (spell); levitate; calm emotions; ring of sustenance; speak with dead; lesser celestial armour / celestial armour / lesser celestial dragonhide armour / lesser celestial dragonhide armor / celestial dragonhide armour / celestial dragonhide armor; vampiric touch; holy (weapon special ability); cloudkill; flaming sphere; suffocation; contagion; enervation; chill touch; dispel magic; howling agony; slow; blindness/deafness; create pit; frigid touch; glitterdust; resist energy; see invisibility; mage armour / mage armor; magic missile; ray of enfeeblement; shield (spell); acid splash; dancing lights; prestidigitation; touch of fatigue; stone of good luck; headband of vast intelligence; magic jar; detect good; bull's strength; doom; phantom steed; charm monster; circle of death; sirocco (spell); magic circle against good; invisibility (spell); bane (spell); waves of fatigue; Book of the Grave; magic circle against evil; Quest Eternal; headband of inspired wisdom; comprehend languages
9-11 The Jarlsblood Witch Saga
Artwork for existing pages: linnorm [A cover]; draugr [A 15]; fighter [A 15]; butchering axe [A 15]; Ulfen [A 17]
- King Alvard / King Alvard the Wolf / The Beheaded King [A 15] (linnorm king); chainmail [A 15]; Kolvi [A 17] / Jarlsblood Witch on redirect; linnormhide armour / linnormhide armor; ijiraq; Varmood Coalbraid / Coalbraids; Trolltooth family / Trolltooths / Trolltooth clan; Coalbraid family; Snow Elk Wilds; husky; ice magic; Eigma Trolltooth; Coalbraid Longhouse; Magorn Coalbraid; Nessa Coalbraid; Gorum's Anvil; Valosi; Linnorm's Tale Inn; Ifan; Stonefire's Supplies; Uda Stonefire; The Troll's Hide; Trolltooth Longhouse; Greul Trolltooth; Moss-on-South-Trees; Olisarra; Eigor, probably Eigor Coalbraid; Ulthod; Hildi, probably Hildi Coalbraid; frost wight; weregild
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: bane (weapon special ability); thundering; wrathful; boots of the winterland; horn of the huntmaster; lesser talisman of beneficial winds / talisman of beneficial winds; lesser talisman of freedom / talisman of freedom; lesser talisman of good fortune / talisman of good fortune; lesser talisman of life's breath / talisman of life's breath; ring of minimal fire resistance / ring of minor fire resistance; greater talisman of warrior's courage / talisman of warrior's courage; dragonhide armour / dragonhide armor; dragonhide shield; orc hornbow; leather; candle; hallucinatory terrain; arrow; sleet storm; ivory; speak with dead; obscuring mist; half-plate; true seeing; freedom of movement; longstrider; chain shirt; bull's strength; barkskin; bear's endurance; animal messenger
9-12 Shrine of the Sacred Tempest
Artwork for existing pages:
- Zepha [A 4 and art is on the wiki]; Mitoko [A 8 and art is on the wiki]; Shrine of the Sacred Tempest (Kwanlai) [A 18 map, A 26 map]; Fist of Hei Feng [A cover, A 21 and art is on wiki]; Shepherd of Apotheosis; Storm Prophet; Mayor Tenmya Kanbayo; Gilded Lotus Teahouse / Golden Lotus Teahouse; Mayor's Residence (Yiangma); Chosen Host (Yiangma) / Chosen (Yiangma) / Choosing (Yiangma) - probably needs '(Yiangma)' as disambig from other potential use of the main terms; Chosen Megari; Yakuri; Laiping; House of Storms; incense; squirrel; pearl; jade; nine-ring sword; monk of the four winds
9-13 The Lion's Justice
Artwork for existing pages: Calhadion Vernisant [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki] & Saluxer [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; Venture-Captain Muesello [A 5]; human [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki], [A 15]; magus [A 15]
- See also: Category:Artwork from The Lion's Justice
- Chamberlain Ionnia Eckhart [A 9 and art is on wiki]; The Taldan Senate [A 14 map]; Karina Deckland [A 15]; resolute [A cover & A 18 and art is on wiki]; Bjarte Trolltooth; Exaltation Gala; Kalbio; Library of the Lion (Oppara); Laurisa Tromaine; Glorymane; Vernisant estate / Calhadion Vernisant's villa as redirect; yonder tarts / yonder tart; Arcade of Triumphs; bee; Emperor's Hall; Imperial Archives; Celeena Deckland
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: hide armour / hide armor; brass; formula book; banner; heavy steel shield; chain shirt; incorporeal obscure poison; keen weapon; shield of faith; misdirection; displacement; fly (spell); barkskin; invisibility (spell), kinetic reverberation; protection from arrows; comprehend languages; disguise self; shield (spell); glamered; cure critical wounds; freedom of movement; cure serious wounds; see invisibility; true strike; explosive runes; bane (weapon special quality); keen edge; slow; vampiric touch; acid arrow; bull's strength; glitterdust; mirror image; enlarge person; expeditious retreat; shocking grasp; detect magic; light (spell); prestidigitation; ray of frost; read magic; bear's endurance; fire shield; greater invisibility; wall of ice; ray of exhaustion; axiomatic; cape of the mountebank; light fortification
9-14 Down the Verdant Path
Artwork for existing pages: Bellis [A 5 map]
- Azure [A cover, A 9 and artwork is on wiki] & Azure's colour [A 16]; The Heartgrove [A 15 map, A 24 map]; Whirlwood; the Quickening; Vault of Seasons; Falbin; Deepstead; Freewind; Bellis Library; plane shift; Briar Henge; Primordial Ones; tourmaline; tangleburn bag; elemental speech; remove disease; entangle; speak with animals; First World creature; pearl of power; buffering cap; Bramble Bank; hallucinatory terrain; gloves of larceny; Daisag; porcupine; read weather; Whirlwood wild hunt; growling bag of tricks, growling grey bag of tricks / growling gray bag of tricks, growling rust bag of tricks, bag of tricks; Clortho; Ronronne; Xox; Garow; pan pipes / panpipes; hideous laughter; glaive; breach scar
9-15 The Bloodcove Blockade
Artwork for existing pages: adhukait [A 15]; human [A 19]; ranger [A 19]; druid [A 11]; studded leather [A 19]
- The Vanji Prospector's Guildhouse / Vanji Prospectors' Guildhouse (both forms used in text) [A 7 map; A 26 map]; Erwyn Harvacus [A 11 and art is on wiki]; Ungala [A 12]; Evrishu [A 15]; Kemendu [A cover; A 19 & cover art is on wiki]; Parveen; Kaddodi; fiend-keeping; Bloodcove Lodge; Vanji Prospector's Guild / Vanji Prospectors' Guild (both forms used in text); Saltroot druid circle / Saltroot druid circle / Saltroots / Saltroot druids; Poppy's Bloom; House Cartahegn; Vanei; Magali is Magali Delroya; Shinri Dells; Twelve Rites tablet / Twelve Rites; Lutebu Alrati; mangrove; Erlan Harvacus; Embele; composite longbow [A 19]; arrow [A 19]
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: mineral; plant growth; clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect thoughts, scrying (spell); mage armour / mage armor; owl's wisdom; magic weapon (spell); cure light wounds; feather token (bird) / bird feather token; mirror image, see invisibility, shield (spell); glitterdust; enlarge person; cure moderate wounds; obscuring mist, scorching ray; burning hands; displacement, slow; flaming sphere; summon swarm; web; feather fall; grease (spell); dancing lights, ghost sound; mage hand; touch of fatigue; pyrotechnics; stinking cloud; alarm (spell); spike growth; wall of thorns; alluring golden apple; oil of align weapon / align weapon; amber; pearl of power; ochre bag of tricks / bag of tricks; nondetection; blink; blur; aegis of recovery; vest of escape; heroism; keen edge, resist energy; stoneskin; protection from energy; anticipate peril; charm animal; aid; cat's grace; protection from arrows; water walk; hushing arrow; fickle winds; barkskin; longstrider; sandals of quick reaction; siangham; shuriken; nunchaku; bracers of armour / bracers of armor; shocking grasp; daze; detect magic, light (spell), resistance; protection from evil; beast shape I; pass without trace; shortbow; amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor; entangle; speak with plants; tree shape; wood shape; blight (spell); repel vermin; water breathing
9-16 Fallen Family, Broken Name
Artwork for existing pages: Venture-Captain Brackett [A 4]
- Introduction: Irrica family / Irricas redirect / House of Irrica redirect (Elidir/Org, Isger/Org); Pava Irrica [A cover]
- Estate: Irrica family's summer estate / Irrica summer estate / Irrica estate / Irrica manor [A 6 map]; Tavetti Alfino; Captain Bascomb; Vegoran Thrune; Rutillo Irrica [art is on this wiki]; Short Sorcerer Tavern; Althea Irrica; Dremlut Irrica; Ayle, Bella (bandit), Jaym, Quinn (bandit); Scorchfeathers / Scorchfeather goblins / Scorchfeathers tribe (Chitterwood/Org, Isger/Org); hellfire rod [A 12]; Asmodea Irrica
- Scorch: Caravan Master Jarkan; Gallion Land; vulture
- Memoriam: Valten; Delara Adnen [A 13 and art is on wiki]; Zeverit; Arvok
- Trove: Malgrin; Trigi Neppo; Badger's Den; Beartrap; Bastrojo Qualimger / "Bearjaw" redirect [A 18]; Umok Town Archive / Umok Archive
- Epithet: Outpost Buckler [A 21 map]
9-17 Oath of the Overwatched
Artwork for existing pages: Ralzeros [A 6]
- Corners of Spheres / The Great Emissary; Daosvaria [A 9]; Beacons of Ralzeros / Aucturn beacon - these terms are not used in 9-17 for the beacons used but are the names for the same items used in the related 9-05; Immaculate Geometries: demiplane; Library of the Scattered Mind; mindshard; pastlight / apocryphal light; containment breach; Secrets of Pastlight; architecture; Sacred Geometry (book); Starry Revelations or Beyond the Stars (former mentioned in text, latter in handouts); Precautions; The Emissary; Unquiet Meditations; dreamcatcher; Journeyman Book of Rul Thaven / Rul Thaven; Quest Eternal; Nira; The Overwatched Heart; Attune Geometric Warding; Rebuke the Starry Void; Sever from the Real; spawn of spheres; Staff of the Overwatched
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: basalt; copper; scroll case; statue; physics; drama; telescope; ghost sound; mirror image; suggestion; mindlink; silent image; true strike; detect magic; detect psychic significance; mage hand; prestidigitation; telekinesis (spell); oneiric horror; detect thoughts; entropic shield; unseen servant; lullaby (spell); lucky horseshoe; luckstone; tongues; countless eyes; lesser selective metamagic rod / selective metamagic rod; lesser talisman of life's breath / talisman of life's breath; arcane sight; dispel magic; lightning bolt; invisibility (spell); scorching ray; see invisibility; stone call; mage armour / mage armor; magic missile; protection from chaos; guidance; mending; spell component pouch; detect scrying; phantasmal killer; fly (spell); false life; shield (spell); headband of vast intelligence; air walk; darkness (spell); black tentacles; nightmare (spell); true seeing; deeper darkness; miracle (spell); touch of madness; calm emotions; touch of idiocy; share memory; modify memory; identify; twisted space; wandering star motes; hold portal; prying eyes; stone shape
9-18 Scourge of the Farheavens
Artwork for existing pages: Nelket [A 4]; Dolok Darkfur [A 13]; unfettered eidolon [A 13]; disease [A 14]
plagueborn ooze / plagueborn [A 14, sort of]; Farheaven Village; Roga; Jolly Hag; Skorvlovs / Skorvlov family, Kenner Skorvlov, Adula Skorvlov, Klara Skorvlov; amber; leather; poison oak - needs to be added to Poisons of Golarion; necklace; jade; garnet; topaz; cloak; slime fever; emerald
9-19 Clash in Kaimuko Wood
Artwork for existing pages: samurai [A 5]; tengu [A 4, A 5, A 6]; katana [A 14]; utukku [A 14]; leather armour [A 6]
- Zepha [A 4 and art is on wiki]; Shiyo Takarak [A 5]; Captain Tai Dan [A 6 and artwork is on wiki]; Way of the Kirin (organization); Lieutenant Kaneka Riko [A cover, A 14]; Twenty-Four Masks [A 6]; Shepherd of Apotheosis [A 17]; Gilded Lotus Teahouse, likely same as Golden Lotus Teahouse in Shrine of the Sacred Tempest; North Winds Watch; mask; Sergeant Toko; Sergeant Naki; Commander Gu Xiang; Sergeant Bai Zhi; Scout Noro Yuto; Cook Fong; blight fire; architecture; glyph; celestial ward
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: longspear [A 14]; tatami-do [A 14]; double chicken sabres; bless weapon; daylight; magic weapon (spell); cure serious wounds; mirrored; light steel shield; lesser enlarge metamagic rod / enlarge metamagic rod; wakizashi; deeper darkness; gloom blade; blur; invisibility (spell); lesser restoration / restoration; cure light wounds; screaming bolt; kikko / kikko armour / kikko armor; aegis of recovery; belt of giant strength; heroism; non-detection / nondetection; aid; cure moderate wounds; enthral redirect exists already / enthrall; major image; create food and water; mass cure light wounds; plane shift; detect chaos; detect evil; bleed; staff of blessed relief; feather token (tree) / feather token; communal resist energy / resist energy; dispel magic; glyph of warding; cassock of the clergy; bear's endurance; communal stoneskin / stoneskin; dimensional anchor; summon monster IV; stone shape; tongues; charm person; protection from law; charm monster
9-20 Fury of the Final Blade
Artwork for existing pages: Colson Maldris [A 19, and artwork is on wiki]; Citizen Dread / Violaine Halphene [A 21]; final blade [A cover, and artwork is on wiki]
- Eylara Deleios, alias Delly [redirect] [A 6]; Isarn Prison / Gray Gardeners' prison facility (Isarn) / Gray Gardeners' facility (Isarn) (the place never gets a proper name and could be coined as the Gray Gardeners' headquarters (Isarn) too) [A 11 map; A 32 map]; guillotine [A cover]; Estienne Jacquert; Citizen Justice; Banking Reform and Regulation Act; Senators Augustyn Naran, Victoria Garvensi; Morvius Korkovin; Sabrine Tularis; Halmont Warrith; Duck Dock; Dustworks; ghost salt; Church of Pharasma (Isarn); primal elemental gem; Isarn's town square in text, better Town Square (Isarn)
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: sending; lesser restoration; detect magic; dimensional anchor; magic circle against good; unhallow; detect evil; detect undead; true seeing; phylactery of positive channelling / phylactery of positive channeling; death ward; arcane lock; cure light wounds; cure moderate wounds; cure serious wounds; amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor; remove disease; forbiddance; blink; ring of spell knowledge II / ring of spell knowledge III / ring of spell knowledge; ring of archon summoning affinity; ring of the ram; regenerate; mass charm person / charm person; deathwatch eyes; freedom of movement; glibness; misdirection; blindness/deafness; false life; oneiric horror; silence; color spray (colour spray redirect already made); comprehend languages; demand offering; detect poison; detect psychic significance; light (spell); message; prestidigitation; undetectable alignment; feeblemind; mind fog; deep slumber; nondetection; detect thoughts; sleep (spell); headband of alluring charisma; bane (weapon special ability); lantern; mask; cloak; key; satchel; lock; bolt; chainmail; manacles; masterwork
9-21 In the Grandmaster's Name
Artwork for existing pages: half-orc [A 4 and art is on wiki]; cleric [A 4 and art is on wiki]; tiefling [A 8 and art is on wiki]; expert [A 8 and art is on wiki]; Varisian [A 13]
Kristoff Valicho [A 4 and art is on wiki]; Irel Estate [A 6 map, A 21 map]; Majordomo Nayeli Rullus [A 8 and art is on wiki]; Emilio Bucsa [A 13; charlatan (NPC Codex 145)]; Kalistocrat Amynta Irel; Silver Spoon Inn and Tavern; alarm; marble; rosewood; bull's strength, cure moderate wounds; agile breastplate; ebony; book of extended summoning; grease (spell); locate object, remove paralysis; black tentacles; parchment; leather; disguise other; air bubble; bronze; bless, burning hands, cure light wounds, magic missile; alchemist's fire; disguise kit; everburning torch, healer's kit; thunderstone; jade; mahogany; jewellery; sapphire (gemstone); tiara; headband of alluring charisma; Chef Zarzubroshtor Loquamethic; living steel; granite; gloves; engineer's workgloves; handy haversack; marvellous pigments / marvelous pigments; emerald; maze; assassin topiary; compass
9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God
Artwork for existing pages: brine dragon [A cover, A 14] ; zombie [A 10]
Tempest Monarch, Ruler of Air and Sea [A cover, A 14]; crab [A 7]; Grotto of the Deluged God (Tempest Cay) [A 12 map, A 19 map]; Nalu [A 13 and art is on wiki]; hurricane; Pride of Aspenthar, a 'Thuvian caravel' captained by Captain Jaheem Quinn; Kakikko; water breathing; touch of the sea; feather token, feather token (swan boat), swan boat; coconut crab [A 7], giant coconut crab [A 7], crab swarm; cure light wounds; burning hands; tourmaline; sapphire (gemstone); Sailing Through the Eye: a Theoretical Study of the World's Largest Storm / Sailing Through the Eye; spyglass; brass; coral; Kelp (hippocampus); underwater light crossbow, bolt; potion sponge; compass; signal whistle; obsidian; underwater heavy crossbow; heroism; Trial of the Tempest; hydraulic push; greater magic fang; spider's silk rope; feather token (fan); alter winds; marble; volatile vaporiser / volatile vaporizer
9-23 The Ghol-Gan Heresy
Artwork for existing pages: grippli [A 4]
- Parveen [A cover & 16, and artwork is on wiki]; Kahsu [A 9, and artwork is on wiki]; Purpurrup [A 4]; Kaddodi [placed on map on A 3]; Boalisi; Hazh'a; fiend-keeper / fiend-keeping; Vanji Prospector's Guild; Mother Bogwynne / Bogwynne; Krihirik tribe; ritual seal; Parveen's prison [A 15, A 24 map]; Temple (Kaddodi), known as 'Blighted Temple' [A 11, A 23 map]; Lament of the Cyclopes; Twelve Rites; Just Joh; cyclops stonecrafting
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki:gnat; architecture; machete; water canteen; tapestry; saddlebag; heavy pick / pick; composite longbow; arrow; hide armour / hide armor; spell component pouch; cobra; anaconda
bracers of armour / bracers of armor; shock amulet of mighty fists / amulet of mighty fists; headband of inspired wisdom; calm emotions; comprehend languages; tongues; greater scrying; holy smite; symbol of stunning; poison-resistant; wall of force; hold monster; cure serious wounds; align weapon / oil of align weapon; unholy aura; levitate; blade barrier; protection from evil; cure moderate wounds; lesser restoration; greater dispel magic / dispel magic; amulet of natural armour / amulet of natural armor; dust of disappearance; protection from fire / protection from energy; disguise self; feather fall; see invisibility; deeper darkness; rainbow pattern; rusting grasp
9-24 Beneath Unbroken Waves
Artwork for existing pages: Wavebreak Haven [A 3 map]; Venture-Captain Rashmivati Melipdra [A 4]; undine [A 8]; Monastery of Unbreaking Waves [A 12 map, A 23 map]
- Remendi [A 8]; Falehetu [A cover; A 15 and this artwork is on wiki]; 3618 AR calculated as 4718 AR (year of publication) minus 1,100 years as per p. 3: year of tsunami; Deadly Ocean Passage; Commerce District, Niswan; Hyntheragha; Flawless Diamond; Thernalore Vamys; Zulfibha; Dathivi; Arzisu; Shurgus; Rhakned; Rirzik; black apoxia; brykolakas; brykolakas fever; brykolakas poison
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: crystal; water breathing; potion sponges; cure serious wounds; underwater crossbow; alchemist's fire; freedom of movement; underwater goggles; onyx; bear's endurance; invisibility (spell); slipstream; dispel magic; remove disease; tongues; restoration; belt of incredible dexterity; gloves of swimming and climbing; circlet of persuasion; heavy underwater crossbow; bolt; cestus; tiger fork; mage armour / mage armor; cure moderate wounds; cure light wounds; coral; lock; key; continual flame; sapphire (gemstone); comprehend languages; arcane lock; pick; shovel; stone shape; passwall; shark tooth amulet; suffocation (spell); protection from energy; suggestion; acid arrow; mirror image; expeditious retreat; magic missile; obscuring mist; shield (spell); true strike; acid splash; daze; detect magic; light (spell); mage hand; open/close; read magic; control winds
9-25 Betrayal in the Bones
Artwork for existing pages: minotaur [A cover]; Thurl [A 22]; gallu [A 22]; Taal Mornat [A 13 map; A 29 map]
- Bloodwhisper [A 22]; glaive [A 22]; agile (weapon special ability); Dalsine family; Kolm Durrendar; Khismia, presumably Khismia al-Jakri, though not stated as such in text; labyrinth token; stitched-flesh / demonflesh; runeplate; Aeruk; Chasarad; Hurenarr; Urdrekk; maze / labyrinth; Cave of Heroes; Thurl's Labyrinth; Krali; Urtilgi; Borsaget; Upper Ossuary; task-keeper; Lower Ossuary
Elements mentioned but adding no material to the wiki: ivory; cameo; brazier; lamp; mask; bronze; chain; mithral plate; quartz; masterwork backpack / backpack; waterskin; trail rations; pearl; moonstone; crown; bedroll; candle; vellum; robe; headscarf; grappling hook; silk rope; armour spikes
bane (weapon special ability); amulet of spell cunning; belt of incredible dexterity; boots of teleportation; bracers of armour / bracers of armor; carpet of flying; dwarfbond hammer; greater ricochet hammer / ricochet hammer; minotaur belt; barkskin; void pennant; charm monster; major image; true seeing; walk through space; maze (spell); life bubble; find the path; invisibility purge; unhallow; mirror image; animate objects; telekinesis (spell); miracle; protection from evil; chaos hammer; dispel magic; reverse gravity; veil; unholy blight; power word stun; tempest shield; divination (spell); breath of life; fireball; scorching ray; wall of fire; create water; flesh to stone / stone to flesh; cure serious wounds; displacement; circlet of persuasion; headband of vast intelligence; speed (weapon special ability); dimensional lock; symbol of insanity; hold monster / mass hold monster; song of discord; word of chaos; geas/quest; transmute rock to mud; slow; cloak of chaos; alter self; furyborn (weapon special ability); wounding (weapon special ability); moderate fortification (armour special ability) / fortification (armour special ability)